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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Usage of Stratigraphic Nomenclature and Concepts in the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology or Time, Place, and Rocks -- How to Keep them Separate: EDITORIAL
Donald E. Owen
Wave Climate and Littoral Sediment Transport, Northeast Gulf of Alaska
Dag Nummedal, Michael F. Stephen
Sources of Shoaling in Charleston Harbor Fourier Grain Shape Analysis
Donald S. Van Nieuwenhuise, Jeffrey M. Yarus, Robert S. Przygocki, Robert Ehrlich
Dust-Storm Transport of Sediments to the North Atlantic Ocean
Herbert L. Windom, Charles F. Chamberlain
Equilibrium Shelf Sedimentation, Rio De La Plata Shelf, Puerto Rico
Orrin H. Pilkey (2,3), James V. A. Trumbull , David M. Bush (2,3)
A Geochemical Analysis of the Sediments and Sedimentation in the Hudson Estuary
C. R. Olsen, H. J. Simpson, R. F. Bopp, S. C. Williams, T. H. Peng, B. L. Deck
In Situ Experiments on the Burial of Marine Invertebrates
Jean Ann Nichols, Gilbert T. Rowe, C. Hovey Clifford, Robert A. Young
Quartz, Chert, and Feldspars in Modern Fluvial Muds and Sands
Raymond G. Charles , Harvey Blatt
Fluvial Sedimentation Conditioned by Quaternary Climatic Change in Central Texas
Victor R. Baker , Margarida Maria Penteado-Orellana
Fenestral and Associated Vadose Diagenetic Fabrics of Tidal Flat Carbonates, Middle Ordovician New Market Limestone, Southwestern Virginia
George Grover Jr., J. F. Read
Microdolomite-Rich Syntaxial Cements: Proposed Meteoric-Marine Mixing Zone Phreatic Cements from Mississippian Limestones, New Mexico
William J. Meyers, Kyger C. Lohmann
Precipitation of Beachrock Cements: Mixing of Marine and Meteoric Waters Vs. Co2-Degassing
Jeffrey S. Hanor
Experimental Ooids and Grapestones: Carbonate Aggregates and Their Origin
John C. Deelman
Thin-section Mechanical Analysis of a Miocene Coquina from Salum, Egypt
Amin R. Gindy, Ismail Z. Sultan
Origin of Fabrics in Speleothems Composed of Columnar Calcite Crystals
Alan C. Kendall , Paul L. Broughton
Alpha Radioactivity of the Constituent Particles in Some Pelletal Phosphorites from Safaga and Other Localities in Egypt
Amin R. Gindy
Pebbly Phosphorites in Shale: A Key to Recognition of a Widespread Submarine Discontinuity in the Middle Devonian of New York
Gordon C. Baird
Sedimentation on the Front of Eocene Gilbert-type Deltas, Washakie Basin, Wyoming
K. O. Stanley, Ronald C. Surdam
Depositional History of the Lamotte Sandstone of Southeastern Missouri
David W. Houseknecht , Frank G. Ethridge
Stevensite Oolites from the Green River Formation of Central Utah
Rodney Tettenhorst, George E. Moore, Jr.
Mn-Fe Coatings on Saprolite Fracture Surfaces
Charles E. Weaver
Angularity and Silica Coatings of Simpson Desert Sand Grains, Northern Territory, Australia
Robert L. Folk
Technique for Mounting and Sem Study of Individual Particles Less Than 10 Micrometers in Diameter: METHOD PAPER
David T. King, Jr., Gordon S. Banholzer, Jr.
Sample Packer for Randomly Oriented Powders in X-ray Diffraction Analysis: METHOD PAPER
Leonard G. Schultz
A Gravity Corer with a Simple Valve System: METHOD PAPER
Valter Axelsson, Lars Hakanson
An Inexpensive Magnetic Separator of Fine-Grained Magnetic and Paramagnetic Particles: METHOD PAPER
John A. Burger , G. Thomas Tisue
A Procedure for Making the Titan-Yellow Stain for Mg-Calcite Permanent: METHOD PAPER
Philip W. Choquette, Fred C. Trusell
Estimating Pore and Cement Volumes in Thin Section: METHOD PAPER
Robert B. Halley
Suggested Standards for the Reporting of Cathodoluminescence Results: METHOD PAPER
Donald J. Marshall
A Lightweight Sediment Sampler for Remote Field Use: METHOD PAPER
Mike J. Pearson
X-ray Identification of Clay Materials in Thin Sections: METHOD PAPER
M. J. Wilson, D. R. Clark
Sieving Precision: Sonic Sifter Versus Ro-Tap: METHOD PAPER
R. Timothy Wolcott
Distribution of Submarine Cements in a Modern Caribbean Fringing Reef, Galeta Point, Panama: DICUSSION
E. T. Alexandersson
Distribution of Submarine Cements in a Modern Caribbean Fringing Reef, Galeta Point, Panama: REPLY
Ian G. MacIntyre
Plastic-Spray Thin Section Cover: DISCUSSION
Warwick A. Dobbie, Christopher J. Burgess
Plastic Spray Thin Section Cover: REPLY
Mounir T. Moussa
Sedimentology of a Melange: Franciscan of Trinidad, California: DISCUSSION
Loren A. Raymond
Sedimentology of a Melange: Franciscan of Trinidad, California: REPLY
K. R. Aalto
Significance of Authigenic K-feldspar in Cambrian-Ordovician Carbonate Rocks of the Proto-atlantic Shelf in North America: Additional Comments Regarding the Southeastern United States: DISCUSSION
Leonard P. Alberstadt, Arthur L. Reesman