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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Concave Sand Grains in Eolian Environments: Evidence, Mechanism, and Modeling
B. T. Werner , E. Merino
Transport and Deposition of Cassiterite by a Malaysian Stream
W. K. Fletcher , C. H. Loh
Fire-Related Sedimentation Events on Alluvial Fans, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A.
Grant A. Meyer , Stephen G. Wells
Rock-Avalanche Elements of the Shadow Valley Basin, Eastern Mojave Desert, California: Processes and Problems
S. Julio Friedmann
Silica-Cemented Beachrock from Lake Taupo, North Island, New Zealand
Brian Jones , Michael R. Rosen , Robin W. Renaut
Authigenic Chabazite and Implications for Weathering in Sirius Group Diamictite, Table Mountain, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Warren W. Dickinson, Rodney H. Grapes
Siwalik Paleosols (Miocene, Northern Pakistan): Genesis and Controls on Their Formation
Michael J. Zaleha ()
Alluvial Terraces and Paleosols as Indicators of Early Oligocene Climate Change (John Day Formation, Oregon)
Erick A. Bestland
Late Quaternary Turbidite Emplacement on the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain (Iberian Margin)
Susana M. Lebreiro (1 ), I. Nicholas McCave , Philip P. E. Weaver
The Role of Iron in Mudstone Diagenesis: Comparison of Kimmeridge Clay Formation Mudstones from Onshore and Offshore (UKCS) Localities
Joe H. S. Macquaker , Charles D. Curtis , Max L. Coleman
Provenance Investigations Using Magnetic Susceptibility
David L. Kimbrough, Patrick L. Abbott, R. Gordon Gastil, Patrick J. W. Hamner
Sources and Distribution of Organic and Carbonate Carbon in Surface Sediments of Pyramid Lake, Nevada
Gabrielle E. Tenzer, Philip A. Meyers, Peter Knoop
Organic Matter in the Genesis of High-Island Atoll Peloidal Phosphorites: The Lagoonal Link
Jean Trichet, Abdelouahad Fikri
Dolomitization by Mixed Evaporative Brines and Freshwater, Upper Miocene Carbonates, Nijar, Spain
William J. Meyers , Feng H. Lu , John K. Zachariah
Association of Redeposited Salt Breccias and Potash Evaporites in the Lower Miocene of Stebnyk (Carpathian Foredeep, West Ukraine)
Tadeusz Marek Peryt , Volodymyr M. Kovalevich
Mineralogical, Geochemical (REE), and Isotopic (K-Ar, Rb-Sr, d18O) Evolution of the Clay Minerals from Faulted, Carbonate-rich, Passive Paleomargin of Southeastern Massif Central, France
Norbert Clauer , Francis Weber , Francois Gauthier-Lafaye , Theofilos Toulkeridis (1, 2), Jean-Pierre Sizun
Paleokarst in an Upper Devonian Reef Complex of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
Annette D. George, C. McA. Powell
Diagenesis of Middle Devonian Carbonate Mounds of the Mader Basin (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Bernd Kaufmann
Lower Cambrian Apatitic Stromatolites And Phospharenites Related To The Glacio-Eustatic Cratonic Rebound (Sahara, Algeria)
Janine Bertrand-Sarfati , Rene Flicoteaux , Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine , Ali Ait Kaci Ahmed
High-Gradient Magnetic Separation Applied to Sand-Size Particles: An Example of Feldspar Separation from Mafic Minerals: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
S. Hillier, M. E. Hodson
The Cryolander: A New Method for Fine-Scale in Situ Sampling of Intertidal Surface Sediments: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Karen H. Wiltshire (), James Blackburn, David M. Paterson
The Fischer Diagram in the Depth Domain: A Tool for Sequence Stratigraphy: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Peter I. Day
Photogeological and Image-analysis Techniques for Collection of Large-Scale Outcrop Data: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Malcolm J. Arnot , Timothy R. Good , Jonathan J. M. Lewis
Quantification of Topography Using a Laser-transit System: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Guido L. Bracco Gartner, Wolfgang Schlager