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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Distribution of Submarine Cements in a Modern Caribbean Fringing Reef, Galeta Point, Panama

Ian G. MacIntyre

Calcification of Exposed Filaments of Endolithic Algae, Micrite Envelope Formation and Sediment Production

David R. Kobluk, Michael J. Risk

Experimental Carbonate Cementation: Salinity, Temperature and Vadose-Phreatic Effects

Khosrow Badiozamani, F. T. Mackenzie, D. C. Thorstenson

Protodolomite Redefined

Alan M. Gaines

Effect of Combustion Temperature and Time, and of the Oxidation Agent Used in Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Analyses of Sediments and Dissolved Organic Material

Ronald J. Gibbs

A Simple Nongravimetric Method for the Determination of Carbon Dioxide

Malcolm K. A. Farrow

Origin of Distorted Ooliths and Pisoliths

Curtis D. Conley

Diagenesis of Pre-Quaternary Carbonates as Indicated by Tracer Studies

Jan Veizer

Marginal Marine Deposits in the Upper Tesnus Formation (Carboniferous), Marathon Basin, Texas

Romeo M. Flores

Bioclastic Sediment Gravity Flow and Submarine Sliding in the Juana Diaz Formation, Southwestern Puerto Rico

Mounir T. Moussa

Clastic Accumulation of Sulphate Evaporites in Deep Water

W. Schlager , H. Bolz

Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes and Coastal Stratigraphic Units on the Northwest Flank of the Baltimore Canyon Trough Geosyncline

Daniel F. Belknap, John C. Kraft

Long Distance Transport of Foraminiferal Tests by Wind in the Thar Desert, Northwest India

A. S. Goudie, C. H. B. Sperling

Polymodal Composition of Beach Sands from the East Coast of India

A. Chakrabarti

Distribution and Origin of Quartz in the Sediments of the Indian Ocean

Venkatarathnam Kolla, Pierre E. Biscaye

Automated Classification of Deep-Sea Sediments

Thomas A. Davies , Lillian F. Musich, Peter B. Woodbury

Pleistocene Turbidites of the Canada Abyssal Plain of the Arctic Ocean

John S. Campbell, David L. Clark

Flocculation Behavior of Suspended Sediments and Oil Emulsions

N. Jay Bassin , Takashi Ichiye

Rain-Impact Ripples

H. Edward Clifton

Laminated Algal Mats from a Coastal Lagoon, Laguna Mormona, Baja California, Mexico

Robert J. Horodyski , Bonnie Bloeser, Stephen Vonder Haar

Terminology of Cross-Stratified Sedimentary Layers and Climbing-Ripple Structures

Ralph E. Hunter

Formation of Reactivation Surfaces Within Superimposed Deltas and Bedforms

Peter J. McCabe , Colin M. Jones

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Heavy Metals in Lake Sediments Near Sleeping Bear Point, Michigan

Jeffrey T. Cline , Richard L. Chambers

Differentiation of Glacier Environments by Sediment Characteristics: Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada

Hugh H. Mills

Gravel-Lens Formation in Antidune-Regime Flow--A Quantitative Hydrodynamic Indicator

M. G. Foley

Bedding Structures in a Channel Sand Bar of the Ganga River Near Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Indra Bir Singh

The Effects of Entrainment on the Hydraulic Equivalence Relationships of Light and Heavy Minerals in Sands

Rudy L. Slingerland

Experimental Study on the Effect of Deceleration on the Vertical Sequence of Sedimentary Structures in Silty Sediments

Indranil Banerjee

Skewness as a Paleoenvironmental Indicator

Hardarshan S. Valia, Barry Cameron

Ordinal Data and the Gamma Statistic in Geology

Andrew D. Miall

Grandfather Mountain Formation: Depositional Environment, Provenance, and Tectonic Setting of Late Precambrian Alluvium in the Blue Ridge of North Carolina

Frederic L. Schwab

Submarine Debris Flow Deposits in an Extensional Setting--Upper Devonian of Western Morocco

Guy Padgett , Robert Ehrlich, Marjorie Moody

The Significance of Contorted Bedding in Upper Ordovician Sediments of the Oslo Region, Norway

Patrick John Brenchley, Geoffrey Newall

Texture of Arkansas Novaculite Indicates Thermally Induced Metamorphism

W. D. Keller, George W. Viele, Clayton H. Johnson

Control of Mudcrack Patterns by the Infaunal Bivalve Pseudocyrena

Barry S. Kues, Charles T. Siemers

Microorganism Induced Weathering of Biotite and Hornblende Grains in Estuarine Sands

Larry Frankel

A Method for Staining Trace Fossils

Michael J. Risk, Robert B. Szczuczko

A One-Man Profiling Method for Beach Studies

W. J. Stephen

An Electro-Osmotic Knife for Slicing Large Box Cores

Kenneth J. McMillen, John E. Warme, Elze H. Hemmen

Eolian-Sand Turbidites

M. Sarnthein, L. Diester-Haass

Sources and Petrology of Beach Sand from Southern Monterey Bay, California

Rodney A. Combellick , Robert H. Osborne

Desiccation Features and the Reconstruction of Paleosalinities

Lawrence R. Baria

Sedimentologic and Physical Oceanographic Evidence of a Shelf Edge Counter Current Off Guinea Bissau, Guinea and Sierra Leone

David W. McGrail

Upper Cretaceous Resedimented Conglomerates at Wheeler Gorge, California: Description and Field Guide: DISCUSSION

Hans Nelson, Emiliano Mutti, Franco Ricci Lucchi

Upper Cretaceous Resedimented Conglomerates at Wheeler Gorge, California: Description and Field Guide: REPLY

Roger G. Walker

Size Analysis of Silt and Clay by Hydrophotometer: DISCUSSION

C. R. Tilly

Size Analysis of Silt and Clay by Hydrophotometer: REPLY

Clifton F. Jordan, Jr.

Destruction Of Plagioclase Twins By Stream Transport: DISCUSSION

Jamal Anwar

Destruction of Plagioclase Twins by Stream Transport: REPLY

Edward D. Pittman