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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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Apparent Reverse Movement of Previous Thrust Faults Along the Eastern Margin of the Basin and Range Province, North-Central Utah
Douglas A. Sprinkel
A Basin and Range Chaos in the Oquirrh Mountains - Sedimentary or Tectonic
Victoria C. Schurer
Beryllium and uranium Mineralization in the Spor Mountain Area, Juab County, Utah
Leland J. Davis
The Bruffey Oil and Gas Seeps, Pine Valley, Eureka County, Nevada
Norman H. Foster, Eugene L. Howard, Fred F. Meissner, Harry K. Veal
Character and Extent of Basin-Range Faultin, Western Montana and East-Central Idaho
Mitchell W. Reynolds
The Cordilleran Miogeosyncline and Sevier(?) Orogeny in Southern California
David L. Tyler
Crinoid Shoals and Associated Environments, Mississippian of Southern Nevada
M.W. Hansen
Cyanide Leaching in Eastern Nevada
Mead L. Jennsen, H.A. Qidwai
Deformation of Authochthonous Foreland Basement, Clark Mountain Thrust Complex, Southeastern California
Eric P. Nelson, B.C. Burchfiel
Eagle Springs Oil Field Nye County, Nevada
Louis C. Bortz, D. Keith Murray
Early Permian Fusulinids From the Wildscat Peak Formation, Central Toquima Range, Nye County, Nevada
G.J. Verville, S.W. Laule
Eocene and Oligocene Lacustrine and Volcanic Rocks Near Elko, Nevada
Barry J. Solomon, Edwin H. McKee, David W. Andersen
Faye J. Veal
Geological Techniques Utilized in Trap Spring Field Discovery, Railroad Valley, Nye County, Nevada
Edward D. Dolly
Geology of the Apex Uranium Mine Near Austin, Nevada
Frederick W. Plut
Geomorphic Exploration Used in the Discovery of Trap Spring Oil Field, Nye County, Nevada
Norman H. Foster
Geophysical Evidence of Fault Termination of the Basin and Range PRovince in the Vicinity of the Vale, Oregon, Geothermal Area
Robert J. Lillie, Richard W. Couch
Geothermal Energy in the Basin and Range Province
L.T. Grose, G.V. Keller
Gravity Exploration for Petroleum in Railroad Valley, Nevada
Douglas J. Guion, William C. Pearson
The Great Basin, An Overview and Hypothesis of its History
Charles B. Hunt
Hot Waters of Western Utah
Harry D. Goode
Intrusive Rocks of the Indian Peak Range, Utah
S. Kerry Grant
Late Cretaceous(?)-Eocene Faulting in the East Central Basin and Range
Gary W. Newman
An Overview of Geothermal Exploration and Development in Nevada
Joy Hyde
Paleoecology of the Upper Miocene Hualapai Limestone Member of the Muddy Creek Formation, Northwestern Arizona
J. Platt Bradbury, Will N. Blair
Paleogeography and Tectonic Implications of the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian in Utah
John E. Welsh
Paleohydrographic History of the Great Basin Region
William Lee Stokes
Paleozoic Carbonate Buildups in the Basin and Range Province
David H. Suek, William W. Knaup
Petroleum Exploration Possibilities in Northwestern Nevada
Ronald Willden
Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation of the Permian Park City Group in the Northeastern Great Basin, Utah, Nevada, and Idaho
Edwin K. Maughan
Precambrian and Paleozoic Stratigraphy in Central Ruby Mountains Elko County, Nevada
Ronald Willden, Ronald W. Kistler
Preliminary Correlation of Cretaceous and Paleogene Lacustrine and Related Nonmarine Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks in Parts of the Eastern Great Basin of Nevada and Utah
Thomas D. Fouch, John H. Hanley, R.M. Forester
Problems of Intraplate Extensional Tectonics, Western United States, With Special Emphasis on the Great Basin
Gergory A. Davis
Regional Geophysics, Cenozoic Tectonics, and Geologic Resources of the Basin and Range Province and Adjoining Regions
Gordon P. Eaton
Regional Relations of Middle PErmian Rocks in Idaho, Nevada, and Utah
Bruce R. Wardlaw, James W. Collinson, Keith B. Ketner
Reinterpretation of the History of the Hurricane Fault in Utah
R. Ernest Anderson, Harald H. Mehnert
Results of Exploratory Drilling Northern Fallon Basin, Western Nevada
Douglas D. Hastings
Revisions to the Interpretation of Structural Style in the Muddy Mountain Region, Nevada
Vernon James (Jay) Temple Jr.
Road Log From Ely to Garden Pass Via Ruth Pit, Moorman Ranch, and Eureka with Extensions to Bruffey Seep and Devils Gate
Forrest G. Poole, Charles Thorman, E.L. Howard
Road Log from Ely to Las Vegas via Eagle Springs and Trap Springs Oil Fields, Lunar Crater, Warm Springs, and Pahranagat Valley
D. French, F. Kleinhampl, M.L. Jensen, C.M. Tschanz
Road Log From Las Vegas to Ely, Nevada, Via Caliente and Pioche
Charles M. Tschanz, Paul P. Orkild, Forrest G. Poole
Road Log From Las Vegas to Keystone Thrust Area and Valley of Fire Via Frenchman Mountain
Robert G. Bohannon, Fred Bachhuber
Ruby Orogeny - A Major Early Paleozoic Tectonic Event
Ronald Willden
Seismic Exploration in Railroad Valley, Nevada
John H. Vreeland, Bert H. Berrong
Stratabound Lead-Zinc-Silver Ores of the Pioche District, Nevada - Unusual "Mississippi Valley" Deposits
Laurence P. James, Louis H. Knight
Stratigraphic and Tectonic Setting of the Lithium Brine Field, Clayton Valley, Nevada
J.R. Davis, J.D. Vine
Stratigraphy and Regional Implications of the Argonaut Energy No.1 Federal, Millard County, Utah
Gary C. Mitchell
Stratigraphy of the Great Basin Region
William Lee Stokes
Summary Appraisal of the Water Resources of the Great Basin
Don Price
Tectonics and Sedimentation Along the Antler Orogenic Belt of Central Nevada
B.R. Wilson, Susan Wunderlich Laule
Tertiary Sediments in the Lake Mead Area, Nevada
Elizabeth F. Brenner, Richard K. Glanzman
Tertiary Volcanic Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characteristics of Trap Spring Field, Nye County, Nevada
Don E. French, Kevin J. Freeman
Trap Spring Oil Field, Nye County, Nevada
Herbert D. Duey
Upper Miocene Hualapai Limestone Member From the Proto-Gulf of California at Lake Mead, Arizona
Will N. Blair, J. Platt Bradbury, Robert L. Oscarson
Uranium, Thorium, and Mercury Distribution Through the Evolution of the McDermitt Caldera Complex
James J. Rytuba, Richard K. Glanzman, W.K. Conrad
West-Northwest Strike-Slip Faults and OTher Structures in Allochthonous Rocks in Central and Eastern Nevada and Western Utah
C.H. Thorman, K.B. Ketner
Zeolite Deposits in the Basin and Range Province
Ronald C. Surdam