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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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James W. Schmoker
An Approach to Exploration for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, with Examples from the Austin Chalk
M. Friedman, D.V. Wiltschko
The Bakken Formation - An Integrated Geologic Approach to Horizontal Drilling
Wayne J. Carlisle, Lorraine Druyff, Monte S. Fryt, Jim S. Artindale, Hans Von Der Dick
Comparison. of Production from Horizontal and Vertical Wells in the Austin Chalk, Niobrara, and Bakken Plays
James R. Stell, Charles A. Brown
Controls on Performance of Nonconventional Wells in the West End Area of Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska
Edward C. Cazier, Dianna M. Hilliard
Does Bakken Horizontal Drilling Imply a Huge Oil-Resource Base in Fractured Shales?
Leigh C. Price, Julie A. LeFever
Evaluating Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Targeted for Horizontal Drilling
R.A. Skopec
Evaluation of San Juan Basin Fractured Reservoirs from Surface Data
Stephen W. Dart Jr.
Fractured Niobrara of Northwestern Colorado
Richard R. Vincelette, Norman H. Foster
Fractured Reservoir Characterization Using Multicomponent Seismic Surveys
Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson
Fracture Networks in Selected Cretaceous Sandstones of the Green River and San Juan Basins, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Colorado
Stephen E. Laubach
Fracture Systems of the Austin Chalk, North-Central Texas
Edward W. Collins, Susan D. Hovorka, Stephen E. Laubach
A Geologist's Perspective on Horizontal Drilling in a Pinnacle Reef, Rainbow Basin, Alberta
Gregory S. Jones
Geometry of Fluvial Point-Bar Sandstones and Application to Horizontal Drilling
Christopher J. Schenk
Horizontal Drilling in the Williston Basin, United States and Canada
Julie A. LeFever
Horizontal Drilling Potential of the Cane Creek Shale, Paradox Formation, Utah
C.D. Morgan
Horizontal Well Development in the Upper Miocene 26R Stevens Pool, Elk Hills Field, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1, San Joaquin Basin, California
Jonathan G. Kuespert, Stephen A. Reid, George S. McJannet
Measurement and Analysis of Fractures in Core
John C. Lorenz, Robin E. Hill
Natural Fractures, Composition, Cyclicity, and Diagenesis of the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Berthoud Field, Colorado
Richard M. Pollastro
Perspectives on Horizontal Drilling in Canada
Robert G. Farquharson, Lawrence M. Spratt, Peter C.M. Wang
Perspectives on Horizontal Drilling in Western North America
Philip H. Stark
Perspectives on Horizontal Wells in the Rocky Mountain Region
S.L. Lacy, W.Z. Ding, S.D. Joshi
Tight-Gas Reservoir Exploitation Using Horizontal and Slant-Hole Drilling
Charles W. Spencer, John C. Lorenz, Charles A. Brown