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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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A Big Fan of Signals? Exploring Autogenic and Allogenic Process and Product In a Numerical Stratigraphic Forward Model of Submarine-Fan Development
Peter M. Burgess, Isabella Masiero, Stephan C. Toby, Robert A. Duller
Sand Liquefaction Induced By a Blast Test: New Insights On Source Layer and Grain-Size Segregation Mechanisms (Late Quaternary, Emilia, Italy)
Daniela Fontana, Sara Amoroso, Luca Minarelli, Marco Stefani
Lateral Facies Variability Along the Margin of an Outcropping Salt-Withdrawal Minibasin, South Australia
John W. Counts, Charles R. Dalgarno, Kathryn J. Amos, Stephen T. Hasiotis
Three-dimensional Reduced-Complexity Simulation of Fluvio-Deltaic Clastic Stratigraphy
Oriol Falivene, Alessandro Frascati, Michele Bolla Pittaluga, John Martin
Morphological Analysis of Archetypal Calcite Cement
J.A.D. Dickson