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Utah Geological Association
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Air Pollution Problems of the Phosphate Industry
Ralph I. Smith
Anatomy of the Western Phosphate Field: A Guide to the Geologic Occurrence Exploration Methods, Mining Engineering, Recovery Technology. Fifteenth Annual Field Conference; Frontmatter
Lyle A. Hale
Application of Geophysical Methods in Phosphate Exploration Southeastern Idaho
James W. Cooksley Jr.
Beneficiation Techniques for Western Phosphate Rock
Jay B. Clitheroe, Sam Mele
Composite Bibliography: Western Mineral Resources
Lyle A. Hale
Computerized Volume Determinations from Aerial Surveys
Maurice X. Pia
El-Paso Natural Gas Products Company EPCO Agri Chemical Complex, Conda, Idaho
Elk Valley Area Caribou County, Idaho
J. J. Newcomb
Evaluation of the Phosphate Reserves in Southeastern Idaho
A. L. Service
Exit-Entrance Road Log—Salt Lake City to Moab
J. Keith Rigby, Lehi F. Hintze
Extraction of Vanadium from Phosphorus Slags at Vitro Minerals & Chemical Company
Robert B. Coleman, Galen W. Clevenger
Field Trip Road Log
H. H. Doelling, R. E. Cohenour
Forest Service Regulations for Exploration and Development of Phosphate Reserves
Craig W. Rupp
The Gay Mine, Fort Hall, Idaho
William O. Schmitt
Geology of Southeastern Idaho Central Phosphate Region
George A. Williams, H. J. Holstein
Geology of the Caribou Range Phosphate Deposits Bonneville County Idaho
D. A. Jobin
Geology of the Standard of California Dry Valley Unit Well No. 1 Caribou County, Idaho
R. J. Hite
History and Development of the Phosphate Industry in Southeastern Idaho
A. L. Service
History of the Conda Operation—Underground to Strip Mining
David M. Schwarze
History of Uranium and Development of Colorado Plateau Ores with Notes on Uranium Production in Utah
R. E. Cohenour
Hydrogeology of the Soda Springs-Conda Area, Idaho
Keith E. Anderson, Jack E. Kelley
Idaho-Wyoming Fold and Thrust Belt: Its Divisions and an Analysis of Its Origin
A. J. Eardley
Impact of Uranium on the Economy of the State and the Southeastern Utah Area
Elroy Nelson
Manufacture of Phosphatic Fertilizers
Natural Resources Map
Outlook for the Phosphate Industry—a National and International View
Travis P. Hignett
Petrology and Origin of Phosphorites
G. Donald Emigh
Phosphate Exploration Using Gamma—Radiation Logs, Dry Valley, Idaho
Lyle A. Hale
Phosphate Operations in the United States
Phosphate Sample Localities
Harry McAndrews
The Phosphoria, Park City, and Shedhorn Formations in Western Phosphate Field
V. E. McKelvey, James Steele Williams, R. P. Sheldon, E. R. Cressman, T. M. Cheney, R. W. Swanson
Rare Earths in Phosphorites—Geochemistry and Potential Recovery
Z. S. Altschuler, Sol Berman, Frank Cuttitta
Regulations and Policies Pertaining to Federal Phosphate Deposits in the Western Field
Alvan B. Brunelle
Rotary Air-Drilling of Phosphate Deposits in Southeastern Idaho
H. D. Harris
San Francisco Chemical Co. Crawford Mountain—Leefe Area, Utah and Wyoming
Duncan L. King Sr.
Sedimentation of Rocks of Leonard (Permian) Age in Wyoming and Adjacent States
R. P. Sheldon, E. K. Maughan, E. R. Cressman
Selected References and Papers Pertinent to Uranium Exploration
R. E. Cohenour
Some Compositional Features of Phosphorites of the Phosphoria Formation
Robert A. Gulbrandsen
Stable Isotopes and the Origin of Uranium Deposits of Utah
M. L. Jensen
Stratigraphy and Primary Sedimentary Features of Uranium Occurrences of Southeastern Utah
William Lee Stokes
Structural Features of Southeastern Utah and Their Relations to Uranium Deposits
Kenneth C. Thomson
Sulphur Deposits Near Soda Springs, Idaho
R. W. Richards, J. H. Bridges
A Summary of Isotopic Ages of Colorado Plateau, Utah, Mineral Deposits
Richard L. Mauger
A Survey of Southeastern Utah Uranium Districts
William Lee Stokes
U. S. Geological Survey Branch of Mining Operations
Ernest Blessing
Uranium Deposits of Northeastern and Western Utah*
May D. Dasch
Uranium Districts of Southeastern Utah; Guidebook to the Geology of Utah, Number 21; Frontmatter
Lehi F. Hintze, J. Keith Rigby, Byron J. Sharp
Uranium in the Phosphoria Formation
Vincent E. McKelvey, Louis D. Carswell
Uranium Ore Rolls - Occurrence, Genesis and Physical and Chemical Characteristics
Hans H. Adler, Byron J. Sharp
Vanadium and Associated Elements in the Phosphoria Formation in the Afton Area, Western Wyoming
J. D. Love
Water Resources of the Soda Springs Area, Idaho
Jack A. Barnett
World Tectonic Distribution of Economic Sedimentary Phosphate Deposits (Abstract)
Richard P. Sheldon