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ABSTRACT: Age, Correlation, and Environment of Wyoming and North Dakota Coals
Jack D. Burgess and Harry A. Leffingwell
ABSTRACT: A Preliminary Study of Coal-Formating Environments During Deposition of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation, Wind River Basin, Wyoming
Ronald C. Johnson, Romeo M. Flores, Richard Szmajter, Thomas M. Finn
ABSTRACT: A Regional Coalification Study of Cretaceous and Tertiary Coals in the Central Rocky Mountain Foothills of Alberta, Canada
K. Burchard, F.M. Dawson, W. Kalkreuth, C.W. Langenberg
ABSTRACT: Characteristics of Lithotype Thickness and Sequential Association of Some Kentucky Coals
Zhengping Wang, James C. Hower, John C. Ferm, Garry C. Wild
ABSTRACT: Coalbed Methane Potential of the Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada Emphasis on its Relationship with Maturity and CO2 Surface Area
Prasant K. Mukhopadhyay, D. Jack MacDonald, John H. Calder
ABSTRACT: Coal Combustian Under Conditions of Blast Furnace Injection
John C. Crelling
ABSTRACT: Comparison of Maturity and Source Rock Geochemistry of Selected Rocks from the Schei Point Group and Ringnes Formation, Arctic Canada
P.K. Mukhopadhyay, F. Goodarzi, M.A. Kruge, M.H. Alimi
ABSTRACT: Correlation Between Reservoired Oils and Subsurface Waltman Shale Source Rock, Wind River Basin, Wyoming
Barry J. Katz, Louis M. Liro, James G. Palacas
ABSTRACT: Distribution of Environmentally Sensitive Trace Elements in Coal Beds of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana
Sharon S. Crowley and Ronald W. Stanton
ABSTRACT: Fine-Scale Variation in the Distribution of Organic Matter in Devonian Black Shale
Jennifer A. Thompson and Susan M. Rimmer
ABSTRACT: Formation Features of Thermally Metamorphosed Coals from the Souther Donbass
Galina Jernovaja
ABSTRACT: High Reflecting and Low Reflecting Solid Hydrocarbons (Bituminites) in North German Evaporites
Martin J. Reinhardt, Katja Hindenberg, Silke Mehlboro
ABSTRACT: Integrated Geochemistry, Organic Petrology, and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Trassic Shublik Formation, Tenneco Phoenix #1 Well, North Slope, Alaska
Vaughan D. Robison, Louis M. Liro, Coleman R. Robison, William C. Dawson, John W. Russo
ABSTRACT: Maturity Indicators: Do they Indicate Maturity?
Ganjavar Khavari Khorasani, Johan K. Michelsen, Susan E. Palmer
ABSTRACT: Modern Pearl River Delta and Permian Huainan Coal Field, China: A Comparative Study
Suping Peng and Romeo M. Flores
ABSTRACT: Paragenetic Perplexity: Causes and Cures for a Carbonate Concretionary Zone, Beulah-Zap Coal, Williston Basin, North Dakota
C.W. Keighin, R.M. Flores, T. Rowland
ABSTRACT: Petrographic and Chemical Variation Due to Segregation During Crushing/Sizing of Coal Blends
Alan Davis and Paul C. Orban
ABSTRACT: Quality and Petrographic Characteristics of Paleocene Coals from the Hanna Basin, Wyoming
Brenda S. Pierce
ABSTRACT: Sedimentary Organic Matter Associated Pyrite: The Comparative Petrology of SOM from Microbially Populated Subsurface Sediments
C.D. Gullett
ABSTRACT: Structural and Thermal History of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation, Central and Eastern Wind River Basin, with Emphasis on Petroleum Potential of the Waltman Shale Member
Vito F. Nuccio and Thomas M. Finn
ABSTRACT: The Expulsion Efficiency of Oil from Coal and Other Terrestrial Organic Matter
Johan K. Michelsen and Ganjavar Khavari Khorasani
ABSTRACT: The Insulating Effect of Coals and Black Shales in the Appalachian Basin of Western Pennsylvania
Karen Rose Cercone, Henry Pollack, David Deming
ABSTRACT: The Modern Maceral Analysis: One Size Fits All
Brian J. Cardott
ABSTRACT: Variations in Source Potential and Maturation of New Zealand Coals, Based on Relationships Between Conventional Coal Chemistry, Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, and GCMS Biomarkers
Jane Newman, Leigh C. Price, Jim H. Johnston
ABSTRACT: Vitrinite Reflectance Variations in Paleocene and Eocene Coals of the Powder River, Williston, Hanna, Bighorn, and Bull Mountain Basins,U.S.A.
James Pontolillo and Ronald W. Stanton
ABSTRACT: Volcanic Ashfall Material in the Chemard Lake Lignite, Naborton Formation, Desoto and Red River Parishes, Louisiana
Leslie F. Ruppert and Peter D. Warwick
Case Study of Compositional Partitioning in Fine Coals Subject to Commercial-Scale Column Flotation
Kenneth W. Kuehn, James C. Hower, B.K. Parekh, and William J. Peters
Comparative Study of Activated Carbons Produced from Eastern Kentucky Liptinite-rich Coals
Chris Toles and Susan M. Rimmer
Experimental Coalification Of Indonesian Peat and Buried Wood
J.C. Shearer, T.A. Moore, W.H. Orem, H.E. Lerch, S.G. Neuzil, C.B. Cecil
Experimental Study of Vitrinite Maturation Kinetics: Effects of Temperature, Time, Pressure, Water, Hydrogen Index, and Other
Wuu-Liang Huang
Functional Relationships of Proximate, Ultimate and Petrographic Data with Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Parameters from Coal
J.D. Yeakel
Inorganic Geochemistry of Lignite in the Ione Formation from the Vicinity of the Mother Lode Gold Deposit, Amador County, California
Robert B. Finkelman, Neely H. Bostic, Roger D. Congdon
Laramide Tectonism and Paleogeography: Their Effects on Quality and Hazardous Air Pollutant Trace Element Trends in Rocky Mountain Province Paleocene Coals
Gary D. Stricker and Margaret S. Ellis
Laser Micro-Pyrolysis: Morphology to Molecular Structure of Discrete Kerogen Components
Lorraine B. Eglinton
Mouldering or Smouldering? Oxidised Plant Material in the Palangkaraya Peat Deposit
T.A. Moore, J.C. Shearer, S.L. Miller
A New Pyrolysis Technique Using Diamond Anvil Cell: In-Situ Visualization of Kerogen Maturation
Wuu-Liang Huang
Organic-Inorganic Interactions During Vitrinite Maturation: Constraints from Hydrous Pyrolysis Experiments
Jeffrey S. Seewald and Lorraine B. Eglinton
Palynological Biostratigraphy in the Lower Tertiary of Wyoming Foreland Basins
D.J. Nichols
Petrography, Geochemistry, and Geology of the San Miguel Lignite, Jackson Group (Eocene), South Texas
Peter D. Warwick, Sharon S. Crowley, Leslie F. Ruppert, James Pontolillo
Petrography of Pyrolysis and Pyrolysis-Steam Retorted Residues from the Alpha Torbanite and the Alpha Coal
Adrian C. Hutton, Uschi M. Graham, James Hower, Robert F. Rathbone, Thomas L. Robl
Raised Understanding of a Domed Bog, Nava Scotia: A Modern Analog for Temperate Coal Deposits
Catherine Chague-Goff and Timothy A. Moore
Tertiary Coal Basins of the Wyoming Rockies: Events and Processes
Romeo M. Flores
Vitrinite Reflectance of Whole-Rock Versus Dispersed Organic Matter Concentrate Mounts: Whats the Difference?
Charles E. Barker