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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section of AAPG
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Basic Subsurface Geology of the South-Central Sacramento Valley
Sargent T. Reynolds
The Clear Lake Volcanics, California: Geology and Fieldtrip Guide
Julie M. Donnelly, Fraser E. Goff, B. Carter Hearn Jr.
Developments in the Dry Steam Geothermal Province - Lake and Sonoma Counties, California
Lowell E. Garrison
Field Guide
Chris Carlson
Field Guide
Raymond V. Ingersoll
Field Trip Guide
Julie Donnelly
Fieldtrip Guidebook, Castel Steam Field, Great Valley Sequence, April 29, 1978
Field Trip Stop #4: Castle Steam Field and Plant #13
The Franciscan Assemblage and Great Valley Sequence in the Geysers-Clear Lake Region of Northern California
Robert J. McLaughlin
Franciscan Complex-Great Valley Sequence Relationships North of Clear Lake, California
James O. Berkland
Geothermal Prospecting in the Geysers-Clear Lake Area, Northern California
Fraser E. Goff, Julie M. Donnelly, J. M. Thompson, B. Carter Hearn Jr.
Gravity Anomalies in the Geysers-Clear Lake Area, Northern California
Rodger H. Chapman