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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society

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1. Opening Address [Abstract]

Chester H. Lauck

10. Caney, Goddard, and Springer Palynological Equivalents in Europe [Abstract]

L. R. Wilson

11. Pre-Springeran Unconformity and Oil Accumulation, Madill-Aylesworth trend, Marshall and Bryan Counties, Oklahoma [Abstract]

W. A. Beckman, Jr., L. L. Sloss

12. Diagenetic Aspects of Lower Morrow Sandstones, Northwestern Oklahoma [Abstract]

W. L. Adams

13. Springer Sandstone Variability [Abstract]

L. C. Jacobsen

14. Effects of Hinge Line Deposition and Truncation in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma [Abstract]

Richard D. Ash, Robert Klinger

15. The Influence of Regional Tectonics and Local Structure on Deposition of the Morrow Formation in the Western Anadarko Basin [Abstract]

James M. Forgotson, Jr., Anthony T. Statler, Marthann David

16. Kinsler Morrow Gas Field -- Morton County, Kansas [Abstract]

Herbert G. Davis

17. Aspects of Petroleum Evolution in the Cherokee Group of Southeastern Kansas and Northeastern Oklahoma [Abstract]

Donald R. Baker

18. Burgess Sand Reservoirs of Kansas [Abstract]

F. W. Morgan, M. E. Torline

19. Chester -- Upper Meramec Problems in Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles: Panhandle Geological Society [Abstract]

Ira D. Taylor, Chairman

2. Some Regional Aspects of the Upper Mississippian -- Lower Pennsylvanian of the Mid-Continent [Abstract]

Edward Barrett

20. Identification and use of Conodonts from Meramecian Rocks (Upper Mississippian) Recovered from Well Cores from the Subsurface of Western Kansas [Abstract]

Thomas L. Thompson, Edwin D. Goebel

21. Pre-Pennsylvanian Subcrop of the Mississippian Osage on the Flanks of the Central Kansas Uplift [Abstract]

Robert M. Euwer

22. Pre-Pennsylvanian Structure and Paleogeology of the Palo Duro Basin in the Texas Panhandle [Abstract]

John B. Best, Jr.

3. The Chester, Morrow, and Atoka Series in Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma [Abstract]

E. A. Merewether, Boyd R. Haley, Sherwood E. Frezon

4. Distribution and Significance of Foraminifera in the Atoka Formation in the central Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma [Abstract]

Philip H. Stark

5. Evidence for Marine Transgression at the base of the Atoka Formation in the eastern Arbuckle Mountains Region, Oklahoma [Abstract]

Charles L. Rowett, Patrick K. Sutherland

6. Professional Standards and the Geologist [Abstract]

J. A. Taylor

7. Geologic maps versus other geologic theories -- northern Arkansas [Abstract]

Ernest E. Glick

8. Biostratigraphic correlation of Chester and Morrow rocks of northern Arkansas [Abstract]

MacKenzie Gordon, Jr.

9. Type Sections of Morrow Series, Lower Pennsylvanian, Washington County, Arkansas [Abstract]

Lloyd G. Henbest

Aerial Geology of Lane NE Quadrangle, Pushmataha and Atoka Counties, Oklahoma

Connie Mac Krivanek

A Geological History of Oklahoma's Vegetation

L. R. Wilson

Geology of the Aetna Gas Field, Franklin and Logan Counties, Arkansas

Roger Planalp

How Wall Street Views the Oil Industry

Richard D. Hart

Insoluble Residues

Mary H. McCracken

Isopach and Lithofacies Study of the Desmoinesian Series of North-Central Oklahoma

Marcus Nelson McElroy

Isopach and Lithofacies Study of Virgilian and Missourian Series of North-Central Oklahoma

James Warren Fambrough

Kinsler Morrow Gas Field Morton County, Kansas

Herbert G. Davis

Mississippian Rocks in the Subsurface of Alfalfa and Parts of Woods and Grant Counties, Northwestern Oklahoma

Wayne D. Thornton

Mississippian Rocks in the Subsurface of Garfield and Western Noble Counties, Oklahoma

Roger H. McDuffie

Mississippian Rocks in the Subsurface of the Kingfisher-Guthrie Area, Oklahoma

Tom L. Rowland

Parameters of Subsurface Structural Reconnaissance in the Simpson Group (Ordovician), South Norman Area, Oklahoma

George O. McDaniel, Jr.

Pennsylvanian of the North Flank of the Anadarko Basin

Kenneth E. Gibbons

Pennsylvanian Sandstone Trends in Eastern Oklahoma

William F. Tanner

Petroleum Geology of East Pauls Valley Area, Garvin County, Oklahoma

Robert Thomas Young

Petroleum Geology of Southeast Lincoln Oil Field Kingfisher County, Oklahoma

Charles A. Durham, Jr.

Petroleum Geology of Southwestern Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma

Gerald W. Pybas

Petroleum Geology of T.19N., R.6W., Hennessey Area Kingfisher County, Oklahoma

Ataolah Mogharabi

Petroleum Geology of the Taloga-Custer City Area Dewey and Custer Counties, Oklahoma

Houston L. Slate

Pre-Chester Mississippian Rocks of Northwestern Oklahoma

Edward Arthur Hoffman Jr.

Professional Standards Committee Report

Reconnaissance Report on the Northern Portion of the Appalachian Basin with Emphasis on the Allegheny Belt

Edward Barrett

Report of the Professional Standards Committee of the Oklahoma City Geological Society

Subsurface Geology of Northern Lincoln County, Oklahoma

D. Bryan Ferguson

Subsurface Geology of South-Central Pawnee County, Oklahoma

Richard A. Berryhill

Subsurface Geology of the Joiner City Field, Carter County, Oklahoma

John Dale Hellman

Subsurface Geology of West-Central Lincoln County, Oklahoma

George E. Kurash Jr.

Subsurface Study of Morrowan Rocks in Central and Southern Beaver County, Oklahoma

Lynn W. Barrett, II

A Subsurface Study of the Fernvale and Viola Formations in the Oklahoma Portion of the Arkoma Basin

Tom Mairs

Subsurface Study of the Hunton Group (Silurian-Devonian) in the Oklahoma Portion of the Arkoma Basin

Richard L. England

Surface Geology of the Muskogee Area, Muskogee County, Oklahoma

Walton Bell

Tetonic Patterns in the Appalachian-Ouachita-Oklahoma Mountain Complex

William F. Tanner

Theses: 1961-June, 1964

Well Sitting Techniques

Robert W. Waring