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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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The Cambrian Section of the Central Wasatch Mountains
Christina Lochman-Balk
Depositional Environment of the Mineral Fork Formation (Precambrian), Wasatch Mountains, Utah
Peter J. Varney
A Discussion of the Geology of the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera and its Comparison to the Idaho-Wyoming-Utah Fold and Thrust Belt
K.H. Hayes
Field Trip: Hingeline Sediments of the Overthrust Belt
Howard H. "Tom" Odiorne - Field Trip Chairman
Geology of the Coalville Anticline, Summit County, Utah
Lyle A. Hale
The Geology of the Pineview Field Area Summit County, Utah
P.D. Maher
Geothermal Energy Cordilleran Hingeline - West
B. Greider
Jurassic Salts of the Hingeline Area Southern Rocky Mountains
Alan R. Hansen
Lower Mesozoic and Upper Paleozoic Petroleum Potential of the Hingeline Area, Central Utah
Floyd C. Moulton
Lower Triassic Facies in the Vicinity of the Cordilleran Hingeline: Western Wyoming, Southeastern Idaho and Utah
W. Jerry Koch
Mississippian Carbonate Shelf Margins, Western United States
Peter R. Rose
Oil Shows in Significant Test Wells of the Cordilleran Hingeline
Harry K. Veal
Ordovician Sedimentation in the Western United States
Reuben J. Ross Jr.
A Paleostructural Interpretation of the Eastern Great Basin Portion of the Basin and Range Province Nevada and Utah
E.L. Howard
Permian and Lower Triassic Reservoir Rocks of Central Utah
C. Dennis Irwin
Permian Phosphoria Carbonate Banks, Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt
Marvin D. Brittenham
Petrology of Entrada Sandstone (Jurassic), Northeastern Utah
E.P. Otto, M. Dane Picard
Regional Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Glan Canyon Group and Carmel Formation (San Rafael Group)
William E. Freeman
Relationships of Pennsylvanian-Permian Stratigraphy to the Late Mesozoic Thrust Belt in the Eastern Great Basin, Utah and Nevada
John E. Welsh
Reservoir Variations At Upper Valley Field Garfield County, Utah
George C. Sharp
Stratigraphic and Structural Setting of the Cottonwood Area, Utah
Max D. Crittenden Jr.
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Petroleum Potential of Dakota Formation, Northeastern Utah
R.L. Vaughn, M. Dane Picard
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of the Permian Kaibab Beta Member, East Central Utah
L. Clark Kiser
Stratigraphy of Younger Precambrian Rocks Along Cordilleran Hingeline, Utah and Southern Idaho
Lee A. Woodward
Structural Evolution of Central Utah - Late Permian to Recent
James L. Baer
Tectonic Evolution in Utah's Miogeosyncline-Shelf Boundary Zone
Gary W. Crosby
Tertiary Tectonics and Sedimentary Rocks Along the Transition: Basin and Range Province to Plateau and Thrust Belt Province, Utah
Robert E. McDonald
What is the Wasatch Line?
William Lee Stokes