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New Orleans Geological Society
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Alliance Field: Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
Thomas A. Cullinan
Avondale Field: Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
H. G. Collier, Jr.
Bayou Rambio-Delarge Field: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Bayou Segnette Field: Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Louis E. Lemarie, Donald I. Andrews
Bayou Sorrel Field: Iberville Parish, Louisiana
Robert M. Brown
Bonnet Carre Field: St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana
Raymond G. Voelker
Bourg Field: Terrebonne and Lafourche PHS., Louisiana
James A. Seglund
Caillou Island (East) Field: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Paul S. Freeman
Coquille Bay Field: Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
William E. Bridges
Delacroix Island Field: Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
Roland B. Keller
East Black Bay Field: Plaquemines Parish, LA.
Dwight A. Free, Jr.
East Lake Palourde (Central and South Fault Blocks): Assumption Parish, Louisiana
Paul S. Freeman
East Lake Verret Field: Assumption Parish, LA.
Paul Jurik
Fordoche Field: Point Coupee Parish, Louisiana
Jesse F. Wright
Frenier Field: St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana
Raymond G. Voelker
Front Matter
H. G. Collier, Jr.
Gibson Field: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Nestor D. Phillips
Halter Island: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
D. H. Bredeson
Kent Bayou-Turtle Bayou-North Turtle Bayou Fields: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Robert T. Sellars, Jr.
Lake Boeuf Field: Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
Lake Pelto Field: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Thomas G. Fails
Lapeyrouse Field: Terrebonne Parish, LA.
La Pice Field: Saint James Parish, Louisiana
Charles D. Tyler
La Place Field: St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana
Raymond G. Voelker
Larose Field: Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
Richard L. Meinert
Little Lake Field: Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Robert M. Swords
Livonia Field: Point Coupee Parish, LA.
H. E. Northcott
Melodia Field: Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
Frederick P. Bingham
Mosquito Bay: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
D. H. Bredeson
Oakley Field: Assumption Parish, Louisiana
C. T. (TOM) Higgins
Pierre Pass Field: Assumption Parish, Louisiana
Leonard L. Limes
Saturday Island Field: Jefferson and Plaquemines Parishes, Louisiana
Ronald R. Grost
St. Gabriel Field: Ascension and Iberville Parishes, Louisiana
Dale Maxwell Holyoak
Stella Field: Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
Sullivan's Lake Field: Iberville Parish, Louisiana
Robert M. Brown
West Black Bay and Black Bay Fields: Plaquemines Parish, LA.
Dwight A. Free, Jr.
Westwego Field: Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
H. G. Collier, Jr.