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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 16 (1932)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 799

Last Page: 808

Title: Oil Associated with Igneous Rocks in Mexico

Author(s): E. DeGolyer (2)


Many of the thousands of oil seepages in Mexico are connected with various forms of ferromagnesian igneous intrusions. Most of them occur in the Tampico embayment. The Furbero oil field produces from a laccolith of gabbro and from overlying metamorphosed shale. Igneous activity in the Tampico-Tuxpam region has provided channels along which oil rises to the surface and has furnished the heat which is so characteristic of the oils and oil-field waters of the region. The larger intrusions and the metamorphism of contiguous shales furnished traps as well as channels for migration.

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