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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Physical Processes and Fine-grained Sediment Dynamics, Coast of Surinam, South America
John T. Wells, James M. Coleman
Periodic Mudflat Progradation, Northeastern Coast of South America: A Hypothesis
John T. Wells, James M. Coleman
Processes and Rates of Recent (Holocene) Basin Filling in an Active Transform Margin: Santa Monica Basin, California Continental Borderland
D. N. Malouta , D. S. Gorsline, S. E. Thornton
Size Distribution of Disaggregated Inorganic Suspended Sediment: Southern New Jersey Inner Continental Shelf
Joseph T. Kelley
The Non-normal Distribution of Intermittent Suspension Sediments Below Breaking Waves
Stephen K. Kennedy, Robert Ehrlich, Timothy W. Kana
Hydraulic Interpretation of Grain-size Distributions Using a Physical Model for Bedload Transport
J. S. Bridge
The Applicability of the Gibbs Equation for Grain Settling Velocities to Conditions Other than Quartz Grains in Water
Paul D. Komar
Fungus-bound Quasi-sandstone
R. V. Dietrich, J. R. Lampky
Sediment Reworking and the Biogenic Formation of Clay Laminae by Abarenicola Pacifica
David D. Swinbanks
Shrinkage Cracks: Desiccation or Synaeresis?
P. S. Plummer , V. A. Gostin
Coarsening-upward Sequences in Beach Cusp Accumulations
Henry S. Chafetz, Gary Kocurek
Relationship Between Tracers And Background Beach Material
Neil E. Caldwell
Sedimentology of Muddy Fine-grained Channel Deposits in Meandering Streams of the American Middle West
Roscoe G. Jackson II
Formation and Early Diagenesis of Varved Evaporite Sediments in a Coastal Hypersaline Pool
Jacob Kushnir
Synsedimentary Lacustrine Phosphorites from the Pliocene Glenns Ferry Formation of Southwestern Idaho
Krystyna Swirydczuk, Bruce H. Wilkinson, Gerald R. Smith
Primary, Bedded, Structureless Phosphorite of the Khubsugul Basin, Mongolia
A. V. Ilyin, G. I. Ratnikova
Depositional Facies of Mississippian Clastics, Antler Foreland Basin, Central Diamond Mountains, Nevada
Dwight W. Harbaugh , William R. Dickinson
Climate and the Origin of Quartz Arenites
Lee J. Suttner, Abhijit Basu, Greg H. Mack
Composition of Modern Stream Sand in a Humid Climate Derived from a Low-Grade Metamorphic and Sedimentary Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt of North Georgia
Greg H. Mack
Detrital Quartz as an Indicator of Distance from Shore in Marine Mudrocks
Harvey Blatt, Matthew W. Totten
Metamorphic Terrane Favored Over Rocky Mountains as Source of Claiborne Group, Eocene, Texas Coastal Plain
Ann Boggs McCarley
Two Types of Outer Fan Lobe Sequence, from the Late Precambrian Kongsfjord Formation Submarine Fan, Finnmark, North Norway
Kevin T. Pickering
Evidence for a Sea Level Lowstand Between 4500 and 2400 Years B.P. on the Southeast Coast of the United States
Chester B. DePratter, James D. Howard
Patterns of Silicification in Permian Pelecypods and Brachiopods from Wyoming
James G. Schmitt, Donald W. Boyd
Intragranular Mg-Calcite Cement in Halimeda Plates from the Brazilian Continental Shelf
E. T. Alexandersson, J. D. Milliman
A Revaluation of the Geologic Phenomenon of Sand Flotation: A Field and Experimental Approach
James P. M. Syvitski, David A. van Everdingen
Paleosols and Tidal-flat/Lagoon Sequences on a Carboniferous Carbonate Shelf: Sedimentary Associations of Triple Disconformities
Robert Riding, V. Paul Wright
Spring Peas from New York State: Nucleation and Growth of Fresh Water Hollow Ooliths and Pisoliths
B. Charlotte Schreiber, Denys Smith, Edward Schreiber
Avoiding Intellectual Obsolescence: A Discussion of Harvey Blatt's Editorial in the June 1981 Issue: DISCUSSIONS
George Devries Klein
Use and Misuses of the -Scale: DISCUSSION
J. W. Pierce, R. R. Graus
On the Formation and Occurrence of Saddle Dolomite: DISCUSSION
D. H. Zenger
On the Formation and Occurrence of Saddle Dolomite: REPLY
Bruce M. Radke, Robert L. Mathis