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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Boron in Illite as an Indicator of Paleosalinity of Illinois Coals

B. F. Bohor, H. J. Gluskoter

Variation in Clay Mineral X-Ray Diffraction Results with the Quantity of Sample Mounted

Per R. Stokke , Bobb Carson

The Dorag Dolomitization Model--Application to the Middle Ordovician of Wisconsin

Khosrow Badiozamani

Control and Distribution of Uranium in Coral Reefs During Diagenesis

Gedalia Gvirtzman , Gerald M. Friedman, Donald S. Miller

Supratidal Environment and Geochemistry of Some Recent Dolomite Concretions, Broad Sound, Queensland, Australia

Peter J. Cook

Phreatic vs. Vadose Diagenesis: Stratigraphy and Mineralogy of a Cored Borehole on Barbados, W. I.

Randolph P. Steinen , R. K. Matthews

Recent Stromatolites from Hydromagnesite and Aragonite Depositing Lakes Near the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia

M. R. Walter , S. Golubic, W. V. Preiss

Polyphase Limestone Dikes in the Oamaru Region, New Zealand

Douglas W. Lewis

The Timeball Hill Formation--A Fossil Delta

K. A. Eriksson

Provenance of Quaternary Sediments on the Labrador Continental Shelf and Slope

Roger M. Slatt, Alexander B. Lew

Deltaic Depositional Environments in the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian), Southeastern New York State

S. J. Mazzullo

Opaline Spheres: Loosely-packed Aggregates from Silica Nodule in Diatomaceous Miocene Fuller's Earth

Charles O. Pollard, Jr., Charles E. Weaver

Silcretes and Associated Silica Diagenesis in Southern Africa and Australia

David Smale

Mucilaginous Matrix of Some Estuarine Sands in Connecticut

Larry Frankel, Dennis J. Mead

Some Inference Problems in Paleocurrent Studies

David J. Sanderson

The Threshold of Sediment Movement Under Oscillatory Water Waves

Paul D. Komar, Martin C. Miller

An Occurrence of "Brick Pattern" Oscillatory Ripple Marks at Mono Lake, California

Paul D. Komar

Flume Experiments on the Transition from Ripples to Lower Flat Bed with Increasing Sand Size

John B. Southard, Lawrence A. Boguchwal

Ripple Marks in Quartzites from Kurnool Supergroup, Cuddapah Basin, India

D. Madhava Rao, K. V. G. K. Gokhale

Pseudo-Crosslamination Formed by Climbing Adhesion Ripples

Ralph E. Hunter

Internal Geometry and Origin of Vegetated Coastal Sand Dunes

Victor Goldsmith

Environmental Determination Using Hydraulic Equivalence Studies

Richard H. Lowright

Mean Magnetic Susceptibility: A Useful Parameter for Stratigraphic Studies of Glacial Till

Stephen P. Vonder Haar, W. Hilton Johnson

Edta Dissolution of Gypsum, Anhydrite, and Ca-Mg Carbonates

M. W. Bodine, Jr., T. H. Fernalld

Determination of Organic Carbon in Modern Carbonate Sediments

Alan A. Roberts, James G. Palacas, Irving C. Frost

Curves for the Determination of Compaction Using Deformed Cross-bedding

Graham Borradaile

Lognormal Size Distribution of Particulate Matter

Khalid Mahmood

Apparatus for Studies of Artificial Sediments

B. Bubela, J. Ferguson

Measuring Volumes of Sedimentary Grains

Mounir T. Moussa

Gelatin Coated Microscope Slides in Sedimentary Size Analysis

Lesley Anne Perrie, Peter A. Peach

Paleoflow Characteristics of a Late Cretaceous River in Utah from Analysis of Sedimentary Structures in the Ferron Sandstone: A Discussion

Dag Nummedal

Paleoflow Characteristics of a Late Cretaceous River in Utah from Analysis of Sedimentary Structures in the Ferron Sandstone: A Reply

Edward Cotter