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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Barrier Islands, Lagoons, and Marshes
Bruce P. Hayden, Robert Dolan
The Role of Waves and Tidal Currents in the Development of Tidal-inlet Sedimentary Structures and Sand Body Geometry: Examples from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
Dennis K. Hubbard, George Oertel, Dag Nummedal
An Explanation of the Logarithmic Spiral Plan Shape of Headland-Bay Beaches
Paul H. Leblond
Temporal and Spatial Variations in Shoreline Changes and their Implications, Examples from the Texas Gulf Coast
Robert A. Morton
Boulder Barricades in Central Labrador
Peter S. Rosen
On How Some Rays (Elasmobranchia) Excavate Feeding Depressions by Jetting Water
Murray R. Gregory, Peter F. Ballance, Graham W. Gibson, Anthony M. Ayling
Cenozoic Sedimentation in the Pacific Ocean: Steps Toward a Quantitative Evaluation
Thomas R. Worsley, Thomas A. Davies
Significance of Unstained and Stained Gravel on the Newfoundland Continental Slope and Rise
Lionel Carter
Recognition and Sedimentologic Description of Recent Debris Flow Deposits from the Ross and Weddell Seas, Antarctica
Dennis D. Kurtz, John B. Anderson
Sediment Transport During the Winter on the Yukon Prodelta Norton Sound, Alaska
D. E. Drake, C. E. Totman, P. L. Wiberg
Suspended Material Over the Central Oregon Continental Shelf in May 1974: I, Concentrations of Organic and Inorganic Component
I. N. McCave
Regional Surface Turbidity and Hydrographic Variability on the South Texas Continental Shelf
Gerald L. Shideler
Prodelta Sedimentation on a Lacustrine Delta by Clay Mineral Flocculation
N. J. Hyne, L. W. Laidig, W. A. Cooper
Petrology and Provenance of Neogene Sand from Nicobar and Bengal Fans, DSDP Sites 211 and 218
Raymond V. Ingersoll, Christopher A. Suczek
Deltaic Sedimentation--Cambrian of South Australia
P. S. Moore
Petrology of Triassic-Jurassic Conglomerates in the Culpeper Basin, Virginia
R. C. Lindholm, J. M. Hazlett , S. W. Fagin
Sandstone Petrology: Upper Jurassic Naknek Formation of the Alaska Peninsula and Coeval Rocks on the Bering Shelf
Hugh Mclean
The Ooids of Baffin Bay, Texas
L. S. Land, E. W. Behrens, S. A. Frishman
Experimental Compaction of Ooids and Lime Mud and its Implication for Lithification During Burial
Ajit Bhattacharyya , Gerald M. Friedman
Beachrock In Proterozoic Dolostone of the Belcher Islands, Northwest Territories, Canada
J. Allan Donaldson, Brian D. Ricketts
Benthic Community Development in Limestone Beds of the Waynesville (Upper Dillsboro) Formation (Cincinnatian Series, Upper Ordovician) of Southeastern Indiana
Frank W. Harris , Wayne D. Martin
Storm-Wave Genesis of Bioclastic Carbonates in Upper Jurassic Epicontinental Mudstones, East-central Wyoming
Ralph W. Specht , Robert L. Brenner
Facies and Environments of Miocene Reef Limestones in Israel
Binyamin Buchbinder
Authigenic Iron Sulfides as Paleosalinity Indicators
Robert A. Berner, Timothy Baldwin, George R. Holdren, Jr.
Origin of Oolitic Iron Formations: DISCUSSION
Pier L. Binda, Joop G. Moltzer
Origin of Oolitic Iron Formations: REPLY
Michael M. Kimberley
On the Diagenesis of Lime Mud: Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations of Subsurface Material from Barbados, W.I.: DISCUSSION
Ajit Bhattacharyya
On the Diagenesis of Lime Mud: Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations of Subsurface Material from Barbados, W.I.: REPLY
Randolph P. Steinen
Cementation of Sandstones: DISCUSSION
Knut Bjorlykke
Cementation of Sandstones: REPLY
Lynton S. Land, Shirley P. Dutton
Cementation of Sandstones: REPLY
James R. Boles, Stephen G. Franks