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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Anhydrite Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality, San Andres Formation, Willard Unit of Wasson Field, Yoakum County, TX
Alton Brown
Applications of 3-D Seismic to Exploration and Development of Carbonate Reservoirs: South Cowden Grayburg Field, West Texas
Stephen C. Ruppel, Yong Joon Park, F. J. Lucia
Atlas of Well Log Cross Sections Helps Relate Permian Sequences, Guadalupe Mountains Area, New Mexico and West Texas
W. W. Tyrrell
A Comprehensive Quicklook Petrophysical Method to Log Analysis in Permian Basin Carbonates
George A. Anderson, III, George B. Asquith, Scott Frailey
Crosswell Seismic: Review of Field Operations, Survey Planning and Case History
Jeff Meyer, Randy Evans, Robert Martin, Cynthia L. Welch
Front Matter, Abstracts: The Permian Basin: Preserving Our Past – Securing Our Future
Tim J. Hunt, Peter H. Lufholm
Horizontal Drilling at Vacuum Glorieta West Unit, Lea County, New Mexico: A Case History
Robert L. Martin, Kevin F. Hickey
Oil and Gas Resource Assessment of University Lands, Permian Basin, West Texas
Eugene M. Kim, Stephen C. Ruppel
Permian Basin Core Curation, Storage and Studies. A Perennial Problem and Proposed Solutions.
Robert C. Trentham
Porosity Characterization Utilizing Petrographic Image Analysis: Implications for Rapid Identification and Ranking of Reservoir Flow Units, Happy Sprayberry Field, Garza County, Texas
John M. Layman, II, Wayne M. Ahr
Preliminary Investigation of the Regional Stratigraphy of Siluro-Devonian Carbonates, Tobosa Basin, New Mexico
Destini Baldonado, Ron Broadhead
Reservoir Characterization and Optimization of the Permian (Leonardian) Upper Clear Fork and Glorieta Formations, Stockyard Field, Gaines County, Texas
C. L. Sembritzky, S. C. Atchley
Simultaneous Calculation of Archie Parameters m, n, and a
Scott M. Frailey, George B. Asquith, George A. Anderson, Paulus S. Adisoemarta
Three-dimensional Laser Scanning of Speleothems in the Carlsbad Caverns
Seiichi Nagihara, Ramey Goss, Bryan Musgrave, Jon Gamel, Glenn Hill, Thomas Bemis
Using Crosswell Seismic Tomography to Provide Better Reservoir Resolution in the Wolfcamp Formation in Lea County, New Mexico
Robert L. Martin, Cynthia L. Welch, Greg D. Hinterlong, Jeff Meyer, Randy Evans
The Value of Mature – Field Redevelopment: A Permian Basin Field Example
Robert M. Sneider