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Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 16 Issue 2; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Petroleum Geology, Volume 17, Issue 2; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Lithologic Traps - Oil Exploration Targets in the Nadym-Pur Oil-Gas Region
V. V. Shipitsyn, A. L. Naumov, T. M. Onishchuk
Role of Organic Edifices in the Structure of Productive Horizons in the South of the Volga-Kama Anticlize
R. O. Khachatryan, A. N. Kostenko
Distribution of Porosity in Bashkir Productive Sediments on the Astrakhan Dome
I. A. Mitalev, A. M. Makarova, S. D. Zarkova
Relationship of Structural Plans on the Astrakhan Arch
N. G. Chernetskaya
New Exploration Targets on the South Flank of the Karpinskiy Swell
G. M. Avanis’yan, A. Ye. Langbort, R. I. Fan-Yung, L. Yu. Benderovich
Oil Geology Regionalization - Basis for Optimum Exploration
N. I. Buyalov, V. I. Terekhov, V. S. Usanov
Character of the Water-Oil Contact of Oil Pools in the Cis-Ural Downwarp
I. A. Tagirov, K. S. Yarullin
Main Results and Exploration Plans in the Samgor Area of the Georgian SSR
V. I. Konovalov, V. I. Yalovenko, V. G. Serkin, Yu. I. Gordiyenko
Deep Subsurface of the Southeast of Tataria in Connection with Oil Prospects of the Wendian-Riphean Sediments
E. P. Khalabuda, Ye. B. Grunis, N. F. Il’diyarkin, P. I. Slesarev
Direction of Exploration in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Sediments of Mangyshlak
V. I. Popkov
Geological Criteria Determining the Selection of Pools for Intra-Formational Combustion
V. S. Melik-Pashayev, V. V. Vlasenko, V. N. Seregina, I. M. Klimushin
Possibilities of Finding Oil and Gas Pools by Geochemical Methods in Coal-Bearing Regions
V. A. Stroganov, V. P. Ogorodnikova
Estimation of the Conformance of Strata by Water Flood Based on Geologic and Well-Logging Data
M. Sh. Karimov, M. A. Tokarev, V. G. Shcherbinin
Geochemical Criteria for Oil-Gas Conductivity of Faults
N. I. Atamanyuk, Yu. Z. Krupskiy, V. I. Yermakova
Effect of Geologic Characteristics of Productive Horizons XIII-XIV of Uzen Field on Water-Flood Behavior
L. F. Ivanchuk, T. A. Sultanov, F. M. Kuravin, V. I. Alymova, N. Ya. Kalugina
Water-Drive Factor in Horizon DI of Fields of Tataria
Ye. A. Yudintsev
Geologic Factors in Oil Exploration in Riphean-Wendian Sediments of East Tataria
R. Kh. Muslimov, I. Kh. Kaveyev, V. V. Baranov
Mechanism of Formation of Anticlinal Traps of Oil and Gas in Foreland Downwarps
M. A. Kamaletdinov, Yu. V. Kazantsev, T. T. Kazantseva
Characteristics and Distribution of Hydrocarbon Pools in the Sub-Salt Complex of the Peri-Caspian Depression
L. G. Kiryukhin, N. N. Nemchenko
Oil-Gas Prospects of the Miocene Sediments of South Sakhalin
V. N. Naydenov
Features of the Genesis of Sandstones as Exploration Criteria for Oil and Gas Pools
A. A. Novikov, P. A. Karpov, V. I. Sobolev, N. V. Solov’yeva, L. I. Chernova
Structure and Oil-Gas Prospects of the Kerchensko-Taman Shelf of the Black Sea
V. V. Kotseruba, A. I. Kabanov
Stages in the Formation of the Orenburg Gas-Condensate Field
S. P. Maksimov, Ye. S. Larskaya, A. N. Sukhova
Geochemical Criteria for Estimating Conditions of Formation of Gas-Condensate Pools
V. A. Chakhmakhchev, T. L. Vinogradova, T. A. Krylova
Prediction of the Content and Composition of Condensate and Condensate Recovery for Pools in the North of West Siberia
T. D. Ostrovskaya
Genesis of CO2 in Oil Casing-Head Gases, Based on Isotopic Composition of Carbon
R. G. Pankina, V. L. Mekhtiyeva, S. M. Guriyeva, Ye. N. Shkutnik
Effect of Primary Ratio of Liquid and Gaseous Hydrocarbons on the Composition of Gas Condensates
V. V. Kushnirov
Experience in the Use of Aerial Methods for Recognizing Oil-Gas Structures in the Timan-Pechora Province
A. A. Zvyagel’skiy, L. A. Samoylyuk
New Data on the Relief of the Crystalline Basement of the Western Part of the Peri-Caspian Depression
L. P. Nikolayeva, Ye. S. Yekimova, Ye. Ya. Tsaur
Genesis of Oil Rings of Pools of the Nepa-Botuobinsk Anticlize
A. B. Fuch, B. A. Fuch
Volgo-Ural Basin
A. M. Seregin
Relationship of Structural Surfaces in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sediments of the North Apsheron Zone
E. N. Alikhanov, N. A. Aliyev, Z. A. Buniat-Zade, Yu. M. Lipsits