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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Kansas Geological Society
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Beattie Limestone Facies and Their Bearing on Cyclical Sedimentation Theory
John Imbrie, Leo Laporte, Daniel F. Merriam
The Cottage Grove and Noxie Sandstones ("Layton") in South-Central Kansas
George S. Schulte
Flint Hills Physiography
John C. Frye, A. Byron Leonard
Geology of the Abilene Anticline in Kansas
Claude W. Shenkel Jr.
Oil and Gas Fields of South-Central Kansas
Edwin D. Goebel
South-Central Kansas: Guidebook, 24th Field Conference in Cooperation with the Kansas Geol. Survey
Daniel F. Merriam
Stratigraphy of Lower Pennsylvanian Rocks in Northeastern Hugoton Embayment
Dean A. McManus
Surface to Subsurface Correlation of Lansing-Kansas City Rocks (Pennsylvanian) in Kansas
Robert W. Parkhurst
Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Rocks in Northeastern Kansas
Daniel F. Merriam