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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Geologic and Geohydrologic Studies Near Fort Hancock, Texas: Recent Investigations of the Proposed Site of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
Jay A. Raney, Alan R. Dutton
Geomorphology and Surface-Water Hydrology of Part of the Hueco Basin, West Texas
Jr. Robert W. Baumgardner, M. Saleem Akhter
Geophysical Surveys at the Proposed Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository, Hudspeth County, Texas
Mark R. Baker, Diane I. Doser, G. Randy Keller
Late Paleozoic-Age Joint Sets in the Marathon Thrust Belt, West Texas
T. Matthew Laroche
Quaternary Faults Near a Proposed Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository in the Hueco Bolson of Trans-Pecos Texas
Edward W. Collins, Jay A. Raney
Saturated-Zone Hydrology and Hydrochemistry of the Northern Chihuahuan Desert, Trans-Pecos Texas
William F. Mullican, III, Rainer K. Senger, R. Stephen Fisher
Stratigraphy and Geomorphic Evolution of the Southern Hueco Bolson, West Texas and Chihuahua, Mexico
Thomas C. Gustavson
Unsaturated Flow Studies at the Proposed Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
B. R. Scanlon