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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Abstract: An Independent's View of Queensland Petroleum Exploration
Norm Zillman
Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Indicators of Biodegradation in North Western Australian Reservoirs
S. J. Fisher, R. Alexander, R. I. Kagi, G. A Oliver
Basement Control and Geoseismic Definition of the Cornea Discovery, Browse Basin, Western Australia
Alan Stein, Keith Myers, Chris Lewis, Theresa Cruse, Steve Winstanley
Continuous Oil Pools and Self-Sourcing Reservoirs: International Examples and Australian Possibilities
John Scott
Contributions to the Geology of the Wiso Basin (Middle Cambrian to Ordovican), Northern Territory
John D. Gorter, Robert S. Nicoll, Robyn Purcell, Sally E. Phillips
The Coolcalalaya Sub-Basin: A Forgotten Frontier 'between' the Perth and Canarvon Basins, WA
Arthur J. Mory, Robert P. Iasky, Sergey I. Shevchenko
Development of the Goodwyn Gas Field, Dampier Sub-Basin
A. Young
Dongara Oil and Gas Field, Perth Basin
Grant K. Ellis, Richard H. Bruce
An Effective Lower Cretaceous Petroleum System on the North West Shelf: Evidence from the Browse Basin
J. E. Blevin, C. J. Boreham, R. E. Summons, H. I. M. Struckmeyer, T. S. Loutit
Evaluating Trap Integrity in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea, Australia, Using Integrated Remote-Sensing Geochemical Technologies
G. W. O'Brien, P. Quaife, R. Cowley, M. Morse, D. Wilson, M. Fellows, M. Lisk
An Evaluation of the Mardie Greensand Reservoir, Thevenard Island Area, Carnarvon Basin
D. A. Seeburger, N. W. D. Miller, G. J. Beacher, J. P. Schulz-Rojahn, J. P. Popek
Evidence for a Submarine Oil Seep in the Offshore Northern Perth Basin
T. J. Currie, R. Alexander, R. I. Kagi
Evidence of Lower Triassic Reservoirs with Possible Hydrocarbon Charge in the Southern Bonaparte Basin
John D. Gorter, Victor Ziolkowski, Stewart W. Bayford
Exploration, Development and Production Activities in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins: 1997–1998
Rob Heath
Exploration, Development and Production Activities in the Denison Basin: 1997–1998
Ian Mortimore
Fluid Flow, Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Entrapment History of the Plover Formation, Sahul Platform, Australia
Grant K. Ellis
Geochemistry of a Palaeo-Oil Column, Octavius 2, Vulcan Sub-Basin
Simon C. George, Mark Lisk, Peter J. Eadington, Robinson A. Quezada
Higher Plant Biomarkers on the North West Shelf: Application in Stratigraphic Correlation and Palaeoclimate Reconstruction
B. G. K. van Aarssen, R. Alexander, R. I. Kagi
Hydrocarbon Charge in the Vulcan Sub-Basin
M. Lisk, M. P. Brincat, P. J. Eadington, G. W. O'Brien
Hydrocarbon Leakage on the North West Shelf, Australia: New Information from the Integration of Airborne Laser Fluorosensor (ALF) and Structural Data
G. T. Cooper, C. R. Barnes, J. D. Bourne, G. J. Channon
Inferring Kerogen Kinetics for Exploration in the Timor Sea Region
David C. Lowry
Integrated Teamwork - A Case Study
Steve Mackie
Lambert 2 Oil and Gas Discovery, Carnarvon Basin
D. R. Kingsley, M. J. Thompson, D. P. Harris, J. Fowles
Late Tertiary-Quaternary Geological Evolution of the Houtman Abrolhos Carbonate Platforms, Northern Perth Basin
Lindsay B. Collins, Zhong Rong Zhu, Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll
The Lennard Shelf Revisited
Angelo Crostella
Lower Palaeozoic Correlations and Thermal Maturity, Carnarvon Basin, WA
Arthur J. Mory, Robert S. Nicoll, John D. Gorter
Marine Biostratigraphy and Correlation of the West Australian Permian Basins
N. W. Archbold
Mechanisms of Dynamic Seal Failure in the Timor Sea and Central North Sea Basins
Richard R. Hillis
Neogene Deformation of the North West Shelf, Australia
M. Keep, C. McA. Powell, P. W. Baillie
A New Approach to Seismic Acquisition in Queensland
Lindsay Horn
A New Kinematic Model for the Formation and Evolution of the West and Northwest Australian Margin
R. Dietmar Müller, Dona Mihut, Stephanie Baldwin
A New Tectonic Model for the Evolution of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Falih M. Daim, Paul G. Lennox
The Outer Limits of Australia's Resource Jurisdiction Off Western Australia
Philip A. Symonds, Brian Murphy, Doug Ramsay, Keith Lockwood, Irina Borissova
Palaeogeography and its Impact on the Petroleum Systems of the North West Shelf, Australia
J. Bradshaw, J. Sayers, M. Bradshaw, R. Kneale, C. Ford, L. Spencer, M. Lisk
The Palaeozoic Play in the South Canning Basin - Results of Looma 1
M. R. King
Petroleum Generating Potential and Thermal History of the Neoproterozoic Officer Basin, Western Australia
K. A. R. Ghori
Petroleum Generating Potential and Thermal History of the Palaeozoic, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
K. A. R. Ghori
Petroleum Geology of the Peedamullah Shelf, Northern Carnarvon Basin
A. R. Yasin, R. P. Iasky
Re-Interpretation of the Permo-Carboniferous Succession, Canning Basin, Western Australia
S. N. Apak, J. Backhouse
Recent Activity in ATP 549P - Cooper Basin
Malcom Boardman
Recent Developments in Coal Seam Gas in Queensland
Steve Scott
Recent Discoveries in the Barrow and Dampier Sub-Basins: Agincourt, Alkimos, Wonnich, Reindeer and Legendre Fields
M. Ballesteros
Reservoir Geology of the Perseus Field, North West Shelf, Australia
N. B. Thompson, M. L. Taylor, N. C. Taylor
Review of Petroleum Exploration and Development in Queensland: 1997–1998
Luke Sorby, Victor Suchocki
Revised Biostratigraphic (Condont-Palynomorph) Zonation of the Triassic of Western and Northwestern Australia and Timor
Robert S. Nicoll, Clinton B. Foster
Revised Sea-Floor Spreading History of the Argo Abyssal Plain
Dona Mihut, R. Dietmar Müller
Revised Upper Permian Stratigraphy of the Bonaparte Basin
John D. Gorter
Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Middle to Upper Devonian Sequences in the Southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
John D. Gorter, Arthur Mory, Robert S. Nicoll
State of Stress in the Timor Sea Area, Based on Deep Wellbore Observations and Frictional Failure Criteria: Application to Fault-Trap Integrity
David A. Castillo, Richard R. Hillis, Keven Asquith, Mike Fischer
Stratigraphy, reservoir Geometry and Facies Architecture of a Modern Arid Playa Basin Lacustrine Delta; Neales River Delta, Lake Eyre, Australia
Tim Hicks
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the M. australis Sandstone, Barrow and Dampier Sub-Basins
Ian A. Dyson
Structural Evolution and Charge History of the Exmouth Sub-Basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
K. Tindale, N. Newell, J. Keall, N. Smith
Structural Evolution of the Browse Basin, North West Shelf: New Concepts from Deep-Seismic Data
Heike I. M. Struckmeyer, Jane E. Blevin, Jacques Sayers, Jennifer M. Totterdell, Ken Baxter, Donna L. Cathro
A Structural Interpretation of the Gascoyne Platform, Southern Carnarvon Basin, WA
Robert P. Iasky, Arthur J. Mory, Sergey I. Shevchenko
Tectonostratigraphic Framework and Petroleum Systems of the Browse Basin, North West Shelf
J. E. Blevin, H. I. M. Struckmeyer, D. L. Cathro, J. M. Totterdell, C. J. Boreham, K. K. Romine, T. S. Loutit, J. Sayers
Vagrant Oils: Geochemical Signposts to Unrecognised Petroleum Systems
Roger E. Summons, Marita Bradshaw, James Crowley, Dianne S. Edwards, Simon C. George, John E. Zumberge
Volcanic Evolution of the Western Australian Continental Margin and its Implications for Basin Development
Philip A. Symonds, Sverre Planke, Oivind Frey, Jakob Skogseid
WAPIMS: A New Petroleum Exploration Database for Western Australia
J. H. Haworth, L. M. Arden