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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
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ABU Shaar Complex (Miocene) Gulf of Suez, Egypt: Deposition and Diagenesis in an Active Rift Setting
Mario Coniglio
Assessing the Roles of Tectonism and Eustasy
John M. Dennison
Association of Allochthonous Waters and Reservoir Enhancement in Deeply Buried Miocene Sandstones: Picaroon Field, Corsair Trend, Offshore Texas
Thomas R. Taylor
Cation Geothermometry and the Effect of Organic-Inorganic Diagenetic Reactions
Leta K. Smith
Cycles in Lake Beds of the Triassic Sanford Sub-Basin of North Carolina
Lisa N. HU
Depositional Control on Carbonate Cement in the San Joaquin Basin, California
Yang Il Lee
Depth Determination and Quantitative Distinction of the Influence of Tectonic Subsidence and Climate on Changing Sea Level During Deposition of Midcontinent Pennsylvanian Cyclothems
George D. Klein
Diagenesis in a Cyclic, Regressive Siliciclastic Sequence: The Point Lookout Sandstone, San Juan Basin, Colorado
Jennifer L. Loomis
Early Diagenesis and Paleosol Features of Ancient Desert Sediments: Examples from the Permian Basin
Ariel Malicse
Early Siderite Cementation as a Control on Reservoir Quality in Submarine Fan Sandstones, Sonora Canyon Gas Play, Val Verde Basin, Texas
Shirley P. Dution
Eustatic and Tectonic Control of Deposition of the Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian Strata of the Central Appalachian Basin
Donald R. Chesnut Jr.
Evaluation of Evidence for Glacio-Eustatic Control Over Marine Pennsylvanian Cyclothems in North America and Consideration of Possible Tectonic Effects
Philip H. Heckel
Evidence for Orbitally-Driven Sedimentary Cycles in the Devonian Catskill Delta Complex
Jay Van Tassell
Fluid-Flow Regimes and Sandstone Shale Diagenesis in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Ronald C. Surdam
Foundering of the Cambro-Ordovician Shelf Margin: Onset of Taconian Orogenesis or Eustatic Drowning
Paul A. Washington
Glacio-Eustatic Origin of Permo-Carboniferous Stratigraphic Cycles: Evidence from the Southern Cordilleran Foreland Region
William R. Dickinson
High Frequency Eustatic and Siliciclastic Sedimentation Cycles in a Foreland Basin, Upper Devonian, Appalachian Basin
Jonathan K. Filer
Late Miocene Reefs of the Alicante-Elche Basin, Southeast Spain
Francesc Calvet
Messinian Coral Reefs of Western Orania, Algeria
Jean-Paul Saint Martin
The Messinian Reef Complex of Melilla, Northeastern Rif, Morocco
Jean-Paul Saint Martin
Middle and Upper Miocene Reefs and Carbonate Platforms in Israel
Binyamin Buchbinder
Middle Miocene Coral-Oyster Reefs, Murchas, Granada, Southern Spain
Juan C. Braga
The Middle to Upper Miocene Carbonate Complex of Níjar, Almería Province, Southeastern Spain
Carol Mankiewicz
Miocene Carbonates of the Eastern Mediterranean, The Red Sea and the Mesopotamian Basin: Geodynamic and Eustatic Controls
Binyamin Buchbinder
Miocene Patch Reefs from a Mediterranean Marginal Terrigenous Setting in Southwest Turkey
Anthony B. Hayward
Miocene Reef Distributions and their Associations in the Central Mediterranean Region: An Overview
Martyn Pedley
Miocene Reef Facies of the Pelagian Region (Central Mediterranean)
Martyn Pedley
Miocene Reefs of the Northwest Red Sea
Bruce H. Purser
Miocene Reefs of the Paratethys: A Review
Andrzej Pisera
Models for Carbonate Stratigraphy from Miocene Reef Complexes of Mediterranean Regions: Introduction
Evan K. Franseen
Organic and Authigenic Mineral Geochemistry of the Permian Delaware Mountain Group, West Texas: Implications for the Chemical Evolution of Pore Fluids
Phillip D. Hays
Origin And Timing of Carbonate Cements in the St. Peter Sandstone, Illinois Basin: Evidence for a Genetic Link to Mississippi Valley-Type Mineralization
Janet K. Pitman
An Overview of Miocene Reefs from Mediterranean Areas: General Trends and Facies Models
Mateu Esteban
Paleoslope, Sea-Level and Climate Controls on Upper Miocene Platform Evolution, Las Negras Area, Southeastern Spain
Evan K. Franseen and Robert H. Goldstein
Production-Induced Diagenesis During Thermal Heavy Oil Recovery: Grain Size as a Predictor of Reservoir Alteration
Mary L. Barrett
Quantifying Compaction, Pressure Solution And Quartz Cementation in Moderately-And Deeply-Buried Quartzose Sandstones from the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming
W. Naylor Stone
Quartz Diagenesis in Layered Fluids in the South Brae Oilfield, North Sea
Órla M. Mclaughlin
Recognition of Regional (Eustatic?) and Local (Tectonic?) Relative Sea-Level Events in Outcrop and Gamma-Ray Logs, Ordovician, West Virginia
Richard J. Diecchio
Relationship Between Organic Matter And authigenic Illite Smectite in Devonian Black Shales, Michigan and Illinois Basins, USA
Victoria C. Hover
Rhodolith Facies in the Central-Southern Apennines Mountains, Italy
Gabriele Carannante and Lucia Simone
Roles of Eustasy and Tectonics in Development of Silurian Stratigraphic Architecture of the Appalachian Foreland Basin
William M. Goodman
Rosignano Reef Complex (Messinian), Livornesi Mountains, Tuscany, Central Italy
Alessandro Bossio
Sources of Silica From the Illite to Muscovite Transformation During Late-Stage Diagenesis of Shales
Matihew W. Totien
Structural and Faunal Evolution of Chattian—Miocene Reefs and Corals in Western France and the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean
Bruno Cahuzac and Christian Chaix
A Sub-Pennsylvanian Paleovalley System in the Central Appalachian Basin and its Implications for Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on the Origin of the Regional Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Unconformity
Jack D. Beuthin
Tectonic and Eustatic Influences Upon the Sedimentary Environments of the Upper Ordovician Strata of New York and Ontario
David Lehmann
Tectonic Controls on Miocene Reefs and Related Carbonate Facies in Cyprus
Edward J. Follows
Upper Miocene Reef Complex of the Llucmajor Area, Mallorca, Spain
Luis Pomar
Variations in Chloride as a Driving Force in Siliciclastic Diagenesis
Jeffrey S. Hanor
Western Mediterranean Reef Complexes
Mateu Esteban