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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
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"A Chart of Connate Water Resistivity in Oklahoma and its Application to Electric Log Interpretation"
L. A. Puzin
Aeromagnetometry as a Primary Reconnaissance Tool
DR. Joseph A. Sharpe
The Central Oklahoma Earthquake of April 9, 1952
Ross R. Heinrich
A Faunal Study of the Pumpkin Creek Limestone Member of the Big Branch Formation in the Ardmore Area
Peggy Frances Parthenia Cantrell Devonshire
A Geological Cross Section from the Wichita Mountains to the Elk City Pool
Robert C. Lang, III
Geology of East Pauls Valley Pool
V. L. Frost, H. L. Crockett
Geology of Elk City Field
Robert J. Beams
Geology of Oklahoma Ground Water Supplies Mineral Report No. 11, Oklahoma Geological Survey, Norman, Oklahoma
Robert H. Dott
Geology of the Cookson Hills Area, Cherokee County, Oklahoma*
Clemens P. Brauer
Geology of the Ozark Uplift, Northeastern Oklahoma
George Garrett Huffman
Geophysics of the Anadarko Basin
Paul L. Lyons
The Granite Ridge of Oklahoma
Hubert E. Bale, Geo. O. Williams
Identification of Geological Formations by Growing Vegetation
A. N. Murray
Magnetic Properties of "Granite" Wash and Unwashed "Granite"
Duane H. Reno
Methods of Determining the Secondary Recovery Possibilities of a Reservoir
W. A. Heath
Mid-Paleozoic Paleogeography of Central Texas
John Emery Adams
North Central Oklahoma Shelf Area
L. E. Fitts, Jr.
Observations on the Geologic History of the Gulf of Mexico
C. L. Moody
Occurrence of Oil in Sedimentary Basins with Special Reference to Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Carl A. Moore
Oil in Southern Oklahoma
Erwin L. Selk
Origin and Oil Possibilities of the Anadarko Basin
Robert R. Wheeler
Production Chart of Nemaha Granite Ridge Fields
Lon B. Turk
Ringwood Oil Field Major County, Okla.
Joseph Kornfeld
Sedimentary Basin Development and its Bearing on Oil Occurrence
L. G. Weeks
Seismic Study of Ceres Pool
H. M. Thralls
The Simpson Group Along the North Flank of the Anadarko Basin
Ray Francis Dietrich, Jr.
Some Aspects of Subsurface Geologic Correlations
Carl A. Moore
Southeastern Oklahoma
Dean C. Wellman
Southwestern Oklahoma--The Hollis Basin
Joe M. Sears
Stratigraphic Position of the Hilltop Formation of Oklahoma
William F. Tanner
The Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Washita, Beckham and Roger Mills Counties, Oklahoma
Robert P. McNeal
A Study of the Subsurface Geology of the Northeastern Part of Comanche County, Oklahoma
Lyman N. Hayes
The Subsurface Geology of Beaver County, Oklahoma
Wayne H. Grimes
The Subsurface Geology of Canadian County, Oklahoma
Za Grant Kimberlin, Jr.
Subsurface Geology of Carter Knox Oil Field, Stephens and Grady Counties, Oklahoma
Joe H. Pate
The Subsurface Geology of Coal County Oklahoma
Roy Berry Dannenberg
Subsurface Geology of Eastern Kay County, Oklahoma; and Southern Cowley County, Kansas
Earl W. Smith
The Subsurface Geology of Grant County, Oklahoma
George F. Dana
Subsurface Geology of Northeastern Logan County, Oklahoma
Jere Wesley McKenny
Subsurface Geology of Northeast Lincoln and Southeast Payne Counties, Oklahoma
M. Gawid Akmal
The Subsurface Geology of Southern Noble County, Oklahoma
Kenneth G. Page
The Subsurface Geology of Southwest Logan County, Oklahoma
William Jack Ford
Subsurface Geology of the Bayou Field, Carter County, Oklahoma
Vernon L. Williams
Subsurface Geology of the Chitwood Area Grady County, Oklahoma
Don Lee Wallace
The Subsurface Geology of the Garber Area, Garfield County, Oklahoma
L. W. Cary
The Subsurface Geology of Woods and Alfalfa Counties, Northwestern Oklahoma
Albert E. Allen, JR.
The Subsurface Geology of Woodward County, Okla.
Boyd Dewitt Hartley Powell, Jr.
A Subsurface Study of the Lower Pennsylvanian Rocks of East Central Oklahoma
Neil A. Jackson
A Subsurface Study of the Post-Morrowan Series of the Pennsylvanian System of Township 2 South, Range 3 West, Carter County, Oklahoma
Richard F. Shaw, JR.
A Subsurface Study of the Pre-Pennsylvanian Rocks of Cleveland and McClain Counties, Oklahoma
Ralph W. Disney
A Subsurface Study of the South Palacine Oil Field Stephens County, Oklahoma
Walter E. Atkinson
Surface and Shallow Subsurface Investigation of the Senora Formation of Northeastern Oklahoma
Herbert E. Ware, Jr.
Theses: 1904 - 1955
Underground Storage Geology
Harold S. Thomas
Wave-Cut Erosion Surface in the Wichita Mountains
William F. Tanner
West Duncan Pool
D. M. Putman