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ABSTRACT: Analysis of Grant Group channel systems on the margin of the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin using 3D seismic data: implications for the Permo-Carboniferous ice sheet dynamics
Jalal Al-Hinaai, Jonathan Redfern
ABSTRACT: Application of carbon isotope chemostratigraphy as a chronostratigraphic tool in Upper Devonian carbonate slopes: Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Kelly Hillbun, David Katz, Ted E. Playton, Evan Lewarch, Kate Trinajstic, Eric Tohver, Peter Haines, Jeroen Hansma, Roger Hocking, Joseph Kirschvink, Peter Cawood, Kliti Grice, Maodu Yan, Ken Ratcliffe, Sergei Pisarevsky, Paul Montgomery, Peter Ward
ABSTRACT: A regional assessment of the CO2 storage potential of the Bonaparte Basin, offshore Northern Territory
Andrew D. Heap, Alfredo Chirinos, Christopher Consoli, Karen Higgins, Diane Jorgensen, Kamal Khider, David Lescinsky, Robbie Morris, Victor Nguyen
ABSTRACT: A review of the seismic stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of the Triassic sequence inthe Timor Sea region
Anand Tripathi, Rajesh Rajagopal, Adrian Williams
ABSTRACT: Assessing reservoir volcanic risk in the Browse Basin using integrated seismic and potential field workflows
Nicholas G. Direen, Andrew A. Krassay, Jane Blevin, Donna Cathro, Zhiqun Shi, Yvette Poudjom-Djomani
ABSTRACT: Biozonation and stratigraphy of the Canning Basin: updated to the 2012 timescale
Tegan E. Smith, Dianne S. Edwards, Andrew P. Kelman, John R. Laurie, Arthur J. Mory, Robert S. Nicoll, James G. Ogg
ABSTRACT: Changes in palaeoenvironmental conditions in Late Devonian reef systems from the Canning Basin, WA: A biomarker and stable isotope approach
Svenja Tulipani, Kliti Grice, Paul F. Greenwood, Peter Haines, Roger E. Summons, Michael E. Böttcher, Clinton B. Foster, Martijn Woltering, Ted Playton
ABSTRACT: CO2 storage potential of the Gage Sandstone, Vlaming Sub-basin, offshore southern Perth Basin: A case study based on seismic facies mapping and well log interpretation
Megan E Lech, Diane C. Jorgensen, Liuqi Wang, David Lescinsky, Irina Borissova, Chris Southby, Stephen Johnston, Danielle Robertson
ABSTRACT: CO2 storage prospectivity of the offshore Vlaming Sub-basin—evaluating containment
Irina Borissova, George Bernardel, Chris Southby, Megan Lech, Steven Johnston, Nadege Rollet, Chris Lewis
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon potential of the Northern Australian Continental Margin—Arc Collision Zone: Insights from a new regional 2D survey
Anand Tripathi, Rajesh Rajagopal, Adrian Williams
ABSTRACT: Influence of Early Cretaceous paleotopography on deposition and the sealing potential of the South Perth Shale, Vlaming Sub-basin
Stephen Johnston, Chris Southby, Irina Borissova, Megan Lech, Chris Lewis, Diane Jorgensen, Liuqi Wang
ABSTRACT: Insights on Upper Devonian Reef Complex Depositional Heterogeneity and Architecture Unraveled Through Integrated Chronostratigraphy: Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Ted Playton, Roger Hocking, David Katz, Peter Haines, Kelly Hillbun, Eric Tohver, Kate Trinajstic, Maodu Yan, Jeroen Hansma, Sergei Pisarevsky, Joseph Kirschvink, Paul Montgomery, Peter Cawood, Kliti Grice, Svenja Tulipani, Ken Ratcliffe, David Wray, Samuel Caulfield-Kerney, Peter Ward, Phillip Playford
ABSTRACT: Magnetostratigraphy as a correlation tool for carbonate environments: Examples from the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Eric Tohver, Sergei Pisarevsky, Maodu Yan, Jeroen Hansma, Ted E. Playton, Joseph Kirschvink, Kate Trinajstic, Peter Haines, Roger Hocking, Paul Montgomery
ABSTRACT: Middle Proterozoic Biostratigraphy and Log Correlations of the Kyalla and Chambers River Formations Beetaloo Sub-basin, Northern Territory, Australia
John D. Gorter, Kathleen Grey
ABSTRACT: New insights into the evolution of the Barrow Delta from a multi-disciplinary interpretation of the Birdrong Sequence
Jessica Trainor, Jeff Goodall, Kathryn Amos
ABSTRACT: Petrel Sub-basin 3D Geological Modelling and Simulation for CO2 Storage Assessment
Karen Higgins, Victor Nguyen, Alfredo Chirinos, Christopher Consoli, Diane Jorgensen, Kamal Khider, David Lescinsky, Robbie Morris
ABSTRACT: Precompetitive geophysical data by Geoscience Australia: Uncovering onshore basins in Western Australia
Pauline English, Lidena Carr, Marina Costelloe, Ian Roach, Josef Holzschuh
ABSTRACT: Process-oriented gravity modelling in the Browse Basin: constraints on crustal structure, stretching and thermal state
Ron Hackney, Tony Watts
ABSTRACT: Structural architecture of the outer Beagle Sub-basin, North West Shelf, Australia
Kenneth D. McCormack, Ken McClay
ABSTRACT: The Depositional Styles of the Campanian—Maastrichtian Interval, Browse - Bonaparte Basins
Marcus Lemberger, David Little
ABSTRACT: The potential for an unexplored unconventional hydrocarbon play in the southern onshore Carnarvon Basin
Matthew Silverman, David Warner, Catherine Campbell
ABSTRACT: The prospectivity for CO2 storage in the Mesozoic formations of the Petrel Sub-basin (Bonaparte Basin): results from a regional-scale geological assessment
Christopher Consoli, Alfredo Chirinos, Karen Higgins, Diane Jorgensen, Kamal Khider, Rob Kirk, David Lescinsky, Robbie Morris, Victor Nguyen
ABSTRACT: Upper Devonian Elemental Chemostratigraphy of the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia—Indications of Global-to-Local Environmental Changes & Utilization as a Correlation Tool
Samuel Caulfield-Kerney, David Wray, Ken Ratcliffe, Ted Playton, Paul Montgomery, Eric Tohver, Roger Hocking, Peter Haines, Maodu Yan, Joseph Kirschvink, Kliti Grice, Kate Trinajstic, Kelly Hillbun, David Katz, Jeroen Hansma, Sergei Pisarevsky, Peter Cawood, Peter Ward
ABSTRACT: Vertebrate biostratigraphy from the Devonian and Carboniferous in the Canning Basin, Western Australia
Brett Roelofs, Kate Trinajstic, Ted E. Playton, Eric Tohver, Peter Haines, Roger Hocking, Milo Barham, Jeroen Hansma, Kelly Hillbun, Kliti Grice, Maodu Yan, Ken Ratcliffe, Sergei Pisarevsky, Paul Montgomery
Acme Field Discovery, Carnarvon Basin WA
R. Lawrence
Analysis of Geobody Geometries within the Fluvio-Deltaic Mungaroo Formation, NW Australia
G. Heldreich, J. Redfern, K. Gerdes, B. Legler, S. Taylor, D. Hodgetts, B. Williams
Analysis of Seabed Features and Shallow Stratigraphy for Indications of Fault Reactivation and Seepage: Results from the 2012 Marine Surveys in the Southern Perth and Bonaparte Basins
D. Jorgensen, I. Borissova, G. Bernardel, A. Carroll, C. Consoli, H. Dulfer, K. Higgins, T. Nicholas, K. Picard
Assessing Controls on Nearshore Clastic Deposition in the Plover and Elang Formations using Ichnology: Case Studies from the Bonaparte Basin (Timor Sea, Australia and Timor-Leste)
F. Burns, L. Buatois, R. B. Ainsworth
Beyond the Deltas: Late Triassic Isolated Carbonate Build-ups on the Exmouth Plateau, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
S. L. Grain, W. M. Peace, E. C. D. Hooper, E. McCartain, P. J. Massara, N. G. Marshall, S. C. Lang
Depositional Analogues & Subsurface Uncertainty Management: Implications for Reservoir Characterisation & Modelling
S. P. Sadler, S. C. Lang, R. J. Seggie, K. Adamson, N. G. Marshall, D. P. Harris, J. A. Spilsbury-Schakel
Depositional and Volcanic History of the Early to Middle Jurassic Deltaic Reservoirs in Calliance and Brecknock Fields (Plover Formation), Browse Basin, North West Shelf, Australia
F. Tovaglieri, A. D. George, T. Jones, H. Zwingmann
Detailed Stratigraphic Architecture of the Macedon Member Turbidite Reservoirs of the Stybarrow Field, NW Australia: An Integration of Well, Production and 3D/4D Seismic Data
C. Hurren, G. O'Halloran, G. Duncan, R. Hill
Detrital Zircon U—Pb Ages from the Paleozoic of the Canning and Officer Basins, Western Australia: Implications for Provenance and Interbasin Connections
P. W. Haines, M. T. D. Wingate, C. L. Kirkland
Development of a Regional Stratigraphic Framework For Upper Devonian Reef Complexes Using Integrated Chronostratigraphy: Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia
T. E. Playton, R. Hocking, P. Montgomery, E. Tohver, K. Hillbun, D. Katz, P. Haines, K. Trinajstic, M. Yan, J. Hansma, S. Pisarevsky, J. Kirschvink, P. Cawood, K. Grice, S. Tulipani, K. Ratcliffe, D. Wray, S. Caulfield-Kerney, P. Ward, P. Playford
Discovery to Development: A Subsurface Case History of the Kitan Oil Field, Timor Sea
D. Wheller, G. Ellis, Y. Suhardiman, R. Yokote, D. Selvaggi, J. Derrij, G. Maniscalco
Early Carboniferous Petroleum Source Rocks of the Southeastern Bonaparte Basin, Australia
J. D. Gorter, D. M. McKirdy
Evaluating the Role of Stress Factors in Trace-fossil Distribution along Mixed-influence Deltaic Systems of an Embayed Shoreline (Middle Jurassic, Sunrise Field of the Timor Sea, Australia and Timor-Leste)
L. Buatois, F. Burns, R. B. Ainsworth
The Exploration History of the Laurel Basin-Centred Gas System Canning Basin, Western Australia
D. Kingsley, E. Streitberg
The Gorgon Field: An Overview
A. Maftei, E. J. King, M. C. Flores
Have We Deciphered the Canning? Discovery of the Ungani Oil Field
P. B. Edwards, E. Streitberg
Hunting for the Cracks: Identifying Fracture Permeability for Geothermal Exploration in the North Perth Basin
M. Ballesteros, R. Oppermann
Identification of Fluid Flow Features in the Seafloor and Subsurface and their Implications for Prospect and Geohazard Assessment: Examples from the Australian Northwest Shelf
J. K. Dirstein, J. V. Hengesh, A. J. Stanley
Igneous Intrusions in the Carnarvon Basin, NW Shelf, Australia
K. McClay, N. Scarselli, S. Jitmahantakul
The Impact of Multi-Azimuth Seismic Over Tidepole
D. Dickinson, S. Gagen
Impacts of Igneous Intrusions on Source and Reservoir Potential in Prospective Sedimentary Basins Along the Western Australian Continental Margin
S. P. Holford, N. Schofield, C. A.-L. Jackson, C. Magee, P. F. Green, I. R. Duddy
The Influence of Exhumation on Petroleum Prospectivity in the Sedimentary Basins of WA
P. F. Green, I. R. Duddy
Insights from the Automated Extraction of Surfaces from the Bunda 3D Seismic Survey
J. K. Dirstein, T. Rudge, R. Li, A. J. Stanley
An Integrated Regional Triassic Stratigraphic Framework for the Carnarvon Basin, NWS, Australia
T. H. D. Payenberg, H. Howe, T. Marsh, P. Sixsmith, W. S. Kowalik, A. Powell, K. Ratcliffe, V. Iasky, A. Allgoewer, R. W. Howe, P. Montgomery, A. Vonk, M. Croft
Integration of Seismic Stratigraphy and Seismic Geomorphology for Prediction of Lithology; Applications and Workflows
H. W. Posamentier
Late Authigenic Pyrite—an Indicator of Oil Migration and Entrapment in the Bonaparte Basin, Timor Sea, Australia
G. K. Ellis
Late Devonian—Early Carboniferous Tectonostratigraphic Framework for Northern Canning Basin Carbonate Platform Evolution
A. D. George, Z. Seyedmehdi, N. Chow
Late Triassic—Mid-Jurassic to Neogene Extensional Fault Systems in the Exmouth Sub-Basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Western Australia
S. Jitmahantakul, K. McClay
Neotectonic Evidence for a Rustal Strain Gradient on the Central-west Western Australian Margin
A. McPherson, D. Clark, B. Whitney
Newly-recognised Continental Fragments Rifted from the West Australian Margin
S. E. Williams, J. M. Whittaker, R. D. Müller
New Observations of the Post-Triassic Succession in the Central Beagle Sub-basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia
M. E. Lech
A New Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the North West Shelf, Australia
N. G. Marshall, S. C. Lang
Northern Carnarvon Basin Hydrocarbon Recoveries using WAPIMS
E. Kopsen
Northern Extension of Active Petroleum Systems in the Offshore Perth Basin— an Integrated Stratigraphic, Geochemical, Geomechanical and Seepage Study
N. Rollet, M. Pfahl, A. Jones, J. Kennard, C. Nicholson, E. Grosjean, D. Mantle, D. Jorgensen, G. Bernardel, R. Kempton, L. Langhi, Y. Zhang, L. Hall, R. Hackney, S. Johnston, C. Boreham, D. Robertson, P. Petkovic, M. Lech
Offshore West Australian Basins, Fuelling a Decade of Conventional Prosperity for Industry and Woodside
M. J. Thompson
Oil Exploration Potential in the Greater Northern Australian—New Guinea Super Gas Province
P. M. Barber
A Paleozoic Perspective of Western Australia
A. J. Mory, P. W. Haines
Permo-Carboniferous Glacial Channel Systems on the Margin of the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia: Implication for Ice Sheet Dynamics
J. Al-Hinaai, J. Redfern
Petroleum Systems of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
K. A. R. Ghori
Present-day Seismicity and Potential Strike-slip Reactivation in Northwest WA
M. Keep
A Regional Assessment of the CO2 Storage Potential of the Petrel Sub-basin (Bonaparte Basin), Offshore Northern Territory
C. Consoli, K. Higgins, D. Jorgensen, D. Lescinsky, K. Khider, R. Morris, V. Nguyen
Reservoir Fluid Property Variation at the Metre-scale: Origin, Impact and Mapping in the Vincent Oil Field, Exmouth Sub-basin
A. P. Murray, D. A. Dawson, D. Carruthers, S. Larter
Sedimentary and Structural Features of the Plio-Pleistocene Timor Accretionary Wedge, Timor-Leste
S. Poynter, A. Goldberg, D. Hearty
Seismic Stratigraphic Relationships within a Lowstand Reservoir System: Examples from the Barrow Group, Southern Exmouth Sub-Basin, NW Australia
G. O'Halloran, C. Hurren, T. O'Hara
Seismic Stratigraphy of a Plio-quaternary Intra-shelf Basin (Bonaparte Shelf, NW Australia)
J. Bourget, R. Nanson, R. B. Ainsworth, S. Courgeon, S. J. Jorry, H. Al-anzi
The Seismic Stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian—Tithonian Dupuy Formation in the Barrow Island Area
D. Gillam, K. Ehman, H. Posamentier, M. Trupp
Stable Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Paleozoic Marine Crude Oils from the Canning Basin: Comparison with Other West Australian Crude Oils
D. S. Edwards, C. J. Boreham, J. Chen, E. Grosjean, A. J. Mory, J. Sohn, J. E. Zumberge
Stratigraphic Interpretation and Reservoir Modelling of the Barrow Group Below Barrow Island
I. Barranco, E. Mahon, P. Sixsmith
The Stratigraphy of the Pyrenees Member of the Ravensworth, Crosby and Stickle Fields, Exmouth Sub-Basin, Northwest Australia: A Wave- and Storm-Dominated Shelf-Margin Delta
M. Woodall, C. Stark
Structural Architecture of Australia's Southwest Continental Margin and Implications for Early Cretaceous Basin Evolution
L. S. Hall, A. D. Gibbons, G. Bernardel, J. M. Whittaker, C. Nicholson, N. Rollet, R. D. Müller
Structural Architecture of the Gorgon Platform, North West Shelf, Australia
K. D. McCormack, K. McClay
Structural Interpretation of the Northern Canning Basin, Western Australia
Y. Zhan, A. J. Mory
Submarine Slide and Slump Complexes, Exmouth Plateau, NW Shelf of Australia
N. Scarselli, K. McClay, C. Elders
Tectonic Evolution and Continental Fragmentation of the Southern West Australian Margin
J. M. Whittaker, J. A. Halpin, S. E. Williams, L. S. Hall, R. Gardner, M. E. Kobler, N. R. Daczko, R. D. Müller
Understanding the Late Triassic Mungaroo and Brigadier Deltas of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia
K. R. Adamson, S. C. Lang, N. G. Marshall, R. J. Seggie, N. J. Adamson, K. L. Bann
Unlocking the Origin of Hydrocarbons in the Central Part of the Rankin Trend, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia
D. Jablonski, J. Preston, S. Westlake, C. M. Gumley
Use of U-Pb geochronology to delineate provenance of North West Shelf sediments, Australia
C. J. Lewis, K. N. Sircombe