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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Panhandle (Texas) Geological Society
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Bernstein (Upper Morrow) Field
Boyd Field
Bradford (Tonkawa) Field
Bradford Field (Cleveland and Upper Morrow Sand)
Carthage Field
Cree-Flowers Field
Dower Field
East Channing Field
East Sturgis Field
Ellis Ranch Field
Farnsworth (Upper Morrow) Field
Feldman-Tonkawa Field
Frass Field
Hansford Lower Morrow Field
Hansford Middle Morrow Field
Hansford Upper Morrow Field
Hitchland Field
Hutchinson & Bar Nine Field
Ivanhoe Field
John Creek Field
Kelln Tonkawa Field
Kerrick Field
Keyes Field
Kiowa Creek (Douglas) Field
Kiowa Creek (Tonkawa) Field
Laketon Field
Light Field
Lipscomb-Morrow Field
Lips Field
Mocane-Laverne Field
Mocane-Laverne Field
Mocane-Laverne Field
Mocane-Laverne Field
Mouser & South Mouser Field
N. E. Dower Field
N. Unity Field
North Hutchinson Field
NW Eva Field
Parsell & Mathers Fields
Perryton Field
Quinduno (Lansing-Kansas City) Field
Quinduno (Lecompton) Field
Quinduno (Lecompton North) Field
Quinduno (Lower Albany Dolomite) Field
R. H. F. Morrow Field
The Red Cave Formation of the Texas Panhandle
R. G. Rogers
Rehm Field
Review of Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas for the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle Area
Robert B. Totten
Shallow Oil & Gas Fields of the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles
B. Leiker et al.
Shallow Oil & Gas Fields of the Texas Panhandle and Hugoton
Henry Rogatz
Share Upper Morrow Field
South Como Tonkawa Field
Southeast Griggs Field
South Griggs Field
Spearman East, (Atoka) Field
Stratford Gas & Judd Oil Field
Stratigraphy Oklahoma-Texas Panhandles
B. J. Cunningham
Tectonics & Geologic History of the Texas & Oklahoma Panhandles
M. W. Eddleman