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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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How distinctive are flood-triggered turbidity currents?

Catharina J. Heerema, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny, Ricardo Silva Jacinto, Stephen M. Simmons, Ronan Apprioual, Peter J. Talling

Paleoenvironmental insights from the deposition and diagenesis of Aptian pre-salt magnesium silicates from the Lula Field, Santos Basin, Brazil

Nívea G. Carramal, Daniel M. Oliveira, Alessandra S.M. Cacela, Matheus A.A. Cuglieri, Natasha P. Rocha, Samuel M. Viana, Sérgio L.V. Toledo, Saulo Pedrinha, Luiz F. de Ros

The late Miocene eolian record at the eastern margin of the Puna Plateau, NW Argentina: Evidence of upper-tropospheric paleocirculation

Jonathan Ledesma, Cecilia E. Del Papa, Patricio Payrola

Oyster shells, bulk carbonate sediment, and meteoric calcite cement as recorders of oceanic and radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr in mixed heterozoan carbonates and terrigenous sediment

Gunnar Sælen, Juan Carlos Braga, Fernando Sola