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Utah Geological Association
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A Brief History of Drilling Operations
George H. Hansen
Clear Creek Gas Field, Central Utah
D. James Edson Jr., Milton R. Scholl Jr., Walter E. Zabriskie
Cretaeous and Early Tertiary Stratigraphy of Central and South-Central Utah with Emphasis on the Wasatch Plateau Area
Philip J. Katich Jr.
Drilling of the Johns Valley, Upper Valley and Muley Creek Structures
R. G. Alexander Jr., E. W. Clark
Gas and Oil Developments on the Last Chance and the Caineville Anticlines: Sevier, Emery, and Wayne Counties, Utah
Dorsey Hager
Geology and Uranium Deposits of the Thompson Area, Grand County, Utah1
WM. Lee Stokes, C. M. Mobley
Geology of Circle Cliffs Anticline
Robert H. Steed
Geology of Portions of the High Plateaus and Adjacent Canyon Lands Central and South-Central Utah; Frontmatter and Introduction
Geology of the Capitol Reef Area, Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah
Robert G. Luedke
Geomorphology of South-Central Utah
Wm. Lee Stokes
History of Radium-Uranium Mining in the Plateau Province
R. Clare Coffin
Huntington Anticline: Emery County, Utah
H. A. Kuehnert
Itinerary and Road Logs
Jurassic Rocks of South-Central Utah
Wm. Lee Stokes, Clifford N. Holmes
The Kaiparowits Region
Harold J. Bissell
The Mounds and Farnham Area of the Northern San Rafael Swell: Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah
V. E. Peterson
Ore Deposits of the Big Indian Wash-Lisbon Valley Area
Y. William Isachsen
Paunsaugunt Plateau Region, Garfield and Kane Counties, Utah
Norman C. Williams
Permian Stratigraphy Between Price and Escalante, Utah
Edwin D. McKee
Road Logs
D. James Edson Jr., Milton R. Scholl Jr., Walker E. Zabriskie, Keith M. Hebertson, Lewis F. Wells, Robert G. Alexander Jr., J. W. Reid, Spencer J. Reber, Milton Zeni
Side Trip to Arches National Monument (From descriptive folder issued by the U. S. Park Service)
Stratigraphic Correlations of Central and South-Central Utah
Lewis F. Wells
Stratigraphy of the Ferron Sandstone
Leland J. Davis
Stratigraphy of the Southeastern Utah Uranium Region
William Lee Stokes
The Structural and Stratigraphic History of the Carboniferous (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) of the Wasatch Plateau and Environs
J. W. Reid
Structural Features of Southeastern Utah and Adjacent Parts of Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona1
Eugene M. Shoemaker
Structural History
Edmund M. Spieker
Summary of Events in the Colorado Plateau since 1924
Teasdale Anticline: Wayne County, Utah
Paul T. Walton
Triassic Rocks in the San Rafael Swell, Capitol Reef, and Adjoining Parts of Southeastern Utah
John H. Stewart, J. Fred Smith Jr.
Uranium Deposits and General Geology of Southeastern Utah; Guidebook to the Geology of Utah, Number 9; Frontmatter
R. Clare Coffin, John W. Gruner, Y. William Isachsen, C. M. Mobley, Eugene M. Shoemaker, Wm. Lee Stokes
Uranium Deposits of Temple Mountain
Raymond C. Robeck
The Uranium Mineralogy of the Colorado Plateau and Adjacent Regions
John W. Gruner
Wasatch Plateau Gas Fields, Utah
Paul T. Walton