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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
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ABSTRACT: Economics - The New Dimension in Geologic Thinking
Michel T. Halbouty
ABSTRACT: Significance of Hydrocarbon Disposition in Petroleum Exploration
William M. Zarrella
ABSTRACT: The Effect of Decrease in Porosity With Depth on Oil and Gas Reserves in Sandstone Reservoirs
Gordon I. Atwater
ABSTRACT: The Geologyof Nevada - An Exploration Frontier
John C. Osmond
The Bridger Lake Field, Summit County, Utah
John M. Parker
Cattle Creek Anticline, A Salt Diapir Near Glenwood Springs, Colorado
W.W. Mallory
The Denver Area Earthquakes and The Rocky Mountain Arsenal Disposal Well
David M. Evans
Evidence Bearing on Deep Earthquake Origin: Weakening of Olivine by Serpentine Dehydration
R.E. Riecker
Geologic and Economic Evaluation of the LAramie-Eastern Hanna Basin Area, Wyoming
D.S. Stone
The Geologist in Construction
L.W. Leroy
The Geology and Structure of the Mt. Richthofen-Iron Mt. Region, North Central Colorado
Marshall K. Corbett
Geology of Williams fork Fiels Moffat County, Colorado
Gary W. Lauman
Joints and Microfractures in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado
M.L. Harper
Numerous Eolian Ripple Marks From Entrada Formation
William F. Tanner
Paleontologic Age of the Fountain Formation South of Denver, Colorado
C. Howard Ellis
Pathfinder Uplift of Pennsylvanian Age in Southern Wyoming
William W. Mallory
PAtterns of Sediment Dispersal in the Fountain Formation of Colorado
James D. Howard
Physical Stratigraphy, Middle Ordovician Harding and Lander Sandstones, Wyoming
Marvin D. Allison
Resume of the Geology of the Laramie Anorthosite Mass
M.A. Klugman
The sheep Creek Thrust at Cooper Creek, Fremont County, Wyoming
C.J. Gudim
Some Statistical Features of the relationship Between Rocky Mountain Arsenal Waste Disposal and Frequency of Earthquakes
George E. Bardwell
Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Structures in the Fox Hills Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Golden Area, Colorado
George Covington
Stream Profiles and Pediments Near Boulder, Colorado
Ian A. Campbell
Variations in Zircon Crop Measurements Cause by Weathering, Whitehorn Stock, Central Colorado
Rae L. Harris Jr., John R. Wilbanks
West Moorcroft Dakota Field, Crook County, Wyoming
Don E. Mettler