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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
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3D Seismic Facies Classification on CPU and GPU HPC Clusters
Sergio Botelho, Vishal Das, Davide Vanzo, Pandu Devarakota, Vinay Rao, Santi Adavani
A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Model Results and Key Geologic Parameters for Unconventional Resource Plays
Jeff Bowman, Hamed Tabatabaie, Julie Anna Bowman
A Flexible Biomimetic Superhydrophobic and Superoleophilic 3D Macroporous Polymer-Based Robust Network for the Efficient Separation of Oil-Contaminated Water
Fahd I. Alghunaimi, Norah W. Aljuryyed, Saleh A. Tawfik
A Machine Learning Approach to Benchmarking: A New Perspective Utilizing Factor Contribution Analysis
Hamed Tabatabaie, Toby Burrough, Camilo Rodriguez Cadena
A Model Ranking Approach for Liquid Loading Onset Predictions
Hao Jia, Jianjun Zhu, Guangqiang Cao, Yingda Lu, Bo Lu, Haiwen Zhu
A Modelling Study on the Application of the Bentonites in Plugging Carbon Dioxide Injection Wells
Hossein Dashti, Mohammad Sedaghat, Mahshid Firouzi, Suzanne Hurter
A New Hydration Index and Mineral Content Curve Based Shut-In-Time Optimization Approach for Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells in Shale Gas Reservoirs
Shuanghan Luo, Hao Su, Ge Jiang, Chao Hu, Zhihong Zhao, Yuhang Zhao, Liang Tao, Jianchun Guo, Xianan Deng, Geng Li, Xin Zhang
A Novel Completion System and CO2 Fracturing Fluid Unlock The Ultratight but Critically Important S1/H8 Formations in China's Yanbei Gas Field
Hua Hai Yang, Kevin Mullen, Yi Liu, Ge Hong Kan, Chi Tian You, Hong Man Wang, Jun Tian Yu, Bo Yong Cao
A Novel Methodology for Predicting Micro-Proppant Screenout in Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments
Nathan J. Di Vaira, Łukasz Łaniewski-Wołłk, Raymond L. Johnson Jr., Saiied M. Aminossadati, Christopher R. Leonardi
A Porothermoelastic Model Considering the DynamicTemperature-Perturbation Boundary Effect for Borehole Stability in Fractured Porous Rocks
Jiajia Gao, Hai Lin, Jin Sun, Xiuping Chen, Huixiang Wang, Xianfeng Liu
A Practical Workflow for Determining the Individual-Stage Fracture Network Using Flowback Dynamics and Microseismic Data: A Case Study
Linkai Li, Yue Wang, Xiao Guo, Zhendong Gao
A Water-Base Drilling Fluid for Controlling Deep-Reservoir Extreme Conditions in an Abu Dhabi Gas Shale Play
Gabe Manescu, Balazs Veer, Panamarathupalayam Balakrishnan, Carmelo Arena, Benoit Allias, Clotaire Eyaa
Advanced Testing Protocol and Evaluation for Shale OCTG Connections
Wesley Lyman Ott, Scott Landon Granger, David James Marmolejo, Darren Richard Santeler, Nora Brahmi
An Approach to Include Scale-Dependent Surface Roughness in Hydraulic Fracturing Simulation
Abbas Movassagh, Saeed Salimzadeh, Elaheh Arjomand, Manouchehr Haghighi
An Efficient Approach for Optimising Well Spacing in Coalbed Methane Assets
Gladys Chang, Zana Williams, Sam Guiton, Colin Chan, Fabian Brandimarte
An Iteratively Coupled Model for Flow, Deformation, and Fracture Propagation in Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs
Harun Rashid, Femi Olorode, Chukwudi Chukwudozie
Application of D-Limonene as the Green High Viscosity Friction Reducer in Hydraulic Fracturing
Aminah Qayyimah Mohd Aji, Wan Nor Farahana Wan Nadhari, Cindy Dhevayani Savitri, Dzeti Farhah Mohshim, Belladonna Maulianda, Arvindraj Krishnan
Application of Multi-Scale Fracture Detection from Borehole Microresistivity Image and Dipole Shear Wave Reflection Imaging in Shale Gas Horizontal Wells: A Case Study in Changning Gas Field
DE Heng, He Fa Yao, Ran Wen, Bin Lin, Qi Cheng Fan, Yan Hui Fu,
Application of Novel Stabilized Zone Simulation and Flow Diagnostics for the Interpretation of the SRV and Assessment of Multiwell Interference
Ching-Hsien Liu, Kenta Nakajima, Michael J. King
Application of Physics Informed Neural Networks to Compositional Modelling
Thelma Anizia Ihunde, Olufemi Olorode
Application of Principal Component Analysis Biplots to Reservoir Characterisation and Classification for Low Permeability Carbonate Reservoirs in the Middle East
Liang Sun, Hang Zhao, Fan Liu, Penghui Su, Kun Liu
Application of Simulation of Coupled Hydraulic Fracture Propagation by Implementing Natural Fracture Modeling in Shale Oil Reservoir - A Case Study from Junggar Basin, China
Yanyan Ding, Yu Liang, Tingfeng Zhao, Mingwei Ma, Xingning Huang
Applications of Indirect Hydraulic Fracturing to Improve Coal Seam Gas Drainage for the Surat and Bowen Basins, Australia
Raymond Leslie Johnson Jr., Honja Miharisoa Ramanandraibe, Ayrton Ribeiro, Matthew Ramsay, Kaa Tipene, William Corbett
Assessment of Rate Normalization and Pressure Deconvolution Techniques to History-Match and Forecast Production of Tight-Oil Reservoirs Using a Physics-Based Rate-Time Model
Leopoldo M. Ruiz Maraggi, Larry W. Lake, Mark P. Walsh
Automated Well Performance Diagnostics in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Multi Basin Study for Early Time Production Optimization
Darryl Tompkins, Oladapo Adejare, Marci Kerls, Adam Swartley, Christina Costello
Averaging Predictions of Rate-Time Models Using Bayesian Leave-Future-Out Cross-Validation and the Bayesian Bootstrap in Probabilistic Unconventional Production Forecasting
Leopoldo M. Ruiz Maraggi, Larry W. Lake, Mark P. Walsh
Azimuthal Hold Technology Implementation in Vaca Muerta
Oscar Sanchez, Francisco Javier Mela, Rodrigo Martin
Can ISIP Really Tell Closure Pressure? - Case Study of Consecutive DFITs in the Eagle Ford
Shintaro Kuroda, Shunichi Watanabe, Kenji Ueda
Case Insights Highlighting the Maximum Production Pad of Shale Gas in China
Meng Wang, Mingguang Che, Wei Jiang, Meng Fan, Yun Jiang, Yonghui Wang, Xin Wang, Guangyou Zhu
Case Study and Sensitivity Analysis of Borehole Breakout in the Cooper Basin, Australia
Ruizhi Zhong, Aideel Azman, Ray Johnson Jr., Zhenjiang You, Lan Nguyen
CO2 Immiscible Flooding Technology Policy Research in Normal Pressure Tight Oil Reservoir: A Case Study of Honghe Chang 8 reservoir in South Ordos Basin
Ting Xu
Combined Application of Unsupervised and Deep Learning in Absolute Open Flow Potential Prediction: A Case Study of the Weiyuan Shale Gas Reservoir
Lian Wang, Yuedong Yao, Kongjie Wang, Caspar Daniel Adenutsi, Guoxiang Zhao
Continuous Gas Lift Technology Using a Proprietary HDCNG Well Unloading System
Matthew Mason, Daria Korobchuk, Alex Wood, James Tauchnitz
Design and Analysis of Improved Swelling and Degradable Diverting Agent for Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing
Keito Ikebata, Tomoki Onishi, Kenji Furui, Shusaku Mandai, Yasuhiro Hirano, Yuya Kanamori, Bessie Psihogios, Ryosuke Taniguchi
Determining the Correlation Between Vicker's Microhardness and Young's Modulus of Coal
Sanjib Mondal, Sijin Qian, Micah Nehring, Zhongwei Chen
Dilatancy and the Mean Normal Stress: Unconventional Concepts Needed for Leak Assessment of Tubular Connections
Gang Tao, Malcolm A. Goodman
Drilling Optimization in Geothermal Exploration Wells Using Enhanced Design of Conical Diamond Element Bit
Aly Rasyid, Ramadhan Yoan Mardiana, Kurniadi Budiono, Bonar Noviasta
Effect of Errors in Initial Pressure Measurement on Rate-Transient Analysis in Unconventional Reservoirs
Himanshu Shekhar Jha, Aaditya Khanal, W John Lee
Effect of Relative Permeability on Modeling of Shale Oil and Gas Production
Hamid Behmanesh, Chris R. Clarkson, S. Hamed Tabatabaie, Louis Mattar
Effects of Stress Contrast on Hydraulic Fracturing Optimisation and Treatment Design for Tight Sandstone Reservoirs
Sadegh Asadi, Ahsan Jamil, Naveen Nathesan, Ashvin Avalani Chandrakant, Latief Riyanto, Fairus Azwardy Salleh
Environmentally Friendly Corrosion Inhibitors from Leaf Extracts
Jun Hong Clarence Ng, Tariq Almubarak, Hisham A. Nasr-El-Din
Evaluation of a Superior Shale EOR Application in the Eagle Ford Shale
Kiran K. Venepalli, Robert A. Downey, James C. Erdle, Jack Nohavitza
Experimental and Numerical Study on Mechanical Performance of Titanium Drill Pipe in Severe Doglegs
Yisheng Mou, Hao Yu, Zhanghua Lian, Qiang Zhang, Yuheng Tuo
Experimental Study of Coal Directional Sorption-Induced Strain Under Different Temperatures
Yixiao Huang, Zhang Shi, Thomas Flottmann, Dan Kuznetsov, Victor Rudolph, Christopher Leonardi, Zhongwei Chen
Experimental Study on the Proppant Transport in Rough Fractures by Clean Water Fracturing
Bo Wang, Xintong Li, Chunyan Zhao, Yachao Bai, Jian Wang, Jian Liu, Xiaodong Hu
Factors Affecting Methane Adsorption and Storage in Black Shales of Varying Maturity and Kerogen Type
Izhar Ul Haq, Eswaran Padmanabhan, Javed Akbar Khan, Zulqarnain Sajid
Field Applications of Flow-Back Profiling Using Distributed Temperature Data
Yilin Mao, Caroline Godefroy, Michel Gysen
Flowing Material Balance and Decline Curve Analysis: A Hybrid Approach for Better EUR and Decline Profile Predictions for CSG Wells
Gerardo E. Guillen Falcon
Formation Evaluation Based on Anisotropy Derived Logging Curve Normalization in Shale Gas Horizontal Wells of China
Hai Jie Zhang, Jun Wei Pu, Ling Song Qin, Tong Tong Luo, He Fa Yao
Fracture Geometry Measurements by Analyzing Multiwell Communications
Sofya Sizova, Roman Korkin
Fracture Monitoring to Investigate Well Interference and Improve Shale Well Production Performance, A Case Study
Shabnam Marouf, Mazher Ibrahim, Matt Sinky, Thomas Johnston, Joseph Becerril, John Noynay
From Outcrop to Subsurface: Unlocking Fractured Basement Reservoir in New Venture Area
Laurent Souche, Anugrah Pradana, Merza Media Adeyosfi, Joko Sosiawan Trikukuh
From Petroleum System Evaluation to Geomodeling, Production Forecasting and Reserves Determination in Unconventional Reservoirs
Cristhian F. Aranguren Silva, Antonio Ch. S. Gomes, Roberto Aguilera
Gasification Chamber Evolution and Recovery Performance of Underground Coal Gasification in Deep Coal Seam: A Numerical Simulation Study
Bin Zhao, Xiaohu Dong, Liangliang Jiang, Shanshan Chen, Yanpeng Chen, Zhangxin Chen
Geomechanical Analysis of Injection and Withdrawal on Underground Natural Gas Storage in Mondarra Field, Western Australia
Jorge Ivan Ruiz Gastelum
Impact of Crossflow Among Fractures in Multiply Fractured Horizontal Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs
Yawen Liu, Iraj Ershaghi
Impact of Heterogeneities on Sorption Capacities of Potential Paleozoic Gas Shales from Western Peninsular Malaysia
Ibad Muhammad Syed, Eswaran Padmanabhan
Improving Net Pay Estimation by Identification of Producing Oil Water Contact POWC in Heterogenous Carbonates
Aman Arora, Steven Henderson, George B. Asquith
Improving Tight Oil Reserves Forecast Using 3-Segment Decline Curves Analysis in a Peruvian Northwest Basin
Leonardo Mogollón, Joseph Sinchitullo, Joel Cahuas
Influence of Sediment Properties on Low-Frequency Electric-Joule-Heating Process in Class 1 Hydrate Deposits
Ermeng Zhao, Jian Hou, Yunkai Ji, Lu Liu, Yongge Liu
Innovative Analysis of Treatment Well Data Determines Cluster Efficiency, Assesses Fracture Complexity, and Provides Fracture Geometry in Unconventional Reservoirs
Lucas Wesley Bazan, Bruce Roman Meyer, Van Phi Tran
Innovative Stimulation Process for Sustainable Unconventional Resource Development
Roman Bilak, Kerry Kristiansen, Guowei Xia, Maiy Latif, Eduard Marika
Integrated Analysis of Acoustic Images and Shear Wave Anisotropy Used for Geomechanical Modelling in a Tight Sand Oil Reservoir
Saikat Das, Viet Hoang Nguyen, Sadegh Asadi, Naveen Nathesan, Ahsan Jamil, Hilarion Milan, Ashvin Avalani Chandrakant, Fairuz Azwardy Salleh
Integration of Pressure-Transient and Fracture Area for Detecting Unconventional Wells Interference
Mazher Ibrahim, Matt Sinkey, Thomas Johnston, Shabnam Marouf, John Noynay, Joseph Becerril
Introducing Iterative Ensemble Kalman Smoother to History-Matching Horizontal Coalbed Methane Wells
Rubakumar Sankararaj, Sylvain Ducroux, Dan Kuznetsov, Fengde Zhou
Investigating Effects of Water Blockage on Oil Recovery Factor by Using Surfactant into Completion Fluid – Wolfcamp Formation
Ahmed GH Mansour, Talal Gamadi, Otman Algadi, Hossein Emadi
Investigation and Field Application of Ultra-High Density Fracturing Technology in Unconventional Reservoirs
Fanhui Zeng, Yu Zhang, Jianchun Guo, Su Diao, Wenxi Ren, Bintao Zheng
Key Properties are not Well Represented by Means: Spatial Asymmetry in Coal Seam Gas Reservoir Modelling
Sebastian Hoerning, Iain Rodger
Learnings on Fracture and Geomechanical Modeling from the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site in the Midland Basin, West Texas
Xinghui Liu, Yunhui Tan, Amit Singh, Robert Waddle, Kurt Hilarides, David Forand, Baosheng Liang, Shahzad Khan, Margaretha Rijken
Machine Learning Models for Predicting the Rheology of Nanoparticle-Stabilized-CO2-Foam Fracturing Fluid in Reservoir Conditions
Toluwalase Adeola Olukoga, Yin Feng
Methods to Optimize Recovery in Horizontal Wells with Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fractures by Avoiding Conformance Issues
Shubham Mishra, Christopher Fredd, Dean Wilberg, Umur Yanbollu
Modelling and Economic Analyses of Graded Particle Injections in Conjunction with Hydraulically Fracturing of Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs
Vanessa Santiago, Ayrton Ribeiro, Raymond Johnson Jr., Suzanne Hurter, Zhenjiang You
Modified Higher-Order 3D Displacement Discontinuity Method for Prediction of Fracture Propagation
Serhii Kryvenko, George Julius Moridis, Thomas Alvin Blasingame
Multivariate Based Analysis of Methane Adsorption Correlated to TOC and Mineralogy Impact from Different Shale Fabrics
Sayed Ameenuddin Irfan, Nadiah Mohd Azli, Firas A. Abdulkareem, Eswaran Padmanabhan
Novel Methods to Overcome Micro-Seismic Limitations in Estimating Hydraulic Fracture Geometry in Unconventional Reservoirs
Shubham Mishra, Vinil Reddy
Numerical Evaluation of Bulk Geomechanical Properties of Fractured Coal with Changing Net Effective Stress Conditions
Travis R. Mitchell, Ruizhi Zhong, Ray Johnson Jr., Christopher R. Leonardi
Numerical Investigation of Post-Production Gas Flow Mechanisms in Coal Seams
Mohammad Sedaghat, Philip Hayes, Andrew Garnett
Numerical Solution of Proppant Transport and Distribution in Tortuous and Uneven Fractures
Bingyang Bai, Tianbo Liang, Mengchuan Zhang, Bingrui Luo
On Causes of Partial Cement Deficiency at Doglegs and its Impact on Casing Failure; An Integrated Modeling Approach
Hao Yu, Arash Dahi Taleghani, Zhanghua Lian
Optimising Drilling and Completions Performance by Applying Core and Physics-Based Models to Drilling Data
Stacy McWhorter, Carl Merkt, Stephen Drylie, Feiyan Chen, Todd Duplantis, Kristopher Farmer
Optimization of Improving Liquids Recovery from Duvernay Shale Condensate Reservoirs
Guicheng Jing, Zhangxin Chen, Gang Hui
Outlier Detection Techniques Help Us Identify and Remove Outliers in Production Data to Improve Production Forecasting
Himanshu Shekhar Jha, Hafiz Mustafa Ud Din Sheikh, W John Lee
Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for Production Forecast in Tight Reservoirs
Nguyen T. Le, Roman J. Shor, Zhuoheng Chen
Quantifying Capillary Trapping on Ultimate Coal Seam Gas Recovery: A Laboratory Study
Yiran Zhu, Zhang Shi, Huilin Xing, Shuai Gao, Zhongwei Chen
Real-Time Applications for Geological Operations: Repeatable AI Use Cases
Alfio Malossi, Davide Baldini, Federica Ferrari, Arcangelo Di Palo, Ada Crottini, Chiara Marini, Cesare Ursini
Research and Practice on Enhancing Recovery of Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs in Kelasu Gas Field, Tarim Basin
Guoxin Li, Jun Tian, Xiaowen Duan, Haijun Yang, Yongliang Tang, Haibin Bi, Cehngze Zhang, Chenggang Xian, He Liu
Reservoir-Profile-Update Rate and its Quantitative Superiority of Evaluating Reservoir Description Accuracy While Drilling
Botao Chang
Resin-Based Nanocomposites Coated Proppants as Scale Inhibitor Carrier and Slowly Releasing Container
Ali Aref Ali Alzanam, Ali Samer Muhsan
Shale Shrinkage Transition Induced by the Matrix-Fracture Equilibrium Time Lag: A Neglected Phenomenon in Shale Gas Production
Jie Zeng, Jishan Liu, Wai Li, Yee-Kwong Leong, Derek Elsworth, Jianchun Guo
Simultaneous Property Modifications for History-Matching Thousands of CSG Wells Efficiently
Andrew Dean, Gizat Aibassov, Saikat Mazumder
Social Licence Applied to Well Abandonment
Richard Milne Lightfoot
Statistical Process Control for Early Detection of Progressive Cavity Pump Failures in Vertical Unconventional Gas Wells
Suren Indrajith Rathnayake, Mahshid Firouzi
Stress-Dependent Two-Phase Flow in Coal Cleats
Zhang Shi, Yixiao Huang, Yiran Zhu, Yixiang Gan, Zhongwei Chen
Study on Diagnosis Model of Shale Gas Fracture Network Fracturing Operation Pressure Curve
Ran Lin, Zhenhua Wang, Lan Ren, Jinzhou Zhao, Tingxue Jiang
The Comprehensive Investigation of the Improvement of Shale Formation Property in High Pressure Air Injection
Yibo Li, Xiang Lin, Zhiwei Gao, Haibin Shen, Yu Peng, Zhenglan Li, Jinzhou Zhao
The Determination of Stress Reorientation in Shale Gas Reservoirs with Complex Natural Fracture Distribution
Jia He, Yanli Pei, Kamy Sepehrnoori
The Effective Process Parameters of CO2 Adsorption on Peninsular Malaysia Shale Samples
Asmau Iyabo Balogun, Firas Ayad Abdulkareem, Sayed Ameenuddin Irfan, Eswaran Padmanabhan
The Impact of Anisotropic Mechanical Properties on Stimulation and Wellbore Stability in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
J Adam Donald, Thomas J. Neville
The Influence of Formation Dip Angle on Buoyancy-Induced Gas Migration During Coal Seam Gas Production
Mohammad Sedaghat, Des Owen, Philip Hayes, James Underschultz, Suzanne Hurter, Andrew Garnett
The Influence of Infill Well-Caused Fracture Interference on Shale Gas Production and Recovery: A Comprehensive Numerical Simulation Study
Sidong Fang, Hao Xiong, Baohua Wang, Liqiang Ma, Xiang Rao, Yonghui Wu
The Role of Diffusion in Primary and Enhanced Oil Recovery from Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs
Olufemi Olorode, Hassan Amer, Harun Rashid
The Study on 3D Geomechanical Modeling Improves Horizontal Well Drilling Performance in Tight Oil Reservoir
Yong Wang, Haijun Luan, Chuanyi Tang, Dong Zhao, Wei Zhou, Dan Zhou, Liming Lian, Lei Zeng, Bo Yu, Bo Dong, Xiao Yang
The Study on 3D Geomechanical Modeling Improves Horizontal Well Drilling Performance: A Case Study from Junggar Basin, China
Zhidong Yang, Xubin Zhao, Liang Huang, Jiasheng Deng, Wei Zhou, Shen Ding, Liming Lian, Wangda He, Hao Yu, Peng Xie, Xiao Yang
Ultra-Deep Resistivity 3D Inversion Reveals Third Dimension of Faulted Turbidite Sand, Deepwater Sabah, Malaysia
Keng Hung Kok, Sze Fong Kho, Subashini Paramanathan, Angelina Jia Hui Ting, Valsan Vevakanandan, Anna Numpang, Doreen Dayah, Roslan Mokhtar, Mohd Nazmi Othman
Unconventional CO2 Storage
Julie K. Pearce, Syed S. Raza, Kim A. Baublys, Phil J. Hayes, Mahshid Firouzi, Victor Rudolph
Unlocking the Potential of Challenging Tight Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Approach in the Egyptian Eastern Desert
Amr Hegazy, Emad Abdel Hakim, Mohamed Farouk, Hesham Badran, Omar Barghash, Khaled Saleh
Using Machine Learning for Geosteering During In-Seam Drilling
Ruizhi Zhong, Ray L. Johnson Jr, Zhongwei Chen
Using Simplified Data Analytics for Defining Optimum Well Completions Early in the Life of a Shale Oil Play
Vello A. Kuuskraa, Brett Murray
Wellbore Stability Analysis of Horizontal Drilling in Bowen and Surat Coal Seam Gas Wells
Ruizhi Zhong, Christopher R. Leonardi, Travis R. Mitchell, Ray L. Johnson Jr.