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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
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The Ancestral Rocky Mountains
B. W. Beebe
Geology of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico
J. W. Gabelman
Guidebook, Panhandle of Oklahoma, Northeastern New Mexico, South-Central Colorado: 35th Anniversary Field Conference
B. Donald Price
Hugoton Gas Field
Harold J. Kleen
Keyes Field
H. S. Carver Jr.
Northwestern Anadarko Basin
B. W. Beebe
The Raton Basin
Harry W. Oborne
The Sierra Grande Uplift
William Dixon Neiler
Subsurface Stratigraphy of Northern Union County
R. W. Foster
Wet Mountains and Apishapa Uplift
Harry W. Oborne