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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Abstract: Amdel: - Services to Petroleum Exploration
B. L. Watson
Abstract: Aspects of Regional Groundwater Movement and Hydrocarbon Migration in the Eromanga Basin
M. A. Habermehl
Abstract: Aspects of the Source Rock and Petroleum Geochemistry of the Eromanga Basin
D. M. McKirdy
Abstract: Basement Structure under the Central Eromanga Basin from Seismic Refraction Studies
J. Lock
Abstract: Cyanobacterial Mats and other Bacteria: Major Contributors to the Formation of the Lower Cretaceous Toolebuc Oil Shales
M. Glikson
Abstract: Depositional Environment of the Toolebuc Formation and its Equivalents, Eromanga Basin, Australia
S. Ozimic
Abstract: Environmental Aspects of Exploration in the Eromanga Basin Arid Zone
R. C. Buckley
Abstract: Gravity Features in the Eromanga Basin
V. Anfiloff
Abstract: Landsat Interpreted Structure and Groundwater Flow within the Eromanga and Surat Basins
Staff of Hunting Geology, Geophysics (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.
Abstract: Late Triassic ('Rhaetian') and Jurassic Palynostratigraphy of the Surat Basin
J. L. McKellar
Abstract: Mesozoic Stratigraphy - SW Margin of the Eromanga Basin
G. J. Ambrose, R. B. Flint
Abstract: Resistivity Structure of the Central Eromanga Basin and Underlying Sequences from Magnetotelluric Soundings
A. G. Spence, D. M. Finlayson
Abstract: Seismic Data from the Eromanga Basin
B. Rumph
Abstract: The Central Eromanga Basin Project - A Contribution to the Regional Study of the Eromanga and Underlying Basins
F. J. Moss
Abstract: The Merrimelia Oil and Gas Field
O. J. W. Bowering, D. M. Harrison
Abstract: The Petroporphyrins in the Oil Shale from the Julia Creek Deposit
A. Ekstrom, H. Loeh, L. Dale
Abstract: The Relationship between the Thomson Syncline and Underlying Barcoo Trough
K. D. Wake-Dyster
Abstract: The Significance of Gamma-Ray Anomaly in the Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation Facies and in Their Lateral Equivalents Eromanga and Carpentaria Basins
S. Ozimic
Abstract: The Surat and Eromanga Basins: A Palynostratigraphical Perspective
M. E. Dettmann, J. Filatoff, P. L. Price
The Birkhead Formation - A Jurassic Petroleum Reservoir
I. M. Paton
The Canaway Fault and its Effect on the Eromanga Basin
J. Pinchin, V. Anfiloff
Cretaceous of the Southwestern Eromanga Basin: Stratigraphy, Facies Variations and Petroleum Potential
P. S. Moore, G. M. Pitt
The Eromanga Basin
J. D. Armstrong, T. M. Barr
The Eromanga Basin within the Great Artesian Basin
M. A. Habermehl
Geochemistry of Oil Shale in the Eastern Eromanga Basin
J. D. Saxby
Geology of the Dullingari Murta Oilfield
T. J. Mount
Geothermal Gradients in the Eromanga-Cooper Basin Region
G. M. Pitt
Hydrocarbon Flushing in the Eromanga Basin - Fact or Fallacy?
K. C. Moriarty, A. F. Williams
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Eromanga Basin, South Australia - Problems and Progress in Subsurface Correlation
D. I. Gravestock
Landsat Interpreted Structure and Groundwater Flow within the Eromanga Basin
B. R. Senior
Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Sedimentation in the Great Artesian Basin
M. J. Wiltshire
The Long Lead-up to Commercial Oil Discovery in the Mesozoic Eromanga Basin
Reg. C. Sprigg
Margin of the Eromanga Basin South Australia: A Review
B. G. Forbes
Marine Cretaceous of the Great Australian Basin - Foraminifera and Palynology Finally Make Sense
Viera Scheibnerova
Maturation Patterns in the Eromanga Basin
A. J. Kantsler, A. C. Cook, M. Zwigulis
Mesozoic Geology of the Simpson Desert Region, Northern South Australia
P. S. Moore
Middle Permian - Middle Triassic Rocks of the Southwestern Cooper Basin
Bridget C. Youngs, Peter G. Boothby
Organic Facies in the Eromanga Basin
A. C. Cook
Organic Matter and Vanadium in the Toolebuc Formation of the Eromanga Basin
K. W. Riley, J. D. Saxby
Palynology of the Eromanga Basin and its Applications
D. Burger
A Review of the Early Cretaceous Murta Member in the Southern Eromanga Basin
G. Ambrose, R. Suttill, I. Lavering
Revision of Eromanga Basin Limits
M. J. Wiltshire
Some Aspects of the Theory of Hydrodynamic Entrapment of Oil and Gas
J. W. Holmes
Source Rock Chemistry and Maturation of the Central Eromanga Basin
V. L. Passmore, C. J. Boreham
Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Dalhousie Anticline, Southwest Eromanga Basin
G. W. Krieg