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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Role of Microbial Processes in Linking Sandstone Diagenesis with Organic-rich Clays

Peter B. McMahon, Francis H. Chapelle, W. Fred Falls, Paul M. Bradley

A Model for Sandstone Compaction by Grain Interpenetration

L. P. Stephenson, W. J. Plumley, V. V. Palciauskas

Secondary Porosity in the Brent Group (Middle Jurassic), Huldra Field, North Sea: Implication for Predicting Lateral Continuity of Sandstones?

Tor Nedkvitne, Knut Bjorlykke

Modelling Exchange of Natural Trace Sediments Between an Estuary and Adjacent Continental Shelf

Shu Gao, Michael Collins

Clay Microfabric of Deep-Sea, Detrital Mud(Stone)s, California Continental Borderland

Suzanne Reynolds, Donn S. Gorsline

Diagenetic Alteration of Chamositic Clay Minerals to Ferric Oxide in Oolitic Ironstone

Edward Cotter

Halite Pseudomorphs After Gypsum: A Suggested Mechanism

B. Charlotte Schreiber (2,3), David Walker (3,4)

Paleopedology and Paleoclimatic Implications of Late Ordovician Vertic Paleosols, Juniata Formation, Southern Appalachians

Steven G. Driese, J. Lincoln Foreman

Topographic and Vegetative Controls on Calcrete Formation, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies

Victor Rossinsky Jr., Harold R. Wanless

Bypass-zone Tempestite Facies Model and Proximality Trends for an Ancient Muddy Shoreline and Shelf

Paul M. Myrow

Stratigraphy of a North Sea Tidal Sand Ridge

Richard A. Davis, Jr., Peter S. Balson

Neoformed Physils in Ordovician Ooids

Charles E. Weaver

Early- to Late-diagenetic Dolomitization of Platform Carbonates: Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, Permian Basin, West Texas

Joachim E. Amthor , Gerald M. Friedman

Micritized Skeletal Grains in Northern Belize Lagoon: A Major Source of Mg-calcite Mud

R. Pamela Reid, Ian G. Macintyre, Jeffrey E. Post