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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes
P. D. Wagner, R. K. Matthews
Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: DISCUSSION
Clyde H. Moore, Frank C. Brock, Jr.
Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: REPLY
P. D. Wagner, R. K. Matthews
The Role of Diffusion During Carbonate Diagenesis
Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.
pH and Eh Changes in Sea-Marginal Algal Pools of the Red Sea: And Their Effect on Carbonate Precipitation
Gerald M. Friedman, H. A. Foner
Low-Magnesian Calcite Marine Cement in Middle Ordovician Hardgrounds from Kirkfield, Ontario
Bruce H. Wilkinson, Susanne U. Janecke, Carlton E. Brett
The Sequence and Mechanism of Low-Temperature Dolomite Formation: Calcian Dolomites in a Pennsylvanian Echinoderm
David F. Blake, Donald R. Peacor, Bruce H. Wilkinson
Diagenesis of Carbonates in Deep-Sea Sediments--Evidence From SR/CA Ratios and Interstitial Dissolved SR2+ Data
Paul A. Baker, Joris M. Gieskes, Harry Elderfield
The Recognition and Interpretation of Paleokarsts: Two Examples from the Lower Carboniferous of South Wales
V. P. Wright
Soft-sediment Deformation Fabric in the Precambrian Bhander Oolite, Central India
Soumen Sarkar , S. K. Chanda, Ajit Bhattacharyya
Genesis of Calcrete in Quaternary Soil Profiles, Hutt and Leeman Lagoons, Western Australia
A. V. Arakel
Cyclic Deposits and Hummocky Cross-Stratification of Probable Storm Origin in Upper Cretaceous Rocks of the Cape Sebastian Area, Southwestern Oregon
Ralph E. Hunter, Edward H. Clifton
Cold-water Stress in Florida Bay and Northern Bahamas: A Product of Winter Cold-Air Outbreaks
H. H. Roberts, L. J. Rouse, Jr., N. D. Walker, J. H. Hudson
The Upper Cretaceous Beartooth Sandstone of Southwestern New Mexico: A Transgressive Deltaic Complex on Silicified Paleokarst
Henry S. Chafetz
A Precambrian Upper Basin-Slope and Prodelta in Northeast Finnmark, North Norway--a Possible Ancient Upper Continental Slope
Kevin T. Pickering
Authigenic K-feldspar in the Bromsgrove Sandstone Formation (Triassic) of Central England
A. D. Ali, P. Turner
Sedimentology of Nearshore Marine Bar Sequences from a Paleozoic Depositional Regressive Shoreline Deposit of the Central Coast of Ghana, West Africa
Cheng K. Ly
Characterization of Alluvial Sources in the Owens Valley of Eastern California Using Fourier Shape Analysis
J. L. Wagoner, J. L. Younker
Surface Textures of Quartz Grains from Various Recent Sedimentary Environments in Kuwait
S. Al-Saleh, F. I. Khalaf
Flat Stratification: Two Ancient Examples
R. C. Lindholm
Sequential Stage Development of Crescentic Bars: Hahoterim Beach, Southeastern Mediterranean
Victor Goldsmith, Dan Bowman, Kevin Kiley
Shoreline Sedimentation within a Forearc Embayment, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska
Miles O. Hayes, Jacqueline Michael
Crestal Overtop and Washover Sedimentation on a Fringing Sandy Gravel Barrier Coast, Carnsore Point, Southeast Ireland
Julian D. Orford, R. W. G. Carter
Sediment Gravity Flows: II Depositional Models with Special Reference to the Deposits of High-Density Turbidity Currents
Donald R. Lowe
Mineralogical Analysis of Suspended Cohesive Sediment Using an Analytical Electron Microscope
Robert Bryant, David J. A. Williams
Geochemical Indices of Fine Sediment Transport, Northwest Gulf of Mexico
Charles W. Holmes
Limestone Response to Stress: Pressure Solution and Dolomitization--Discussion and Examples of Compaction in Carbonate Sediments: DISCUSSION
Brian R. Pratt
Limestone Response to Stress: Pressure Solution and Dolomitization: REPLY
Harold R. Wanless
Implications of Two Cretaceous Mass-transport Deposits, Sacramento Valley, California--Comments on Papers by Gary L. Peterson, and Brown and Rich: DISCUSSION
David H. Chipping
Implications of Two Cretaceous Mass-transport Deposits, Sacramento Valley, California--Comments on Papers by Gary L. Peterson, and Brown and Rich: REPLY
Raymond V. Ingersoll