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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Utah Geological Association
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The Ancestral Rocky Mountain System in Northern Utah
Edgar B. Heylmun
The Back Valleys of Summit and Wasatch Counties: (A Geographic Summary)
H. Bowman Hawkes
The Cambrian Section in the Central and Southern Wasatch Mountains
Christina Lochman-Balk
Ceramic Red Clay Near Henefer, Utah
Bronson Stringham, Harold P. Cahoon
Coalville Anticline, Summit County, Utah
Carl T. Shelley
Devonian Regional Statigraphy in North Central Utah
James E. Brooks
Faults in the Wasatch Range Near Provo, Utah
Arthur A. Baker
Fusuline Correlations: Oquirrh Formation and Durst Group
Walter Sadlick
Geologic Sections from Three Deep Wells, Southwestern Wyoming
Robert B. Schick
Geology of the Diamond Fork Anticline
Frank Neighbor
Geology of the Southern Oquirrh Mountains and Fivemile Pass - Northern Boulter Mountain Area, Tooele and Utah Counties, Utah; Guidebook to the Geology of Utah, Number 14; Frontmatter
Harold J. Bissell, J. Keith Rigby, Paul Dean Proctor, Richard W. Moyle
Geology of the Southern Oquirrh Mountains and Fivemile Pass—Northern Boulter Mountains Area, Tooele and Utah Counties, Utah
Harold J. Bissell, J. Keith Rigby, Paul Dean Proctor
J. Keith Rigby
Geomorphology of the Wasatch-Uinta Mountains Junction
Richard L. Threet
Green River and Lower Uinta Formation Subsurface Stratigraphy in Western Uinta Basin, Utah
M. Dane Picard
Guidebook to the Geology of the Wasatch and Uinta Mountains Transition Area: Tenth Annual Field Conference; Frontmatter
Norman C. Williams
An Historical Sketch of the Area
David E. Miller
Igneous Rocks of the Mercur-Ophir Area
Paul Dean Proctor
Illustrated Sections of Strata Adjacent to the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Boundary, Western Uinta Mountains
Walter Sadlick
Jurassic Rocks of the Wasatch Range and Vicinity
Wm. Lee Stokes
Late Cretaeous Stratigraphy of the Coalville Area, Utah
Norman C. Williams, James H. Madsen Jr.
Late Devonian Erosional Surface Exposed in the Wasatch and Uinta Mountains
J. Keith Rigby
Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Rocks: Manning Canyon Shale
Richard W. Moyle
Mississippian Stratigraphy of the Central Wasatch and Western Uinta Mountains, Utah
Max D. Crittenden Jr.
North Strawberry Valley Sedimentation and Tectonics
Harold J. Bissell
Ordovician Regional Relationships in North-Central Utah and Adjacent Areas
Lehi F. Hintze
Paleontological Exploration and Dating of the Early Tertiary Deposits in Basins Adjacent to the Uinta Mountains
C. Lewis Gazin
Park City Mining District
Clark L. Wilson
Pennsylvanian System: Oquirrh Formation
Harold J. Bissell
Permian Stratigraphy and Oil Potential, Wyoming and Utah
T. M. Cheney, R. P. Sheldon
Precambrian Rocks of the Uinta-Wasatch Mountain Junction and Part of Central Utah
Robert E. Cohenour
Results of Pre-Cretaceous Exploration in the Overthrust Belt of Southwestern Wyoming
K. L. Cochran
Review of Geology of Northestern Utah and Southwestern Wyoming
A. J. Eardley
Road Logs
John B. Boyd, William B. Travers, Vic Smith, Thomas W. Bilhorn, John M. Kelley, N. C. Williams, A. J. Eardley, Walter E. Sadlick
The Slab Canyon Anticline
Donald W. Lewis
Stratigraphic Distribution of Charophyta and Nonmarine Ostracods
Raymond E. Peck
Stratigraphy of the Fivemile Pass and North Boulter Mountains Quadrangles
Harold J. Bissell
Stratigraphy of the Southern Oquirrh Mountains: Lower Paleozoic Succession
J. Keith Rigby
Stratigraphy of the Triassic Sequence in the Wasatch and Uinta Mountains
W. Frank Scott
Structural Geology—Broad Canyon - Fivemile Pass Areas
Paul Dean Proctor
Structural Setting of Fivemile Pass and Northern Boulter Mountains Area
Paul Dean Proctor
Structural Setting of the Mercur-Ophir Areas
J. Keith Rigby
Structure of the West Portal — Soldier Summit Area, Wasatch, Carbon and Duchesne Counties, Utah
Paul T. Walton
Upper Most Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks of the Fossil Basin
Joshua I. Tracy Jr., Steven S. Oriel
Upper Paleozoic Succession
Harold J. Bissell
Utah Geological Society Log Book
Water Resources
J. Neil Murdock