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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Coarse-Grained Storm Beds of the Upper Cretaceous Chungo Member (Wapiabi Formation), Southern Alberta, Canada
Richard J. Cheel, Dale A. Leckie
Hurricane-Induced Sediment Transport in Open-Shelf Tropical Systems--An Example from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Dennis K. Hubbard
The Effects of Wind Transport on the Shapes of Quartz Silt Grains
Jim Mazzullo, Andrew Alexander , Thomas Tieh , Ding Menglin
Deltaic and Shoreline Sedimentation in Saurashtra Basin, Western India: An Example of Infilling in an Early Cretaceous Failed Riff
S. M. Casshyap, M. Aslam
Pot and Gutter Casts from the Chapel Island Formation, Southeast Newfoundland
Paul M. Myrow
The Hydrogeochemistry of Early Meteoric Diagenesis in a Holocene deposit of Biogenic Carbonates
Michael E. McClain , Peter K. Swart, H. L. Vacher
Dolomitization of a Carbonate Platform During Late Burial: Lower to Middle Cambrian Shady Dolomite, Virginia Appalachians
Roger J. Barnaby , J. Fred Read
Glacial Dispersal Rejuvenation on the Allegheny Plateau, North-Central Ohio, Based on Till Carbonate Patterns
John P. Szabo, Stanley M. Totten
Construction of Spar Calcite Crystals Around Spores
Brian Jones
Palustrine Carbonates and the Florida Everglades: Towards an Exposure Index for the Fresh-Water Environment?
Nigel H. Platt , V. Paul Wright
Characteristics and Provenance of Log-Transported Gravels in a Carboniferous Channel Deposit
Yuejin Liu , Robert A. Gastaldo
Volcanic Ash: the Source Material for Ordovician Chamosite Ooids in Sweden
Ulf Sturesson
Comment on the Origin of Aragonite Needle Mud: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Ian G. Macintyre, R. Pamela Reid
Halite Pseudomorphs After Gypsum in Bedded Anhydrite--Clue to Gypsum-Anhydrite Relationships
Susan D. Hovorka
Applications of Geochemical Data to Modelling Sediment Dispersal Patterns in Distal Turbidites: Late Quaternary of the Madeira Abyssal Plain
T. J. Pearce, I. Jarvis
Estuarine Facies Models: Conceptual Basis and Stratigraphic Implications: PERSPECTIVE
Robert W. Dalrymple, Brian A. Zaitlin, Ron Boyd
Pebble Shape (and Size!): DISCUSSION
Douglas I. Benn, Colin K. Ballantyne
Pebble Shape (and Size!): REPLY
Werner K. Illenberger