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AAPG Bulletin
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Sidney Powers
Nature and Origin of Occurrences of Oil, Gas, and Bitumen in Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
Sidney Powers , Frederick G. Clapp
Natural Gas, Salt, and Gypsum in Pre-Cambrian Rocks at Edwards, New York
John S. Brown
Possible Origin of Graphite in Some Ancient Quartzites, Slates, and Schists, in Virginia
Justus H. Cline
Bitumen in Nonesuch Formation of Keweenawan Series of Northern Michigan
Charles G. Carlson
Oil Fields in Igneous Rocks in Coastal Plain of Texas
E. H. Sellards
Occurrence of Oil in Crystalline Rocks in Colorado
F. M. Van Tuyl , R. L. McLaren
Occurrence of Oil in Metamorphic Rocks of San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, California
Arthur B. Brown, W. S. W. Kew
Oil Seepages in Belt Series of Rocky Mountains Near International Boundary
Theodore A. Link
Occurrence of Bitumen in Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Robert M. Kleinpell
Oil Associated with Igneous Rocks in Mexico
E. DeGolyer
Occurrence of Oil in Igneous Rocks of Cuba
J. Whitney Lewis
Oil Seepages and Oil Production Associated with Volcanic Plugs in Mendoza Province, Argentina
F. H. Lahee
Oil in Limagne Area, France
L. Barrabe
Taranaki Oil Field, New Zealand
Frederick G. Clapp
Notes on Minor Occurrences of Oil, Gas, and Bitumen with Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
Sidney Powers