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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Possible Inorganic Origin for Stromatactis in Calcilutite Mounds in the Tully Limestone, Devonian of New York
Philip H. Heckel
Sedimentology of Clastic Rocks from the Fra Mauro Region of the Moon
John F. Lindsay
Air Photo Analysis of Blockfield Fabrics in Talus Valley, Tasmania
Nel Caine
Mineralogy And Sedimentation History, Santa Barbara Basin, California
Peter Fleischer
Mineralogy, Petrography and Derivation of Sands and Silts of the Continental Slope, Rise and Abyssal Plain of the Gulf of Mexico
David K. Davies
Distribution, Composition and Characteristics of the Surficial Sediments of Lake Ontario
R. L. Thomas, A. L. W. Kemp, C. F. M. Lewis
Clay Mineralogy of Holocene and Pleistocene Sediments, Guadalupe Delta of Texas
Robert A. Morton
Implications of Three Submarine Mass-Movement Deposits, Cretaceous, Sacramento Valley, California
Donald R. Lowe
Skewness and Kurtosis in Polymodal Sediments from the Irish Sea
D. S. Cronan
Analysis of Variance Applied to Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion in Sediments
Wayne C. Isphording
Size Analysis of Fine-grained Suspended Sediments: A Review
Donald J. P. Swift , J. R. Schubel, Raymond W. Sheldon
Bidirectional Current Ripple Marks in an Upper Devonian Internal Drainage Basin
Brian G. Jones
The Accuracy of Particle-Size Analyses Utilizing Settling Tubes
Dr. Ronald J. Gibbs
Thermoluminescence: A Tool for the Environmental Analysis of Recent Sediment Cores
Harry H. Roberts, William E. Graves
Calcite and Aragonite Phenomena Precipitated by Organic Decay in High Lime Concentrate Brines
H. J. McCunn
Subtidal Holocene Dolomite, Baffin Bay, Texas
E. William Behrens, Lynton S. Land
Experimental Vadose and Phreatic Cementation of Skeletal Carbonate Sand
Donald C. Thorstenson, Fred T. Mackenzie, Byron L. Ristvet
Marine Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediment, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
Duncan F. Sibley, Raymond C. Murray
Distribution of High-Magnesium Calcite in Lime Muds of the Great Bahama Bank: Diagenetic Implications
S. I. Husseini, R. K. Matthews
Trace Element Distribution in Reef and Subreef Rocks of Jurassic Age in Britain and Switzerland
Peter J. Davies
Southern British Honduras: Lagoonal Coccolith Ooze
Peter A. Scholle , Stanley A. Kling
Grain Accretion and Related Phenomena in Unconsolidated Surface Sediments of the Florida Reef Tract
Bruce W. Boyer
Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Fine Fraction of Recent Carbonate Sediments from Bimini, Bahamas
Ronald Dennis Stieglitz
Sediment Dispersal Patterns of Oolitic Calcarenite in the Sundance Formation (Jurassic), Wyoming
Randolph Stone, Carl F. Vondra
An Injection Structure in a Permian Limestone, Northern British Columbia
D. W. Morrow
A Note on Structures Resembling Molds of Tadpole Nests in the Upper Jurassic Tal Formation, Simla Himalaya, India: NOTES
O. N. Bhargava
Calcite Staining: Semiquantitative Determination of Ferrous Iron: NOTES
R. C. Lindholm , R B. Finkelman
A Useful Volumeter: NOTES
N. C. Janke
Discussion of "Quartz Grain Orientations (The Photometric Method)"
Peter C. Trescott
Discussion of "Quartz Grain Orientations--I (The Photometric Method)"--A Reply
Robert F. Sippel
Discussion of Spoljaric's Note on Preparation of Slides of Clay Minerals For X-Ray Diffraction
Ronald J. Gibbs
"Quick Preparation of Slides of Well-Oriented Clay Minerals for X-Ray Diffraction Analyses," A REPLY
Nenad Spoljaric