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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section of AAPG
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An Analysis of Sedimentary Facies, and Facies Geometry: A Model of Longitudinal Turbidity Current Transport. Ventura Basin, California With Special Emphasis on the Ventura Avenue Field
Kenneth J. Hsu, Kerry Kelts, James W. Valentine
Late Quaternary Slip Rates on the Oak Ridge Fault, Transverse Ranges, California: Implications for Seismic Risk
Robert S. Yeats
The Monterey Formation of the Southern California Coastal Basins
Gregg H. Blake
Morphology and Sediments of Redondo Submarine Fan Southern California
Barbara E. Haner
Oak Ridge Fault, Ventura Fold Belt, and the Sisar Decollement, Ventura Basin, California
Robert S. Yeats, Gary J. Huftile, F. Bryan Grigsby
Santa Barbara and Ventura Basins - Tectonics, Structure, Sedimentation, Oilfields Along an East-West Transect
A. G. Sylvester, G. C. Brown
Sedimentation of the Sespe Formation in Southern California
Jeffrey L. Howard
Structural Development of the Ventura Avenue Anticlinal Trend at the San Miguelito and Rincon Oil Fields, Ventura County, California
F. Bryan Grigsby
Structural Geology of the Chaffee Canyon Oil Field, Ventura County, California
Gary J. Huftile