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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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The Chemical Discrimination of Clastic Sedimentary Components
Scott Argast, Thomas W. Donnelly
Hafnium Content of Detrital Zircons, A New Tool for Provenance Study
Michael R. Owen
Variation in Ilmenite Element Composition within and Among Drainage Basins: Implications for Provenance
Dennis A. Darby, Yu Wen Tsang
Sandstone Provenance, Point Loma Formation, San Diego, California: Evidence for Uplift of the Peninsular Ranges During the Laramide Orogeny
Gary H. Girty
Tectonic and Hydrologic Controls on Cyclic Alluvial Fan, Fluvial, and Lacustrine Rift-Basin Sedimentation, Jurassic-Lowermost Cretaceous Todos Santos Formation, Chiapas, Mexico
Terence C. Blair
Medano Creek, Colorado, a Model for Upper-Flow-Regime Fluvial Deposition
Richard Langford, Bryan Bracken
The Goodness-of-fit to Ideal Gauss and Rosin Distributions: A New Grain-size Parameter
Ruprecht Schleyer
Methane-related Carbonate Cements in Pockmarks of the North Sea
Martin Hovland, Michael R. Talbot, Henning Qvale, Snorre Olaussen, Lars Aasberg
Nonskeletal Peloidal Precipitates in Upper Triassic Reefs, Yukon Territory (Canada)
R. Pamela Reid
Effects of Natural and Artificial Thalassia on Rates of Sedimentation
M. N. Almasi , C. M. Hoskin , J. K. Reed, J. Milo
Facies-Specific, Calcitic and Bimineralic Ooids from Middle and Upper Cambrian Platform Carbonates, Western Newfoundland, Canada
Nancy Chow , Noel P. James
A Spherulitic Fabric in Selectively Dolomitized Siliciclastic Crustacean Burrows, Northern Kuwait
A. Gunatilaka, A. Al-Zamel, D. J. Shearman, A. Reda
The Evaporation Path of Seawater and the Coprecipitation of Br- and K+ with Halite
M. A. McCaffrey, B. Lazar, H. D. Holland
St. Peter Sandstone: A Still Closer Look Required: DISCUSSION
A. J. Van Loon