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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Shoreline Trajectories and Sequences: Description of Variable Depositional-Dip Scenarios

William Helland-Hansen, Ole J. Martinsen

Formalizing Geological Knowledge--With an Example of Modeling Stratigraphy Using Fuzzy Logic

Ulf Nordlund

Cyclic Sedimentation of Carbonate and Siliciclastic Deposits on a Late Precambrian Ramp: The Elisabeth Bjerg Formation (Eleonore Bay Supergroup), East Greenland

Henrik Tirsgaard

Complex Fluvial Response to Low Gradients at Maximum Regression: A Genetic Link Between Smooth Sequence-Boundary Morphology and Architecture of Overlying Sheet Sandstone

John M. Holbrook

Cycle Stacking and Long-Term Sea-Level History in the Lower Cretaceous (Gavrovo Platform, NW Greece)

J. Grotsch

Tectonic Control of Nested Sequence Architecture in the Castlegate Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Book Cliffs, Utah

Shuji Yoshida, Andrew Willis, Andrew D. Miall

Depositional Geometries and Facies Associations in an Upper Cretaceous Prograding Carbonate Platform Margin (Orfento Supersequence, Maiella, Italy)

Maria Mutti , Daniel Bernoulli , Gregor P. Eberli , Adam Vecsei

Synrift Continental to Marine Depositional Sequences, Tertiary, Gulf of Aden, Yemen

Dan Bosence , Gary Nichols , Abdul-karim Al-Subbary (1,2), Khalid A. Al-Thour , Michael Reeder

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Part of the Plio-Pleistocene Kakegawa Group, Western Shizuoka, Japan

Tetsuya Sakai , Fujio Masuda

A Neogene Mixed Siliciclastic and Carbonate Foundation for the Quaternary Carbonate Shelf, Florida Keys

E. Robert Warzeski , Kevin J. Cunningham , Robert N. Ginsburg , John B. Anderson , Zan-Dong Ding

Late Quaternary Deltaic and Carbonate Sedimentation in the Gulf of Papua Foreland Basin: Response to Sea-Level Change

P.T. Harris , C.B. Pattiaratchi , J.B. Keene , R.W. Dalrymple , J.V. Gardner (5), E.K. Baker (6), A.R. Cole (6), D. Mitchell (6), P. Gibbs (7), W.W. Schroeder (8)

Forced Regressions and Lowstand Deltas: Holocene Canadian Examples

B.S. Hart, B.F. Long

Hardbottom Morphology and Relationship to the Geologic Framework: Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf

Stanley R. Riggs , Stephen W. Snyder , Albert C. Hine , David L. Mearns (4)

Sequence Stratigraphy of a Coastal-Plain Incised Valley Estuary: Lake Calcasieu, Louisiana

Scott L. Nichol , Ron Boyd , Shea Penland