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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Diagenesis of carbonate density-flow deposits controlled by differential uplift of platform segments: examples from the Cretaceous of the Gargano Promontory, Italy

Gunnar Sælen, Luigi Spalluto, Niels Bo Jensen, Ivar Grunnaleite, Atle Jørgen Hestad Sande, Per Olav Eide Svendsen, Gaetano Osso, Nicola Paoli, Michael R. Talbot

Production and abundance of macro-aggregate bed clasts from moderately consolidated cohesive beds and their implications for sediment management

David W. Perkey, S. Jarrell Smith, Kelsey A. Fall, Danielle R.N. Tarpley, Carl T. Friedrichs

Formation of ammonite concretions through organic decomposition in the iron-reduction zone

Yusuke Muramiya, Hidekazu Yoshida, Nagayoshi Katsuta, Ryusei Kuma, Tomoyuki Mikami

Using delta channel width to estimate paleodischarge in the rock record: geometric scaling and practical sampling criteria

Octria Adi Prasojo, Anna E. van Yperen, Trevor B. Hoey, Amanda Owen, Richard Williams

Interpreted depositional conditions of balanced-fill lake basin strata incorporating vertebrate and invertebrate trace fossils, Triassic Santa Clara sub-basin, Cuyana rift basin, Argentina

Cecilia A. Benavente, Kevin M. Bohacs, Adriana C. Mancuso

A Pliocene lacustrine system in the Nellis basin, southern Nevada, USA: implications for the Colorado River drainage system

Brett T. McLaurin, Dirk Goossens, Brenda J. Buck, Wanda Taylor

Quantifying a tide-dominated, wave-, and river-influenced delta in Miocene facies of the Niger Delta basin

Sunny C. Ezeh, Janok P. Bhattacharya

An eolian dust origin for clastic fines of Devono-Mississippian mudrocks of the greater North American midcontinent—Discussion

Ryan D. Wilson, Juergen Schieber

An eolian dust origin for clastic fines of Devono-Mississippian mudrocks of the greater North American midcontinent—Reply

Austin J. McGlannan, Alicia Bonar, Lily Pfeifer, Sebastian Steinig, Paul Valdes, Steven Adams, David Duarte, Benmadi Milad, Andrew Cullen, Gerilyn S. Soreghan