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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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What WA Farmers want: A Slice of the Shale
PESA Staff
Pickard questions whether Billions will flow to Australia
PESA Staff
Abstract: Kimberley Activists 'green-light' FLNG for Browse
PESA Staff
Abstract: Geoscientist Unemployment Rate doubles
PESA Staff
Abstract: Gas deposits a Lottery for Indigenous Benefits
PESA Staff
Award of Exploration Acreage in the Maryborough Basin
PESA Staff
Abstract: AWE to drill in New Zealand
PESA Staff
Abstract: Chevron goes Big Game Hunting and Fishing on Shale Safari
PESA Staff
Abstract: WHL Energy cashed up
PESA Staff
Stress from Seismic
John K. Davidson
Aleator Energy looks to Ukrainian Production
PESA Staff
Abstract: Ophir taps into Ghana
PESA Staff
Polarcus in for the long Haul
PESA Staff
A Road across the Desert
Heli Wopfner
Petroleum Seismic Exploration by the Department of Mines 50 years ago — a personal Retrospective
Bill Kendall