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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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Application of Lopatin's Method to Determine Burial History, Evolution of the Geothermal Gradient, and Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation in Cretaceous Source Rocks in the San Juan Basin, Northwestern New Mexico and Southwestern Colorado
Wendell A. Bond
Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Coals As Source For Gas Accumulations in the Rocky Mountain Area
Fred F. Meissner
Distribution, Microfauna, and Source-Rock Potential of Mississippian Delle Phosphatic Member of Woodman Formation and Equivalents, Utah and Adjacent States
Charles A. Sandberg, Raymond C. Gutschick
Geological Setting and Some Geochemistry of PEtroleum Source Rocks in the Permian Phosphoria Formation
Edwin K. Maughan
Hydrocarbon Generation in Lacustrine Rocks of Tertiary Age, Uinta Basin, Utah - Organic Carbon, Pyrolysis Yield, and Light Hydrocarbons
Donald E. Anders, Peter M. Gerrild
Hydrocarbon Generation in Lower Cretaceous Mowry and Skull Creek Shales of the Northern Rocky Mountain Area
R.L. Burtner, M.A. Warner
Hydrocarbon Source Potential of Organic Facies of the Lacustrine Elko Formation (Eocene/Oligocene), Northeast Nevada
Susan E. Palmer
Hydrocarbon Source Rock Evaluation of the Middle Proterozoic Apache Group Gila County, Arizona
George A. Desborough, Forrest G. Poole, Ted A. Daws, Robert Scarborough
Log-Derived Indicator of Thermal Maturity, Nibrara Formation, Denver Basin, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming
Thomas M. Smagala, Charles A. Brown, Gary L. Nydegger
Maturation History and Thermal Evolution of Cretaceous Source Rocks of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana
E. Sven Hagen, Ronald C. Surdam
Modern Approaches in Source-Rock Evaluation
Douglas W. Waples
Organic-Rich Source Rocks of Pennsylvanian Age in the Paradox Basin of Utah and Colorado
R.J. Hite, D.E. Anders, T.G. Ging
Organic Geochemistry of Black Shales and Oils in the Minnelusa Formation (Permian and Pennsylvanian), Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Jerry L. Clayton, Robert T. Ryder
Organic Metamorphism in the Mississippian-Devonian Bakken Shale North Dakota Portion of the Williston Basin
Leigh C. Price, Tom Ging, Ted Daws, Alzona Love, Mark Pawlewicz, Don Anders
Origin and Source-Rock Potential of the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale, Colorado and Kansas
Donald L. Gautier, Jerry L. Clayton, Joel S. Leventhal, Nancy J. Reddin
Paleotemperatures Based On Vitrinite Reflectance of Shales and Limestone in Igneous Dike Aureoles in the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, Walsenburg, Colorado
N.H. Bostick, M.J. Pawlewicz
Petroleum Source-Rock Potential and Crude-Oil Correlation in the Great Basin
Forrest G. Poole, Robert E. Claypool
Petroleum Source Rocks and Stratigraphy of the Bakken Formation in North Dakota
Rick L. Webster
Regional Lithostratigraphy of the Phosphoria Formation in the Overthrust Belt of Wyoming, Utah and Idaho
D.D. Tisoncik
Regional Variation of Vitrinite Reflecance of the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous) in Mountain Basin and Along the Eastern Rocky Mountain Front, Colorado
N.H. Bostick, M.J. Pawlewicz
Relation of Hydrocarbon Occurrence to Thermal Maturity of Organic Matter in the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Eastern Denver Basin: Evidence of Biogenic Versus Thermogenic Origin of Hydrocarbons
Dudley D. Rice
Relationships of Source-Rock, Thermal Maturity, and Overpressuring to Gas Generation and Occurrence in Low-Permeability Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah
B.E. Law
Road Log, First Day (Total Miles 180.2) Lakewood to Pueblo
Richard B. Powers, Cornelius M. Molenaar, Arthur F. Jacob, Paul V. Heinrich
Road Log, Second Day (Total Miles 105.2 Plus 185 Miles for Return to Lakewood) Pueblo to Northern Raton Basin
Cornelius M. Molenaar, Richard B. Powers, Neely H. Bostick, Arthur F. Jacob
Stratigraphic and Paleostructural Controls on Hydrocarbon Migration in Cretaceous D and J Sandstones of the Denver Basin
Patrick A. Tainter
Stratigraphic Relationships and Distribution of Source Rocks in the Greater Rocky Mountain Region
Fred F. Meissner, Jane Woodward, J.L. Clayton
Thermal Maturity Trends of the Heath Formation Fergus County, Central Montana
Gary A. Cole, John A. Daniel