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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
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Dudley D. Rice
Application of Cathodoluminescence to Sandstone Provenance
Michael R. Owen
Calcite Cement Stratigraphy: An Overview
William J. Meyers
Cathodoluminescence in Post-Miocene Carbonates
R.P. Major
Causes and Emission of Luminescence in Calcite and Dolomite
Hans G. Machel
Changes in Depositional Environments Resulting from Emplacement of a Large Volume Ignimbrite
David C. Buesch
Characteristics of Global-Sediment Formation in Regions of High- and Superhigh-Accumulation Rates
Alexander P. Lisitzin
Combined Cathodoluminescence and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
Donald J. Marshall
Cyclicity in the Permian Queen Formation - U.S.M. Queen Field, Pecos County, Texas
K. E. Tucker
Delta-Front Gullies as Part of Mass-Movement Phenomena: Mississippi River Delta Front
A. H. Bouma
Depositional Environments and Facies Analysis of the Cherokee Group in West-Central Kansas
Jerome J. Cuzella
Depositional Facies and Model for Mixed Siliciclastics and Carbonates of the Yates Formation, Permian Basin
J. M. Borer
The Depositional Record of SmalL, Monogenetic Volcanoes Within Terrestrial Basins
James D. L. White
Deposition and Diagenesis of a Marine-Swamp Margin; The Providence Limestone and Adjacent Coals, Western Kentucky
Carol B. Dewet
Developments in Understanding the Tectonic Evolution of the California Continental Borderland
Mark R. Legg
An Entrenched Thalweg Channel on the Rhone Fan: Interpretation from a Seabeam and Seamarc I Survey
Suzanne O. Connell
Facies Sequences and Geometries in Continental Volcaniclastic Sediments
Gary A. Smith
Factors Governing Cathodoluminescence in Calcite and Dolomite, and their Implications for Studies of Carbonate Diagenesis
Hans G. Machel and Elizabeth A. Burton
Fluorescence Microscopy in Oil Shale and Coal Studies
Adrian Hutton
Fourier Grain-Shape Analysis of Coastal and Inner Continental-Shelf Sand Samples: Oceanside Littoral Cell, Southern Orange and San Diego Counties, Southern California
Robert H. Osborne
Fragmentation Processes in Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
Grant Heiken
Genetic Global Geomorphology: A Prospectus
Elazar Uchupi
Geologic Applications of Infrared Microscopy
Andrew R. Campbell
Geologic Development and Depositional History of the Florida Middle Ground: A Mid-Shelf, Temperate-Zone Reef System in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Gregg R. Brooks
Gravel-Filled Gutter Casts in Nearshore Facies — Indicators of Ancient Shoreline Trend
Francesco L. Chiocci
Initiation Processes and Flow Evolution of Turbidity Currents: Implications for the Depositional Record
William R. Normark
Interrelationship of Platform Dolostone and Silicic Siltstone Facies - Grayburg Formation (Permian), Central Basin Platform and Ozona Arch, Permian Basin, West Texas
Don G. Bebout
Lahars: Volcano Hydrologic-Events and Deposition in the Debris Flow—Hyperconcentrated Flow Continuum
Gary A. Smith
Landscape Response to a Major Ignimbrite Eruption Taupo Volcanic Center New Zealand
Robyn C. M. Smith
Lithostratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Ancell Group in Central Illinois: A Middle Ordovician Carbonate-Siliciclastic Transition
T. H. Shaw
Littoral-Cell Development in the Convergent Cascadia Margin of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Curt D. Peterson
Luminescence Petrography and Spectroscopic Studies of Diagenetic Minerals
Grahame Walker
Mississippian Carbonate-Siliciclastic Eolianites in Southwestern Kansas
C. Robertson Handford
Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Sedimentation: Northern Insular Shelf of Puerto Rico
David M. Bush
Mixed Carbonates and Siliciclastics in a Mississippian Paleokarst Setting, Southwestern Wyoming Thrust Belt
J. L. Sieverding
Ordovician Limestone and Shale in the Central Appalachian Basin: Early Sedimentary Response to Plate Collision
Richard Smosna
An Overview of Zoning in Carbonate Minerals
Richard J. Reeder
Parnell Grits - Large Subaqueous Volcaniclastic Gravity Flows with Multiple Particle-Support Mechanisms
Peter F. Ballance
Past and Future Evolution of Marine Geology
K. O. Emery
Pliocene-Quaternary Submarine Pumice Deposits in the Sumisu Rift Area, Izu-Bonin Arc
A. Nishimura
Practical Aspects of Cement Stratigraphy with Illustrations from Pennsylvanian Limestone and Sandstone, New Mexico and Kansas
Robert H. Goldstein
Practical Aspects of Fluorescence Microscopy of Petroleum Fluid Inclusions
Robert C. Burruss
Pre-Diagenetic Sedimentary Fractionation of Andesitic Detritus in a Semi-Arid Climate an Example from the Eocene Datil Group, New Mexico
Steven M. Cather
Progress and Problems in Knowledge of Coral Lagoon Topography and Its Origin in the South Pacific, by Way of Pinnacle Study
Andre Guilcher
A Proposed Classification of Basin Plains
Orrin H. Pilkey
Provenance of Sands and Sandstones from a Rifted Continental Arc, Gulf of California Mexico
Kathleen M. Marsaglia
Rain-Lahar Generation and Sediment Delivery Systems at Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Kelvin S. Rodolfo
Reconstruction of Oligo-Miocene Volcaniclastic Dispersal Patterns in North-Central New Mexico Using Sandstone Petrofacies
Raymond V. Ingersoll
Regressive Coastal Deposits on Quaternary Continental Shelves: Preservation and Legacy
Michael E. Field
Sedimentary Architecture of Large Volcanic-Debris Avalanches
Harry Glicken
Sedimentary History of the Moyvoughly Area, County Westmeath, Ireland: Evidence for Synsedimentary Fault Movements in a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic System of Courceyan Age
Gill M. Harwood
A Sediment Budget for the Santacruz Littoral Cell, California
Tim C. Best
Slope and Basinal Carbonate Deposition in the Nolichucky Shale (Upper Cambrian), East Tennessee: Effect of Carbonate Suppression by Siliciclastic Deposition on Basin-Margin Morphology
J. L. Foreman
Slope Morphology of the U.S. Pacific Continental Margin
Donn S. Gorsline
Studies of Ore Deposits and Trace Elements in Minerals
Otto C. Kopp
Studies of Reservoir Diagenesis, Burial History, and Petroleum Migration Using Luminescence Microscopy
Roger K. Mclimans
Subtidal Stromatolites Ooids and Crusted Lime Muds at the Great Bahama Bank Margin
Robert F. Dill
Tectonic Evolution of Submarine Canyons Along the California Continental Margin
H. Gary Greene
Transport and Deposition of Tephra by Pyroclastic Flows and Surges
Steven N. Carey
Upward-Shoaling Sequence of Mixed Siliciclastics and Carbonates from the Jurassic Smackover Formation of Central Mississippi
Roger D. Shew
Use of Cathodoluminescence Petrography for Understanding Compaction, Quartz Cementation, and Porosity in Sandstones
David W. Houseknecht
Using Cathodoluminescence to Map Regionally Zoned Carbonate Cements Occurring in Diagenetic Aureoles Above Oil Reservoirs: Initial Results from the Velma Oil Field, Oklahoma
Charles E. Barker
Volcanic Debris Avalanche Deposits in New Zealand—Lithofacies Organization in Unconfined, Wet-Avalanche Flows
Beth A. Palmer
Volcaniclastic Deposits: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration
Mark E. Mathisen
Volcanism, Climatic Change, and the Geologic Record
Michael R. Rampino
Volcanism, Tectonics and Sedimentation
Richard V. Fisher
Voluminous Shallow-Water to Emergent Phreatomagmatic Basaltic Volcaniclastic Rocks, Proterozoic (~1886 MA) Amisk Lake Composite Volcano, Flin Flon Greenstone Belt, Canada
L. D. Ayres
Wamba Field, People'S Republic of Angola, A Cenomanian Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Reservoir
Anthony J. Lomando
Wave Processes and Geologic Responses on the Floor of the Yellow Sea
James S. Booth