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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Wyoming Geological Association
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Big Muddy Field, Converse County, Wyoming
W. G. Olson
Billy Creek Gas Field, Johnson County, Wyoming
W. A. Bramlette
A Discussion of the Application of the Gravitational and Magnetic Methods of Exploration to the Powder River Basin
Willis H. Fenwick
Lance Creek, East Lance Creek, and Little Buck Creek Oil Fields, Niobrara County, Wyoming
Rolland W. McCanne
Mesozoic Rocks of the Northern Powder River Basin, Wyoming
George R. Downs
Methods of Photogeologic Evaluation in a Tertiary Basin
Laurence Brundall
Newcastle Sandstone, Upper Cretaceous, Wyoming
H. E. Summerford, E. E. Schieck, T. C. Hiestand
Powder River Basin; 4th Annual Field Conference Guidebook
Page T. Jenkins
Production of Crude Oil and Gas in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Petroleum Information, Inc.
Resume of the Oil and Gas Fields Along the Eastern Margin of Powder River Basin, Wyoming
William G. Dady
The Salt Creek Oil Field
R. W. Mallory
Structural Pattern of the Powder River Basin
D. L. Blackstone Jr.
Structure of the Tongue River Area, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Frank W. Osterwald
Summary of Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Powder River Basin
Horace D. Thomas
Tisdale Anticline, T. 40-42 N., R. 80-82 W., Johnson and Natrona Countys, Wyoming
Ben Hudson