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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Depositional Facies of a Mud Shoreface in Suriname, South America--A Mud Analogue to Sandy, Shallow-Marine Deposits
J. M. Rine , R. N. Ginsburg
Glauconitic Sediments on the Continental Shelf off Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Brian D. Bornhold, Pierre Giresse
The Diagenesis of Neogene Clastic Sediments from the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh
M. B. Imam , H. F. Shaw
Evidence of Tide, Storm, and Wave Interaction on a Precambrian Siliciclastic Shelf: The 1,700 M.Y. Ortega Group, New Mexico
Kristian Soegaard , Kenneth A. Eriksson
Mineralogically Mature Sandstones in Accretionary Prisms
Michael Anthony Velbel
A Comparison of Clast Fabric and Shape in Late Precambrian and Modern Glacigenic Sediments
Julian A. Dowdeswell, Michael J. Hambrey, Ruitang Wu
Substrate Destruction and Sediment Production by the Boring Sponge Cliona Caribbaea on Grand Cayman Island
Kelly Lee Acker, Michael J. Risk
The Role of Erosion by Fish in Shaping Topography Around Hudson Submarine Canyon
David C. Twichell, Churchill B. Grimes, Robert S. Jones , Kenneth W. Able
Synsedimentary Slides and Bedding Formation in Apennine Pelagic Limestones
Walter Alvarez, Roberto Colacicchi, Alessandro Montanari
Carbonate Debris Flows, Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland
Richard N. Hiscott, Noel P. James
Calcified Algae as Sediment Contributors to Early Paleozoic Limestones: Evidence from Deep-Water Sediments of the Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland
Mario Coniglio, Noel P. James
Diagenesis of Quaternary Bahamian Beachrock: Petrographic and Isotopic Evidence
J. A. Beier
Spheroidal Weathering in Marls and Chalks of Gebel Gurnah Near Luxor, Southern Egypt
Amin R. Gindy , Ahmad J. Al-Shakiry, Nadi A. Sa'ad
Synsedimentary Dissolution Pits in Halite of the Permian Salado Formation, Southeastern, New Mexico
Dennis W. Powers, Bruce W. Hassinger
Micritic Cement in Microborings is not Necessarily a Shallow-Water Indicator: DISCUSSION
Gerald M. Friedman
Meaning and Usage of Micrite Cement and Matrix: REPLY
John D. Milliman, James A. Hook, Stjepko Golubic
Modern Cool-Water Beach Sands of Southwest England: DISCUSSION
Philippe Roselle
Modern Cool-Water Beach Sands of Southwest England: REPLY
John R. Merefield