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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

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ABSTRACT: Application of Organic Petrology to Shale Oil and Gas Potential of the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, USA

Brian J. Cardott

ABSTRACT: A Review of CBM Production Data from the Horseshoe Canyon Coals in the Alberta Plains, With an Emphasis on Their Producibility on the Vicinity of the Ermineskin First Nations Acreage

Thomas Gentzis

ABSTRACT: A Review of the Resource Potential of the Maritimes Horton Bluff Group Within the Windsor Sub-Basin and the Challenges Facing Commercial Production

Peter Hill

ABSTRACT: Assessment of the Devonian Gas Shales of the Appalachian Basin - A Critique

Robert C. Milici

ABSTRACT: A USANS/GP-SANS Study of the Accessibility of Pores in Gas Shale to Methane, Water, and Brine

Leslie F. Ruppert, Richard Sakurovs, Tomasz P. Blach, David F.R. Mildner, Lilin He, Yuri B. Melnichenko

ABSTRACT: Bromine in United States Coals

Harvey E. Belkin, Susan J. Tewalt

ABSTRACT: CBM and Shale Gas Potential in Brazil - Example from the Santa Terezinha Coalfield, Rio Grande Do Sul

Wolfgang Kalkreuth, M. Holz, J. Levandowski, P. Weniger, Bernard M. Krooss

ABSTRACT: Changes of Kerogen Through the Hydrous Pyrolysis Process, Optical and Morphological Evidences

A. Plata, T. Juliao, C. Parra, D. Torres

ABSTRACT: Characteristics and Production Potential of the Barnett Shale in the Oil Window Part of the Fort Worth Basin

Thomas Gentzis

ABSTRACT: Characterization of Coal Combustion Products From Power Plants Burning High- and Low-Sulfur Coals in the United States

Sharon Swanson, Mark A. Engle, Leslie F. Ruppert, Kevin B. Jones, Ronald H. Affolter

ABSTRACT: Characterization of Oil Shale, Isolated Kerogen, and Post-Pyrolysis Residues Using Advanced C13 Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Mao Jingdong, Justin E. Birdwell, Xiaoyan Cao, Mark Chappell, Yuan Li

ABSTRACT: CO2 Carbon Capture and Storage in the 21st Century: Pore Space to Commerciality - An Alberta Perspective

William D. Gunter

ABSTRACT: Coal Seam Correlation of Indian Gondwana Coalfield: A Palaeobotanical Perspective

A.K. Srivastava, Deepa Agnihotri

ABSTRACT: Coal Seams from Paleocene Marcelina Formation: Possible Petroleum Source Rock? Evidence From Organic Petrography, Western Venezuela

T.M. Juliao Lemus

ABSTRACT: Comparison of the Thermal Maturity of Organic Matter in Sediments of the Late Creataceous in the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia; Obtained by Several Methods and Their Impact on the Exploration of Conventional Oil Resources and Unconventional Ones

Ruiz Ricardo, Daniel Gomez, Astrid Blandón, José Jaramillo

ABSTRACT: Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale - Lessons Learned for Future Shale Plays

Thomas Bowman

ABSTRACT: Distribution Characteristics of Mercury Content in Natural Gas and Its Origin

Jian Li, Han Zhongxi, Yan Qituan

ABSTRACT: Early Diagenetic Controls on the Inorganic Composition of Shale and Oil Shale from the Upper Green River FM. (Mahogany Oil Shale Zone - Uinta FM. Boundary), Uinta Basin, Utah, USA

David Keighley

ABSTRACT: Evolutionary Understanding of Shale Resource Systems

Daniel M. Jarvie

ABSTRACT: Evolution of Optical Properties During Graphitization of Unburned Carbons from Fly Ash

Sandra Rodrigues, Isabel Suárez-Ruiz

ABSTRACT: Fingerprinting of the Comparison of Oil Shows at Birdfoot Delta and Oil Spill of the Recent BP MC 252 Well at the Louisiana Coast, GOM

Roger Sassen

ABSTRACT: Forecasting U.S. Peak Coal Production: The Need for Probabilistic Assessments of U.S. Coal Reserves

Robert C. Milici

ABSTRACT: Future of the Global Oil Industry: The Resources and Challenges

I.V. Hobbs, G. "Skip" Warfield

ABSTRACT: Gallium and Germanium in Indiana Coals

Agnieszka Drobniak, Maria Mastalerz

ABSTRACT: Gas Hydrate Resources on Canada's East Coast: Fact or Fiction

David C. Mosher

ABSTRACT: Geochemical Assessment of the Resource Potential of the Albert Formation (Frederic Brook Shale Member), Maritimes Basin, New Brunswick, Canada

J.C. Pol, A.H. Silliman, R. Sassen, C.X. Allison, N.J. Atkinson

ABSTRACT: Geochemical Characteristics of Biogenic Gases in China

Yunyan Ni, Jinxing Dai

ABSTRACT: GIS Data of the Coal- and Lignite-Bearing Areas of India and Bangladesh

Michael H. Trippi, Susan J. Tewalt

ABSTRACT: High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging of Coal Samples Using Microfocus X-Ray Computed Tomography, With Special Reference to Modes of Mineral Occurrence

Alexandra Golab, Colin Ward, Asep Permana, Paul Lennox

ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon and Non-Hydrocarbon Gases Obtained by the Pulverization of Hokkaido Eocene Coal

Koji U. Takahashi, Noriyuki Suzuki, Hiroyuki Saito

ABSTRACT: Hydrogen Fuel: Technical Opportunities and Challenges

Arndt Schimmelmann, Maria Mastalerz

ABSTRACT: Investigating the Structure of Gas Shales on the Nanoscale by FIB/SEM Tomography and Stem Imaging

Mark E. Curtis, Ray J. Ambrose, Carl H. Sondergeld, S. Rai Chandra

ABSTRACT: Large Scale Mineralogical and Organic Changes within the Lacustrine Frederick Brook Shale of the New Brunswick Moncton Basin

Tom Martel

ABSTRACT: Life in the Cosmos

Richard B. Hoover

ABSTRACT: Lithological Controls on Hydrocarbon Saturation, Total Porosity, Pore Size Distribution, and Matrix Permeability of Devonian Strata of the Horn River Basin

G. Chalmers, R.M. Bustin, A.M.M. Bustin

ABSTRACT: Lithological Controls on Permeability Variations in the Lower Triassic Montney Formation, Pouce Coupe, Alberta

Melissa Freeman, Chris Clarkson, Hamed Sanei

ABSTRACT: Microbial Gas in the Illinois Basin: Pennsylvanian Coals Versus Deonian/Mississippian Shales

Maria Mastalerz, Arndt Schimmelmann, Dariusz Strąpoć

ABSTRACT: Modeling Unconventional Petroleum Systems - Current and Future Developments and Applications

Bjorn Wygrala, Thomas Hantschel

ABSTRACT: My Source Rock in Now My Reservoir - Geologic and Petrophysical Characterization of Shale-Gas Reservoirs

Quinn R. Passey, Kevin M. Bohacs, W.L. Esch, R.E. Klimentidis, S. Sinha

ABSTRACT: New ASTM Standard Test MEthod D7708-11 for Determination of the Reflectance of Vitrinite Dispersed in Sedimentary Rocks

Paul C. Hackley, Carla V. Araujo, Ángeles G. Borrego, Brian J. Cardott, Alan C. Cook, Mária Hámor-Vidó, Kees Kommeren, João G. Mendonça Filho, Jane Newman, Mark Pawlewicz, Judith Potter, Isabel Suárez-Ruiz

ABSTRACT: North American Shale Gas Resources, Reserves, and Production: A Geological and Geochemical PErspective

John B. Curtis

ABSTRACT: Oil Pollution in Coastal Waters

Michael A. Kruge

ABSTRACT: Organic Geochemical Investigation on Lower Carboniferous Organic Rish Sediments (Mobarak Formation) in Eastern Alborz, Iran

Hossein Mosaddegh, Ali Akbar Hassannezhad, Mahmoud Memariani, Nader Dabestani, Hamed Dabestani

ABSTRACT: Potential Risks and Challenges to Shale Gas Explores in the Sydney-Gunnedah Basin, New South Wales, Australia

Lila W. Gurba

ABSTRACT: Preliminary Results of Artificial Maturation Experiments on a Subbituminous Wilcox Coal

Paul C. Hackley, Frank T. Dulong, Brett J. Valentine

ABSTRACT: Reflectance of Vitrinite-Like Macerals and Other Maturity Parameters in defining the Maturity of Shale Oil and Gas Shale Evaluation in Lower Paleozoic and Older Sediments

Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay

ABSTRACT: Resource Potential of Thermogenic Coalbed Methane in Paleogene Coals, Hokkaido, Japan

Hiroyuki Saito, Noriyuki Suzuki, Koji U. Takahashi, Hitoshi Hasegawa

ABSTRACT: Seafloor Gas Vents, Gas-Hydrate, Chemosynthetic Communities, Oil Mats, and Oil Slicks: Consequence of a Poorly-Sealed Petroleum System in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Slope

Roger Sassen

ABSTRACT: Spore Colour Index as a Tool in Solving Tectonic Problems in Petroleum Exploration? A Case Study of Tanzanian Coastal Basin

Jean-Frank Mayagilo

ABSTRACT: Stable Carbon Isotopes of Coal-Derived Alkane Gases in China

Jinxing Dai, Yunyan Ni, Xiaoqi Wu, Shipeng Huang, Fengrong Liao

ABSTRACT: Standardisation of Rock-Eval Analyses for the Analysis of Recent Sediments and Soils

Jesse Carrie, Hamed Sanei, Gary Stern

ABSTRACT: State of Knowledge Regarding CO2 Sequestration Potential of Unmineable Coal

Margo D. Corum, Kevin B. Jones, Peter D. Warwick

ABSTRACT: The Geochemical and Organic Petrological Characteristics of Coal and Associated Mudstone of Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin, China

Guoyi Hu, Huichang Zhang, Min Zhang, Wei Li

ABSTRACT: The Paradox of Low CO2 Production in Shale Gas Plays

Ahmed Chaouche

ABSTRACT: The Relationship Between Heavy Metals and Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Oxford Clay (Jurassic) of the Southern UK

Pin-Ru Huang, John Marshall, Philip Scotney

ABSTRACT: The Technical and Economic Feasibility of Geological Sequestration for Nova Scotia

David Fanning

ABSTRACT: Transport and Sealing Properties of Clay-Rich Lithotypes Exposed to CO2

Alexandra Amann-Hildenbrand, Andreas Busch, Pieter Bertier, Ines Rick, Philipp Weniger, Bernd M. Krooss

ABSTRACT: Transport Processes in Coals and Gas Shales: An Experimental Perspective

Bernd M. Krooss, Alexandra Amann-Hildenbrand, Matus Gasparik, Yves Gensterblum, Amin Ghanizadeh, Philipp Weniger

ABSTRACT: Unconventional Shale Oil or Shale Gas Potential of the Eastern Canadian Palaeozoic Sedimentary Basins: Organic Facies and Related Organic Pores, Organic-Mineral Network, and Maturation

Prasanta K. (Muki) Mukhopadhyay