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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Wyoming Geological Association
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Allochthons Along the Northeast Margin of the Snake River Plain, Idaho
Betty Skipp, M. H. Hait Jr.
Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources in the Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt
Richard B. Powers
Auburn Hot Springs, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Bern S. Hinckley, Roy M. Breckenridge
Causes and Consequences of Curvature in the Sevier Orogenic Belt, Utah to Montana
Edward C. Beutner
The Cenozoic of the Snake River Plain of Idaho
Mont M. Warner
Collapsed Diapiric Structures and Their Potential Economic Significance, Indianola, Utah
David M. Runyon
Comparison of the Peterson and Draney Limestones, Idaho and Wyoming, and the Calcareous Members of the Kootenai Formation, Western Montana
Melody R. Holm, W. Calvin James, Lee J. Suttner
The Craven Creek Field, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Stephen B. Evans, William J. Barrett
Deformation in Ramp Regions of Overthrust Faults: Experiments with Small-Scale Rock Models
James Morse
Development Geology of Pineview Field, Summit County, Utah
D. C. Conner, R. J. Covlin
Diagenesis of the Nugget Sandstone: Western Wyoming and North-Central Utah
J. A. Pacht
Dinosaur Canyon Member of the Triassic Moenave Formation of Southwest Utah
John Daniel Davis
Geologic History of the Devonian Northern Alberta to Southwest Arizona
Gerald G. Loucks
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Co-Op Creek Quadrangle, Wasatch County, Utah
Gary K. Astin
Geology of the Hoback Peak Area in the Overthrust Belt, Lincoln and Sublette Counties, Wyoming
Claude Max Froidevaux
Geology of the Skull Point Mine Area, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Robert T. Bozzuto
Geothermal Investigations in Idaho — Part 6
John C. Mitchell
Gold Content of the Pass Peak Formation and Other Rocks in the Rocky Mountain Overthrust Belt, Northwestern Wyoming
J. C. Antweiler, J. D. Love, W. L. Campbell
Gravity Modeling of the Wyoming Thrust Belt at 45° N. Latitude
John A. Morel
Interpretations of the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma
John Wickman
The Kemmerer Coal Field Update
Louis A. Engstrom
Mississippian Carbonate Shelf Margins, Western United States
Peter R. Rose
The Moxa Arch, an Overthrust Model?
Phillip H. Wach
The Overthrust Belt Salient of the Cordilleran Fold Belt, Western Wyoming-Southeastern Idaho-Northeastern Utah
D. L. Blackstone Jr.
Paleozoic Shelf-Margins and Marginal Basins, Western Rocky Mountains-Great Basin, United States
James A. Peterson
Petrography and Stratigraphy of Productive Beds in the Morgan Formation, Church Buttes Unit No. 19, Southwest Wyoming
M. Dane Picard
The Petrology and Reservoir Capabilities of the Cretaceous Tygee Member of the Bear River Formation in Southeastern Idaho
James Edward Kamis
The Petrology and Reservoir Capabilities of the Jurassic Nugget Sandstone in Southeastern Idaho
James Edward Kamis
Petrology of the Jurassic Nugget Sandstone, Northeast Utah and Southwest Wyoming
M. Dane Picard
Photoelastic Model Studies of Thrust Fault Initiation
J. J. Gallagher Jr., W. D. Rizer
Post Pennsylvanian Potential Source Rocks and Reservoir Rocks of Central Utah
George E. Young
Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of Part of the Northern Disturbed Belt, Lewis and Clark, Teton, Pondera, Glacier, Flathead, and Powell Counties, Montana
Melville R. Mudge, Robert L. Earhart, Dudley D. Rice
Rocky Mountain Thrust Belt Geology and Resources; 29th Annual Field Conference Guidebook
E. L. (Roy) Heisey, Don E. Lawson, Earl R. Norwood, Phillip H. Wach, Lyle A. Hale
Ryckman Creek Field, Uinta County, Wyoming
John M. Kelly, Frank O. Hine
Seismicity and the Possibility of Earthquake Related Landslides in the Teton-Gros Ventre-Jackson Hole Area, Wyoming
R. B. Smith, J. R. Pelton, J. D. Love
Significance of Surface Structure in Tertiary Strata for Part of the Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt
J. F. Conrad
Some New Perspectives on the Old Nugget Oil Fields of the LaBarge Platform
Suzanne Webel
Stratigraphic-Tectonic Implications of a New, Earliest Eocene, Mammalian Faunule from Central Western Wyoming
John A. Dorr Jr., James R. Steidtmann
Stratigraphy of the Frontier Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Kemmerer Area, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Robert Craig Myers
Stratigraphy of the Madison Group (Mississippian) in the Northern Part of the Wyoming-Idaho Overthrust Belt and Adjacent Areas
William J. Sando
Structural Development of the Round Mountain Area, Uinta County, Wyoming
Dan M. Worral
Structural Geology in the Eastern Margin of the Canadian Rocky Mountains
Clinton D. A. Dahlstrom
The Structural Geology of the Aspen Tunnel Area, Uinta County, Wyoming
William R. Cook III
Structural Geology of the Ryckman Creek Anticline Area, Lincoln and Uinta Counties, Wyoming
John S. Vietti
Structural Pattern of the Centennial Mountains, Montana-Idaho
Irving J. Witkind
Styles of Deformation in the Ramp Regions of Overthrust Faults
Sandro Serra
Summary of Middle Ordovician Stratigraphy and Tectonics, Northern Utah, Southern and Central Idaho
Robert Q. Oaks Jr., W. Calvin James, G. Gregory Francis, Warren J. Schulingkamp II
Summary of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic Stratigraphy, and of Tectonic and Glacial Events in Jackson Hole, Northwestern Wyoming
J. D. Love
Surface Expression of Concentric Folds and Apparent Detachment Zone (Decollement) Near Cokeville, Wyoming
J. F. Conrad
The Tectonic and Synorogenic Depositional History of the Hoback Basin and Adjacent Areas
J. A. Dorr Jr., D. R. Spearing, J. R. Steidtmann
Underthrusting Origin for Thrust-Fold Belts with Application to the Idaho-Wyoming Belt
James D. Lowell
Update on the Hams Fork Coal Region
Gary B. Glass