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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society

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Abstract: 2-D Seismic Revolutionizes Structural Model of Cordona Lake (Devonian) Unit, Crane County, Texas

T. W. Brannon, D. J. Christiansen, F. R. Scheubel

Abstract: Basin Morphological Controls on Facies Architecture and Hydrocarbon Recovery in Submarine-Fan Reservoirs, Permian Spraberry Formation, West Texas

Noel Tyler, Edgar Guevara

Abstract: Current Seismic Developments in the Val Verde Basin, Texas

Thomas R. Nickoloff

Abstract: Determining the Depositional Environment of a Braided Channel Sand Using Formation Microscanner Images, N. Vacuum Field, Lea Co., New Mexico

Dan E. Burnham

Abstract: Development of the Pardue West (Ellenburger, Palo Pinto and Swastika Formations) Field in a Moderately Mature Area

Robert L. Martin, James R. Small

Abstract: Exploration Target on the Northeast Shelf of the Palo Duro Basin, Texas

R. C. Trentham, R. C. Price, M. A. Brokaw

Abstract: Fault Fabric and Structural Subprovinces of the Central Basin Platform: A Model for Strike-Slip Movement

Wayne B. Gardiner

Abstract: Geologic and Engineering Characterization of Leonardian Carbonate Oil Reservoirs: A Framework for Strategic Recovery Practices in Four Oil Plays

Mark H. Holtz, Chester M. Garrett

Abstract: Offset Dependent Attribute Scanning: A Seismic Interpretation Tool and Data Evaluation Technique

Howard Renick, Jr., Steven L. Roche

Abstract: Oil Exploration Techniques Using the World Wide Omega Very Low Frequency Navigation Radio Wave Signals

Donald B. Daniel

Abstract: Outcrop Analogs for Improved Reservoir Description and Modeling: Grayburg Formation (Guadalupe Mountains, Northwest Shelf, New Mexico) and North Foster/Johnson Leases, (Central Basin Platform, Texas)

C. Kerans, D. G. Bebout, H. S. Nance

Abstract: Reservoir Characterization in the Spraberry Trend, Midland Basin, Texas: Delineation of Target Areas for Additional Oil Recovery Using “Old” Gamma-Ray and Neutron Logs

E. H. Guevara, G. R. Coates, Noel Tyler, R. L. Graham

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper San Andres Formation and Cherry Canyon Tongue, Brokeoff and Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas

M. E. New, W. M. Fitchen

Abstract: Surface Exploration in Mature Basins: Advances of the Eighties, Applications for the Nineties

Dietmar Schumacher

Abstract: Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on the Carbonate Stratigraphy of the Leonardian-Guadalupian (Permian) Section, Northwestern Delaware Basin, New Mexico and Texas

Karen S. Glaser, John E. Jordan, Peter R. Vail

Abstract: Transgressive-Regressive Sequences in the Canyon Formation (Missourian) at the Salt Creek Field, Kent County, Texas, Correlate to Worldwide Depositional Events

J. M. Jensen, D. A. Walker

Amacker Tippett Wolfcamp Field Upton County, Texas

Mary Van Der Loop

B.C. Canyon Field: A Low Sea Level Stand, Early Canyon Carbonate Buildup

AI M. Reid, Don C. Mozynski, William C. Robinson

Controls on Reservoir Heterogeneity in the Three Bar Devonian Chert Reservoir, Andrews County, Texas

Stephen C. Ruppel, Susan D. Hovorka

Development of the Pardue West (Ellenburger, Palo Pinto and Swastika Formations) Field in a Moderately Mature Area

Robert L. Martin, James R. Small

An Example of the Use of Satellite Image Analysis and Digital Data Integration in Exploration for Hydrocarbons in West Texas

R. L. Borger

Fault Fabric and Structural Subprovinces of the Central Basin Platform: A Model for Strike-Slip Movement

Wayne B. Gardiner

Front Matter: Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Innovative Ideas in Exploration and Development

J. E. Flis, R. C. Price

Hydrocarbon Reexploration in the Grayburg Formation, Ector and Crane Counties, Texas

R. P. Major

Implications of Sub-Woodford Geologic Variations in the Exploration for Silurian-Devonian Reservoirs in the Permian Basin

Louis J. Mazzullo

Lower Cisco (Pennsylvania-Virgilian) Paleokarst, Wolf Flat Field, Northeast Shelf, Palo Duro Basin, Texas

R. C. Price, R. C. Trentham, R.F. Lindsay, D. C. Pennington

Pennsylvanian Cycle Stratigraphy and Carbonate Facies Control of Reservoir Development in the Salt Creek Field, Kent County, Texas

D. A. Walker, J. M. Jensen, S. P. Zody, S. Tomlinson Reid

Ramp Buildups in the Lower Strawn Limestone (Penn.): Controls on Stratigraphic Reservoir Variability

David C. Harris

Reservoir Geology of Devonian Strata and Their Response to Secondary and Tertiary Recovery, Dollarhide Field, Andrews County, Texas

Arthur H. Saller, B. Todd Guy, David S. Whitacre

Wolfcampian and Early Leonardian Fore-Reef Debris Fans: Midland Basin, West Texas

J. W. Becher, H. A. von der Hoya

“Atoka” Detrital a Subtle Stratigraphic Trap in the Midland Basin

Magell P. Candelaria