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Donald Francis Toomey
Bryozoan-Algal Patch-Reefs In The Upper Permian Lower Magnesian Limestone Of Yorkshire, Northeast England'
Denys B. Smith
Carbonate Minerals and Organic Matter in Sediments of Modern North Temperate Hard-Water Lakes
Walter E. Dean
Cenozoic Coccoliths from the Deep Sea Drilling Project
David Bukry
Coal Deposition in Fluvial Paleoenvironments of the Paleocene Tongue River Member of the Fort Union Formation, Powder River Area, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana
Romeo M. Flores
Composition Structure and Environmental Setting of Silurian Bioherms and Biostromes in Northern Europe
Robert Riding
Continental Coal-Bearing Sediments of the Port Hood Formation (Carboniferous), Cape Linzee, Nova Scotia, Canada
Gregory A. Gersib
Cretaceous Coral-Rudist Buildups Of France
Jean-Pierre Masse
Debris Flows, Turbidites, and Lead-Zinc Sulfides Along a Devonian Submarine Fault Scarp, Jason Prospect, Yukon Territory
R. D. Winn Jr.
Deep-Sea Drilling Interstitial Water Studies: Implications for Chemical Alteration of the Oceanic Crust, Layers I And II
Joris M. Gieskes
The Deep-Sea Record: Major Steps in Cenozoic Ocean Evolution
W. H. Berger
Deep-Water Clastic Sediments: An Introduction to the Core Workshop and Review of Depositional Models
Charles T. Siemers
Deep-Water Facies of the Spraberry Formation (Permian), Reagan County, Texas
C. Robertson Handford
Deep Sea Drilling in the Antarctic: Focus on Late Miocene Glaciation and Applications of Smear-Slide Biostratigraphy
Sherwood W. Wise Jr.
Depositional Architecture of Cenozoic Gulf Coastal Plain Fluvial Systems
William E. Galloway
Depositional Environments and Diagenesis of Some Nonmarine Upper Cretaceous Reservoir Rocks, Uinta Basin, Utah
C. W. Keighin
Depositional Setting and Groundwater Quality in Coal-Bearing Sediments and Spoils in Western North Dakota
Gerald H. Groenewold
The Deposits, Internal Structure and Geometry in Six Alluvial Fan—Fan Delta Bodies (Devonian-Norway)—A Study in the Significance of Bedding Sequence in Conglomerates
Tor G. Gloppen
Diagenesis of Oceanic Carbonate Sediments: A Review of the Dsdp Perspective
Robert E. Garrison
Distribution, Thermal Histories, Isotopic Compositions, and Reflection Characteristics of Siliceous Rocks Recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project
Kenneth A. Pisciotto
The Distribution of Major Pelagic Sediment Components in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic North Atlantic Ocean
Jörn Thiede
Dsdp Biostratigraphy in Retrospect and Prospect
W. R. Riedel
The Environment of Deposition of Black Shales in the Early Cretaceous an Ongoing Controversy
Helmut Weissert
European Devonian Reefs: A Review of Current Concepts and Models
Trevor P. Burchette
European Fossil Reef Models—an Introduction
Donald Francis Toomey
Evolution and Response of the Fluvial System, Sedimentologic Implications
Stanley A. Schumm
Facies Development and Paleoecologic Zonation of Four Upper Triassic Patch Reefs Northern Calcareous Alps Near Salzburg Austria
Priska Schäfer
Floodbasin Sequence of a Fine-Grained Meander Belt Subsystem: The Coal-Bearing Lower Wasatch and Upper Fort Union Formations Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Frank G. Ethridge
Geologic Significance of Seismic Reflectors in the Deep Western North Atlantic Basin
Brian E. Tucholke
Hydrogeologic Significance of Ogallala Fluvial Environments, The Gangplank
Russell G. Shepherd
In Search of Biostratigraphic Resolution
T. C. Moore Jr.
Late Cretaceous Nannoplankton and the Change at the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary
Hans R. Thierstein
Linear Island and Seamount Chains Aseismic Ridges and Intraplate Volcanism Results from Dsdp
David A. Clague
Lower Permian Tubiphytes/Archaeolithoporella Buildups in the Southern Alps (Austria And Italy)
Erik Flügel
The Magnesian Limestone Upper Permian Reef Complex of Northeastern England
Denys B. Smith
Middle Cretaceous Calcareous Nannoplankton Biogeography and Oceanography of the Atlantic Ocean
Peter H. Roth
Nonmarine Deposits and the Search for Energy Resources and Minerals
Romeo M. Flores
Nonmarine Sedimentation in an Active Fore Arc Basin
Richard K. Vessell
Oligocene Reef Coral Biofacies of the Vicentin Northeast Italy
Stanley H. Frost
Organic Geochemistry in the Deep Sea Drilling Project
Keith A. Kvenvolden
Paleoecology and Facies of Upper Triassic Reefs in the Northern Calcareous Alps
Erik Flügel
Paleoenvironmental Implications of Oceanic Carbonate Sedimentation Rates
Thomas A. Davies
Paleotopographic and Structural Controls on Non-Marine Sedimentation Of The Lower Cretaceous Antlers Formation and Correlatives, North Texas and Southeastern Oklahoma
David K. Hobday
The Past and Future of Ocean Drilling
Roger Revelle
Physical Stratigraphy of Ancient Lacustrine Deposits
M. Dane Picard
A Process Approach to Recognizing Facies of Reef Complexes
Mark W. Longman
Recent Research on Passive Continental Margins
Robert E. Sheridan
Recommendations for the Proper Handling of Cores and Sedimentological Analysis of Core Sequences
Charles T. Siemers
Reef Development in the Middle Triassic (Ladinian And Cordevolian) of the Northern Limestone Alps Near Innsbruck Austria
Rainer Bradner
Review of Early Results from Drilling of the Ipod-1 Active Margin Transects Across the Japan, Mariana, and Middle-America Convergent Margins
Roland Von Huene
A Review of Neogene Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy Applications in the Equatorial and South Pacific
M. S. Srinivasan
Sedimentary Features and Significance of Interdune Deposits
Thomas S. Ahlbrandt
Sedimentological Characteristics of Upper Triassic (Cordevolian) Circular Quiet Water Coral Bioherms in Western Slovenia, Northwestern Yugoslavia
Jože čar
Sedimentological Core Analysis of Deep-Water Clastic Sediments In the Down-Dip Woodbine-Eagle Ford Interval (Upper Cretaceous), Typer County, Texas
Charles T. Siemers
Sedimentology of Great Sand Dunes, Colorado
Sarah Andrews
Shallow-Water Limestones in Oceanic Basins as Tectonic and Paleoceanographic Indicators
Seymour O. Schlanger
Southern High-Latitude Diatom Biostratigraphy
F. M. Weaver
The Steinplatte Reef Complex, Part of an Upper Triassic Carbonate Platform Near Salzburg, Austria
Werner E. Piller
Stevens Sandstone (Miocene), San Joaquin Basin, California
R. M. Scott
Stratification Styles in Eolian Sandstones: Some Pennsylvanian to Jurassic Examples from the Western Interior U.S.A.
Ralph E. Hunter
Submarine-Fan Deposition of the Upper Cretaceous Winters Sandstone, Union Island Gas Field, Sacramento Valley, California
Charles R. Williamson
Sulfur-Isotope Variations in Marginal-Lacustrine Rocks Of The Green River Formation, Colorado and Utah
Rex D. Cole
Synthesis of Silicoflagellate Stratigraphy for Maestrichtian to Quaternary Marine Sediment
David Bukry
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Ice-Rafted Mineral Grains in Pliocene Sediments of the North Atlantic: Implications for Late Cenozoic Climatic History
Richard Z. Poore
Turbidites After Ten Years of Deep Sea Drilling Wringing Out the Mop
Kerry Kelts
Unkpapa Sandstone (Jurassic), Black Hills, South Dakota: An Eolian Facies of the Morrison Formation
George J. Szigeti
Upper Cretaceous Biolthitic Complexes in a Subduction Zone: Examples from the Inner Dinarides, Yugoslavia
Ante Polšak
Upper Cretaceous Deep Water Winters Sandstone, Cities Service Nixon Community No. 1, Solano County, California
R. W. Tillman
Upper Cretaceous Reef Models from Rocca DI Cave and Adjacent Areas in Latium, Central Italy
Federico Carbone
An Upper Jurassic Reef Complex from Slovenia, Yugoslavia
Dragica Turnšek
An Upper Jurassic Sponge-Algal Buildup from the Northern Frankenalb, West Germany
Erik Flügel
Various Pore Types in a Paleocene Reef, Banija, Yugoslavia
Ljubo Babić